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You can play a story-focused game and still want play on the highest difficulty level. Your argument is invalid. (Played all BW games on highest difficulty, didnt decrease my enjoyment in any way)


you can and you also don't have to to use that high level influence companion to get the difficulty you want in story. Use that level one and it will not be as easy and the only new solo content you got besides story (aka star fortress) will also not be finished with ease.


This nerf is nothing but a decrease in fun and entertainment in a grindy area of the game that just didn't need it to be more grind while you hit 4 year old content. Knowing that if someone really wanted the game to take up more time (confused with challenge) they could just use a lower level influence companion, that option was there and BW didn't have to screw with everyone's fun and enjoyment.


All that tells me is those gamers didn't really want the challenge they claim to want so bad.

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I didnt exactly see hordes on max-lv people doing random heroics on lowbie planets and stealing all their kills before kotfe :p


You would see some max characters in -5 level content from time to time because they still got exp from it or if the Conquest event gave points from them. That said, before the 4.0 patch that made it so Max levels had to run heroics to advance their alliance, I can count the number of times I saw a max level doing under level 40 heroics on one hand.

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I think I never posted anything on the official forums but this topic is the first I feel the need to express my dissatisfaction.


I am a fairly casual player with only a medium amount of playing time each week who loves to do stuff without absolutely maximizing my character or reading guides for hours. I really loved the companions pre patch because they allowed me to to feel really powerful and enjoy the game more than ever before. I imidiately subbed for an additional 3 months because I thought I could have a tremendous amount of fun with the game only to wake up and see that my whole gameplay now feels different, slow, tidious and bad.


I cannot express in words how dissapointed I am in this nerf, The really strong companions let me experience the game in a way I could never before and now this all seems gone. I would really like for the developers to rethink the decision because there were so many ways for players to increase their difficulty level and challenge level without destroying the fun of more casual gamers.:(

Edited by Saralas
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Eric, you ask for feedback, and what I see is appalling, when last night this thread had over 1400 replies and this morning its down to 1017, so you are moderating the thread and what... removing all the ones you feel isnt necessary,

Whats the deal? Bad form old boy .. bad form. No matter how you try justify the change, or remove threads because you feel its too revealing.. the point is paying customers are not happy with the product. I find the removal of threads disturbing


And you know these posts removed were not off-topic people bad-mouthing each others how..?

Because last time i saw them do that it was for that reason.

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2 toons with most experience with 4.02


Toon 1

Your level: 65

Roughly Average Item Rating: All 208 (vendor) with a 216 weapon (crafted)

Discipline: Sith Sorcerer - Lightening

Companion: blonde or brunette gals

Companion role: Tank, Tank

Companion Influence level: blonde = 15, brunette = 12

Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?)

- Class and Heroic 2+ content - trying to gear up for FP content

Your personal experience while playing this content

Pre-patch I would occasionally die from stupidity (pulling too many mobs or pulling before the tank or attacking a mob not held by the tank's attention - my fault - no problem)

Post-patch tank takes more damage from unavoidable pulls in Heroic 2+ in a level 38-40 area than I can heal her for, dies, and I get rushed by the rest of the pull and die in short order as I cannot heal fast enough, run away fast enough, do damages fast enough before they stomp me - BORING! Rage quit after 3 attempts with the same result trying to change my tactics each time



Toon 2

Your level: ~30

Roughly Average Item Rating: Mostly green levelling gear with 2-4 blues from lower level Heroic 2+ reward chests

Discipline: Jedi Twin Blade (first time I've ever played republic jedi toon this long)

Companion: default female

Companion role:Heals

Companion Influence level: 5 maybe - not certain

Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?)

- Class and Heroic 2+ content - trying to finish class story and get to max level aiming to solo content FPs at that time

Your personal experience while playing this content

Pre-patch Died once or twice from non-responsive Companionism, but when she was on, with care I could jump into the melee pulls with 2 elites and 4 other mobs on me and survive the fight if only just with her healing me back immediately after so I could move on to the next pull immediately with little or no interuption to the flow of my game play - perfect!

