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Having some frustration with decorations from Cartel Market


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I just started a new guild stronghold, wanted to decorate and the first thing I did wrong was, I had added my decorations to my inventory not knowing that would make it impossible to put in the guild stronghold. Okay, lesson learned. Then I went to the Cartel Market, spent a thousand coins to buy the utility bundle, didn't bind it this time but now the stupid things won't go in the donation box for the guild bank because it says it is bound to me for one day 12 hrs. Oh for goodness sake. Now what? When that time is up, will that stuff be able to go in the guild bank so I can use it in the guild stronghold? I don't mean to sound grumpy I just need to know how it works, seems a bit clunky this way. Help please.
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I just started a new guild stronghold, wanted to decorate and the first thing I did wrong was, I had added my decorations to my inventory not knowing that would make it impossible to put in the guild stronghold. Okay, lesson learned. Then I went to the Cartel Market, spent a thousand coins to buy the utility bundle, didn't bind it this time but now the stupid things won't go in the donation box for the guild bank because it says it is bound to me for one day 12 hrs. Oh for goodness sake. Now what? When that time is up, will that stuff be able to go in the guild bank so I can use it in the guild stronghold? I don't mean to sound grumpy I just need to know how it works, seems a bit clunky this way. Help please.


Yeah, that's how most Cartel Market items work, pretty much. It has a certain bind timer (36 hours is usually what it is I'm pretty sure, at least for subscribers) after which you can freely sell it or donate it to your guild or what not.

Edited by The-Kaitou-Kid
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when timer expires, drag the items to Donate Box in guild bank and click YES to confirm (which unlike most confirmation buttons in the game is on the RIGHT side of pop-up window)


BTW, all decorations from Cartel Packs (as in not bundles/individually purchased decorations for coins) have donate option from your own Decor Collection. So if you get say, Theron Shan Statue from Underworld Alliance Pack, it's better to click it for youself, then just pay 50k for seventeen copies donated to guild ship. All prices are 25-75k max for Cartel Packs decorations, even the biggest items like Dragon Skeleton

Edited by Pietrastor
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okay. well I can live with that. I opened the container but didn't click on the items themselves, hope that will be all right. Thank you for responding


That's actually the smarter thing to do if you intend to donate to your guild. When the container was unbound you'd have been able to put it on the GTN or trade it, but then if you'd opened it you'd have had to wait again since the items within will also have bind timers. So there's no point waiting for the container's bind timer to end if you're wanting to donate to your guild or something, opening it starts the bind timers for the stuff within and thus gets those done quicker. Those timers work the same way so once they're up you can donate to your guild or sell on the GTN or what have you.

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