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Some People Just Need Killing (BH class mission) BUGGED


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I have ejected back to the tyrant, but the mission does not update.


It allows me to go to the Tyrant, but there are no objectives there. The mission is just grayed out with no updates.


i've tried resetting phase, resetting the mission, and nothing works. I can understand you guys not fixing class balance or even touching pvp but this is your bread and butter.


Fix it.

Edited by JourrnoRush
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Having the same problem and have posted on another thread here as well. The devs need to realize the temperary fix of reseting the mission does not work for everyone experiencing this issue. Worse it seems this has been a problem since launch. This game has been around for almost 4 years. Why is this still a problem? Edited by TheDevillYouKnow
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Same here. So now I can neither finish my Bounty Hunter's class quest NOR my Sith Warrior's - because I had suffered from the "quest missing" bug for more than 3 weeks and once it was restored I am now missing 2 companions. Well done, Bioware - KotFE had obviously been playtested a whole 18 seconds, because if it was more you should fire your testers.
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