Post-patch If the companion pulled anything they're just dead. I will last a little longer but I cannot heal myself enough with medpacks (nor do I wish to spam them if I did have a short cool down on them - why else would I be offered a healing companion?) BORING! If only I pulled the agro and the healer actually healed in a normal pull of a Heroic 2+ we would both barely survive each pull which made the entire thing take a much longer time, be a much less enjoyable, and much more tedious experience - please note a didn't say more difficult! I still won the fight, but I had to stand around for 15 seconds after each encounter healing, and then repeating the process.


I am very angry and disappointed with this change. I am a founder who was driven away by exactly this kind of thing previously. I thought, oh yeah I'll give it another try - maybe it's better - and it was - it was awesome! I was loving every bit of it! I even started playing republic characters seriously after previously ignoring the completely! And only 5 weeks later you patched it back to the way it was when I left before. Thanks a bunch. THAT's my experience with this patch. FIX IT for heaven's sake. You've had 2 chances with me and blown them. Fixing this is your last chance at redemption with me, because I will never come back.


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To the people about to cancel their accounts because of the companion nerf: i don't want to see you go but i do not think you came here to stay anyways.


OR there just unhappy with bad decisions made on the developer/designer end that clearly needed more testing before being rolled out with player feedback.


I mean, How many times do you need to sing that same song of poor patches and bug and design before you get with one that was just to much? That could easily be right now given how bad this nerf was as well as how bad it was handled and tested.


The nerf was too much. Poorly tested and more poorly thought out for just how much damage it would do to the players. Both in how they see the game and the fun and entertainment they were having which is no longer the case.


A nerf like this wasn't needed in this grindy area of the game as we do 4 year old content and one new heroic 2.

Edited by Quraswren
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you can and you also don't have to to use that high level influence companion to get the difficulty you want in story. Use that level one and it will not be as easy and the only new solo content you got besides story (aka star fortress) will also not be finished with ease.

I did. Didnt increase influience of any of the companions you get from star-fortress heroics and used them to grind the kills achieves for them.

My presence is still very high though, and I cant really decrease that myself.


This nerf is nothing but a decrease in fun and entertainment in a grindy area of the game that just didn't need it to be more grind while you hit 4 year old content. Knowing that if someone really wanted the game to take up more time (confused with challenge) they could just use a lower level influence companion, that option was there and BW didn't have to screw with everyone's fun and enjoyment.


All that tells me is those gamers didn't really want the challenge they claim to want so bad.

Well when the entertainment was to corner pull every mob in heroic instance at the same time and aoe them to death to save time and get to the next part I'd say with the OP companions difficulty level of planet heroics didnt actually increase at all with sync, even if lvappropriate now. I really wanted to do the mechanics again, but i guess not.. :(

Comp nerf atlreast helped a bit on that part.

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LVL65 Sorcerer ilvl 208 ((except jevelry and relics)

LVL29 Khem Val (Tank stance)


At least half H2+ no more doable for me without multiple deaths (haven't tested latest datadisc content because I haven't apropriete story done)


I'm pure casual player who resubscribed because of changes in 4.0.

Now I can only see my money moved into 4.0.2 trash.


Please put companions back at least at theirs 50% powers like in 4.0.

Game is now solo unfriendly and I haven't reason to extend my sub.

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I did. Didnt increase influience of any of the companions you get from star-fortress heroics and used them to grind the kills achieves for them.

My presence is still very high though, and I cant really decrease that myself.


No you cannot lower presence but a lower level influence companion would have given you the challenge you wanted in star fortress and some heroics (as we both know some area just stupidly easy so no matter what you would clear them)

Well when the entertainment was to corner pull every mob in heroic instance at the same time and aoe them to death to save time and get to the next part

You mean the same thing we do in OPS to quickly get though crap and get to the real interesting parts.


Thats not a problem nor does having an "over geared" so to speak, powerful companion cause a problem with what you just mentioned. That kind of play is just simply fun and entertainment in an already very grindy and old area of the game.


Lets not screw fun and entertainment doing that old of content shall we.


