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Tatooine Bonus Series Not Triggering After KOTFE Release


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So after KOTFE came out, I decided to start over from the beginning with some new characters, and I noticed once I finished the main story on Tatooine, the Bonus Series wasn't triggering...for ANY of my characters for EITHER Faction. I've tried logging back out and back in, changing instances, leaving the planet and coming back, but NOTHING has worked! Am I missing something, was something changed after KOTFE came out? Any info/help would be appreciated!
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Here's what I've learned so far in regards to the many, many quest bugs I've experienced in the last few weeks of play. A lot of the bonus series don't start. It seems that now you must complete chapter 1, in order to start the bonus series on many of the planets. However there is a problem that does present itself after that, which I didn't realize until about the time I reached Voss.


Once you complete chapter 1, and open up the bonus series, chapter 2 worlds like Hoth, Voss, have the quest giver for the bonus series available from the get go with out even finishing the world. I actually did the Hoth bonus series with out realizing it. Wondering to myself isn't this the bonus series part? I didn't realize there were normal quests here prior to finishing the world. O well, and I did them all. Belmora & Belsavis did not do this (thus why I was confused with not getting the Hoth bonus missions) when I got to Voss, I saw the bonus mission guy from the get go, and was like wait ***? It finally made sense as to what happened on Hoth. I don't know about Correlia yet as I haven't reached it, but it shouldn't be hard to figure it out once I do.


Hope that helps, as that's only 1 of the many problems I've noticed, but it's the one you asked about so.

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