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Bug: Unable to "Exit to Dromund Kaas"


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Unable to "Exit to Dromund Kaas" from Dromund Kaas Stronghold on new toon. Level 15 Sith Warrior and level 16 Sith Sorcerer, completed level 15 Stronghold introduction mission (listened to the Stronghold propaganda). Then went to the Stronghold Directory. However, even though I did that, my toons are still unable to "Exit to Dromund Kaas" from the Dromund Kaas Stronghold." Note: both toons haven't got their starships either. That might have something to do with it.
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Yes, obviously that is in fact because you haven't yet finished your story on the capital to get your ship. From level 1 all the way up to whenever you get your ship, your only stronghold exit options are "return to previous location" and "exit to fleet". They disable the options to "exit to stronghold's planet" and "exit to ship". (Actually, at 1 fleet is probably disabled too since they don't let you use the shuttle to leave your starter planet until at least 7. I forget. Anyway, the stronghold intro mission doesn't become available until 15 but it is not a prerequisite for stronghold access. You can jump to stronghold immediately on a fresh level 1.)
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Unable to "Exit to Dromund Kaas" from Dromund Kaas Stronghold on new toon. Level 15 Sith Warrior and level 16 Sith Sorcerer, completed level 15 Stronghold introduction mission (listened to the Stronghold propaganda). Then went to the Stronghold Directory. However, even though I did that, my toons are still unable to "Exit to Dromund Kaas" from the Dromund Kaas Stronghold." Note: both toons haven't got their starships either. That might have something to do with it.

Yes, this is normal. It's an oddity, sure, but it's like that for all characters without starships. Even though you can get to DK by other means than the starship, they treat it the same as e.g. the Tatooine SH, where you would be unable to get off Tatooine. Sure, go-to-fleet, but if your pass is on cooldown, you're stuck on a planet which is a good dozen levels too high for you for nearly an hour. Can you imagine the support tickets that would arise from that? (And yes, I think there are people stupid enough not to just jump back into their SH and exit-to-fleet.)

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