You don't want to pull like that and be effective then don't. I know many an ops group that don't do it but could. You want more "challenge" use a low companion. You presence didn't make that much difference doing heroics much less star fortress.



I'd say with the OP companions difficulty level of planet heroics didnt actually increase at all with sync, even if lvappropriate now. I really wanted to do the mechanics again, but i guess not.. :(

Comp nerf at least helped a bit on that part.


Then like I said, use one of those 22 companions that are level 1. Even at your presence some of those heroics would be harder. You'll get all the time wasting, so called challenge, lets pretend the mechanic really matter in a 4 year old grindy heroic that you want.

Edited by Quraswren
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* 65 Sniper, Marksman spec (Also 65 Gunslinger in Saboteur spec, 65 gunslinger in sharpshooter spec, and 65 Sorcerer in lightning spec) All with 50 companions.

- Full 220 armor set, 216 mainhand and offhand weapons with 220 barrel/hilt in main. 216 earpiece and implants, 208 relics. All pieces augmented with 208 mastery augments

- 50 influence “Deadeye” Leyta in heal spec. (DPS spec was suicidal)

- Character has all currently available companions



* Leveling – N/A

* KOTFE Chapters – Character leveled on day 1 when companions were OP. That they were strong made the story tolerable, since without stealth we had to pretty much kill everything we saw. I enjoyed the story because I was made to feel “epic.”

* Heroic 2 – Still *generally* easy on low level planets, but on Belsavis, Voss, etc., my companion is now just incapable of keeping up with incoming damage. Rather than do heroics in these areas, I’ve chosen instead to just farm boxes on lowbie planets.

* Star Fortress – Completed on day 1 with OP companion. Easily cleared with 186/208 gear mix. No reason to repeat since.

* Heroic Star Fortress – Until Tuesday I soloed this without issues and without dying. I had fun despite receiving “trash” 208 drops. Since “the Great SWTOR Companion Nerf of 2015,” I’ve been unable to complete this solo, even if using the terminal at the start of the instance. My companion can only heal for approx 1% of my HP, while knights, etc. are hitting me multiple times for much, much more damage. Shield probe is great, but is near useless under those circumstances. Current H2+ Star Fortress status: FAILED

* “The One and Only” – Last week I completed a H2+ Star Fortress solo without using the buff terminal. After killing the final boss, I was unable to loot because the drops seem to have materialized below the floor level. I relogged, looted, but received no title. FAIL. With the current nerf status, I doubt I’ll work to complete this.



I realize that Bioware wants to “stretch” content, but nerfing our companions was the wrong way to do that.


Over the past four years many of us have grown attached to our original companions. (You know, the ones that you decided we should no longer have?) “OP” companions helped to get us past that loss by allowing us to participate in content that many of us “casuals” were excluded from. We could finally do things to gear up without being laughed at by OPS groups, or kicked from HM flashpoints. My OP companion allowed me to be a player rather than just another casual scrub, and that somewhat made up for my empty ship that was once “alive” with MY crew,


Post 4.0.2 many of us are at a loss. Our crew is gone, our ship is empty, and we’re relegated to second class status once again by Bioware. In the past it wasn’t as big an issue because we could always craft our own gear, but after 4.0 Bioware has pretty much gated ALL 200+ gear behind Conquest, HM flashpoints and OPS, which has totally demolished the game that many of us enjoyed. Now we have no armor we can craft, and are limited in where we can grind for upgrades.


There’s little doubt that Bioware thinks that this is the best solution, but many of us are standing up to tell you that we absolutely disagree. Destroying a casual friendly game isn’t the answer. As things are, I don’t even feel like logging in anymore. Is that your intended business model?

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To the people about to cancel their accounts because of the companion nerf: i don't want to see you go but i do not think you came here to stay anyways.


What about me, if I cancel my account?, I have been here for about 3 years, between level sync and the companion nerf (should it stay as it is) pushes me to the limit of my ability to play the game which is simply not fun FOR ME!! why not cancel my account and stop paying a subscription to a game I no longer find fun? being a perma-sub the whole time I have played the game indicates I was here to stay.

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Please give us your feedback, and we simply ask you to be as constructive as possible. Include information such as:


Your level - 65

Roughly Average Item Rating - 208

Discipline - Gunslinger

Companion - Nico Okarr

Companion role - Tank/Heals

Companion Influence level - 20

Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?) - Planet Heroics, SF Solo

Your personal experience while playing this content - When companion is in tank role, I have no issues that can readily seen. However, when companion is put into Heal role, like when taking on a champion, they will stand there sometimes, spazzing out, not using abilities, and I will get real close to dying. I have about 70% of the datacrons including fleet and Makeb +10's, all companions were unlocked prior to 4.0, so Presence should be through the roof right now.


Your level - 22

Roughly Average Item Rating - 50 something (lvl18 or 22 mods i think)

Discipline - Juggernaut

Companion - Vette

Companion role - Heal

Companion Influence level - 8

Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?) - Planet Heroics and level content

Your personal experience while playing this content - I've taken a juggernaut tank and guardian tank through their story in pre-4.0 without a lot of problems. However, now, taking a new juggernaut through, there are issues. Vette can't seem to heal fast enough, and especially in heroics, like the 3 champion one on Balmorha, I've wiped.

I tried last night on Firestar champion by not putting guard on Vette, and it appeared she would heal herself before me, and then start spazzing out. I was keeping an eye out for the green heal fly-text, but it just didn't seem to be there most of the time, so other than watching bars drop, I couldn't tell what she was doing most of the time.


Before 4.0, I could at least craft up purple modifications and put them into orange gear for myself and the companions, and have some knowledge that the numbers should be on my side for dealing with content. Yes I want some challenge to leveling and trying to do planet heroics solo, but being tedious and time consuming is not challenging. praying that the RNG will crit a heal or hit so a fight can go smoother is not challenging. a basic understanding of your class is definitely necessary, but we have companions for a reason. to be helpers based on the chosen classes and disciplines we pick, to augment the experience, and not be crutches as some believe.


I do not want companions to go back to 4.0 numbers, they were definitely over-powered. However, the 75% drop in effectiveness has put them on par with pre-4.0 companions wearing no gear!

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OR there just unhappy with bad decisions made on the developer/designer end that clearly needed more testing before being rolled out with player feedback.


I mean, How many times do you need to sing that same song of poor patches and bug and design before you get with one that was just to much? That could easily be right now given how bad this nerf was as well as how bad it was handled and tested.


The nerf was too much. Poorly tested and more poorly thought out for just how much damage it would do to the players. Both in how they see the game and the fun and entertainment they were having which is no longer the case.


A nerf like this wasn't needed in this grindy area of the game as we do 4 year old content and one new heroic 2.


Thank you for getting it Quraswren. You are a blessing in disguise!

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Yup well said, its is not up to other players to say how good or bad you are or whether or not you should be able to complete this or that.


indeed, just logging this morning to see how this feedback thread is going, indeed noticing how toxic the environment is here... as i have mentioned in another thread, the lack of forum moderators to keep discussion on topic is totally absent.

those that have not left yet and are complying with Eric's wishes for feedback are getting harassed, picked on, bullied, etc...


yup, leaves me to think cash grab and vacation bonuses for all...

Edited by khonaan
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Sorcerer : 65 dps

Gear : 208-220

Companion : Niko

Companion Influence/Rank : 19

Run Companion as : Tank

Heroic tried : All of Heroics+2 for Voss & Hoth & Tatooine & Nah Shadaa

Ran them all with my guy and they where all easly done, just make sure you don't get to many on you and your good, Havent tried a Star Fortress yet after the nerf but as I can see as long as you run your companion as a tank I had no problems With those planet Heroics..


Commando : 65 dps

Gear : 208-220

Companion : Niko

Companion Influence/Rank : 22

Run Companion as : Healer

Heroic tried : All of Heroics+2 for Voss & Hoth & Tatooine & Nah Shadaa

Ok I had major problems running all the Heroics with my Companion as a healer, for one he could not keep his heals up with me at all and he started to get hit well forget about him ever healing you again, he will heal himself to full before he even thinks about throwing you a heal by far the worst nerf I ever seen to anything in this game,,, Have not tried a Star Fortress & WILL NOT try one with a companion as a healer wont run it till they fix the heals for them,,,,Companions run as healers are basicly useless ,,DO NOT RUN THEM AS HEALER,,, You been warned..


Gunslinger : 65 dps

Gear : 208-220

Companion : Niko

Companion Influence/Rank : 17

Run Companion as : Tank

Heroic tried : All of Heroics+2 for Voss & Hoth & Tatooine & Nah Shadaa

Ran them all with my guy and they where all easly done, just make sure you don't get to many on you and your good, Havent tried a Star Fortress yet after the nerf but as I can see as long as you run your companion as a tank I had no problems With those planet Heroics..

Edited by Legolose
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Level 65 Gunslinger using Saboteur discipline and 216/220/224 6 pc set accompanied by influence 50 Lana Beniko soloing Heroic Starfortress was a bit hairy on a couple of occasions (also used the alliance supplied turret twice). I wont say what I parse because I'm afraid they will nerf my discipline too, but suffice to say I'm easily in the top 90th percentile. I'm not going to throw around insults at the devs and cry like pvp'ers do constantly because despite the occasional missteps I do love the game and have always supported it. Were the companions OP before the nerf, yes, were they game breaking, no. A small nerf would probably have improved overall gameplay for the casual player but as has happened so many times before when the tool required was a scalpel the devs broke out a chainsaw. Imo a performance reduction of 20 to 25 percent would have been fine but now they are only 25% as effective as they were before and the fun of the new companions is gone. You should implement a MotD type system that takes a quick poll when you log in to get feedback on these matters instead of listening to the small but VERY VOCAL minority of crybabies who whine incessantly on the forums. I'll still be playing until you suck all the fun out of the game but as far as companions go you screwed up on this one.
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Except you don't need OP companions for any of the story.


Maybe you don't need them, but you'd want them, if you see the combat only as a distraction from the story.


Let's start to be honest here, combat vs. AI opponents can be a lot of things: grindy, time consuming, boring or fresh, fast-paced, fun.


If you want a challenge, I'd recommend you pick up a few particle physics books or start learning the violin, among other things.

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I understand the companions were a little overpowered but others have made valid points about the way companions heal and it needs to be addressed.


The thing that is really bugging me is you are forcing us into this huge, BORING heroic grind and you want it to be harder. You guys didn't really add anything to the game outside of the story. Instead, you forced people to do quests that most of us never wanted to do in the first place. Making the companions less effective is just making this more boring.


I was excited going through the story and waiting to see what was next. I am at the end and grinding through heroics, camping mobs for companions, knowing I will never do the star fortress because I need a group, now dealing with the nerfs making the heroic grind longer. I am having a hard time staying engaged with the game. Each day I have to fight to log on because I really don't want to grind. IT IS FLAT OUT BORING!!!

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No you cannot lower presence but a lower level influence companion would have given you the challenge you wanted in star fortress and some heroics (as we both know some area just stupidly easy so no matter what you would clear them)


You don't want to pull like that and be effective then don't. I know many an ops group that don't do it but could. You want more "challenge" use a low companion. You presence didn't make that much difference doing heroics much less star fortress.


Then like I said, use one of those 22 companions that are level 1. Even at your presence some of those heroics would be harder. You'll get all the time wasting, so called challenge, lets pretend the mechanic really matter in a 4 year old grindy heroic that you want.

Sigh you are so dismissive.

I have been using a low companion like i just said. However, this negates the great thing this expansion gave us- ability to summon any companion you liked the best rather than the one that complemented my class the best. I love Scourge, I have wanted him to be effective dps for ages already, now he is, and now i shoudln use him because I'm too good and got influence with him? pff logic


Remember those heroic bossfights as lowbies where you had to kite and interrupt spesific skills in order to kill them before they killed you on lv-appropriate lowbi fight? Well they barely get a single cast trough because you kill them so fast already.

Thats what I'm talking about when I wanted lv-apropriate old content with mechanics included.


I have my ways of making stuff more entertaining for myself, like unsummoning companions or going without appropriate gear. But having to make up ways to entertain yourself because you're "too good" for the game is just a silly thing for a videogame in this century.

Not to mention they also completely nerfed SM ops so pug raids arent that entertaining anymore either, and decreased difficulty of most HMs too. Revan is a bit of a joke now haha.

Edited by Kiesu
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I haven't tried the supposed soloable H2 star fortress fp yet.


Doing plantery heroics I find that my vanguard seems fine with the harder fights having him end at 50% health. on my dps toons it ranges anyplace from 50% or below health with companion healing. Have not tried a healing toon yet.


The one thing that has always been an issue with this game and their "Metrics" is what looks right on paper doesn't always feel right in the real world.


After playing this game since beta the biggest issues I have seen always revole around how things work in pve versus pvp. Honestly seems it would be easier for the devs to have coding on the pvp servers that allows them to adjust things, seen it a lot in other games where skills work different in pvp vs pve. everytime anything causes pvp to become unbalanced then pve pays the price to fix something that should be adjusted on pvp only.

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I understand the companions were a little overpowered but others have made valid points about the way companions heal and it needs to be addressed.


The thing that is really bugging me is you are forcing us into this huge, BORING heroic grind and you want it to be harder. You guys didn't really add anything to the game outside of the story. Instead, you forced people to do quests that most of us never wanted to do in the first place. Making the companions less effective is just making this more boring.


I was excited going through the story and waiting to see what was next. I am at the end and grinding through heroics, camping mobs for companions, knowing I will never do the star fortress because I need a group, now dealing with the nerfs making the heroic grind longer. I am having a hard time staying engaged with the game. Each day I have to fight to log on because I really don't want to grind. IT IS FLAT OUT BORING!!!


Totally agree keekee. You know because of this nerf I'm not even going to bother buying the CM to get Treek the Ewok now and I really wanted him but after what I had to endure after the patch to get HK-51... He's not worth it even if he's a lvl 10 thing. Screw it...

Edited by DarthEnrique
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Totally agree keekee. You know because of this nerf I'm not even going to bother buying the CM to get Treek the Ewok now and I really wanted him but after what I had to endure after the patch to get HK-51... He's not worth it even if he's a lvl 10 thing. Screw it...
Just to throw a note out there Treek is a "She" not a "He" but as to go with what your saying is that the Heroic+2 that is are dailies now can be ran if you use your companion as a tank, at least its worked with me so far on my range dps guys so, but I wouldn't try the Star Fortress' on Heroic mode yet till they fix the heals... Edited by Legolose
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Your level - 65

Roughly Average Item Rating - 208 (tier 2 PvP)

Discipline - Merc (Arsenal)

Companion - Pierce

Companion role - Heals

Companion Influence level - 38

Which Mission or Star Fortress are you playing (Solo Mode? Heroic Mode?) - H2 weeklies and SF Heroic


Your personal experience while playing this content:


SF Heroic is pretty close to the wire now, I have to pull out all the stops, my companion is *completely* unable to keep up with heals which means I have to get very creative with CC and LOS. Doable, but given that these Heroics only drop gear of a LOWER item level than I'm wearing, it seems unbalanced. The risk vs rewards is just wrong, and the time investment is pretty big now - honestly doesn't feel worth running any more, once you have your story quests out of the way. I shudder to think how painful this would be now without a high inf companion trying to complete story. Grindy and not really fun.


H2 Weeklies - They've just become much more grindy with a lot more downtime. Prior to 4.0 I didn't do dailies at all as they weren't fun. When 4.0 hit I was actually doing this for enjoyment. Now I've stopped doing them again.



The key metric here is *fun*. 4.0 made a lot of the PVE content much more fun - I was running both Heroic SFs and H2 weeklies during my PvP downtime. Now I'm just alt-tabbing between warzones again, just like I was in 3.x.


As usual, you've panicked and overreacted. This smells like a rush job that hasn't had the slightest bit of internal playtesting. Great job.

Edited by Jherad
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