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Connection between TOR, Lore and Force Awakens?


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This just in!!!!


First Jessica Chobot is hot.


Second she mentions things that we may have seen before?

I just a conversation about the Emperor with a friend of mine the other day.


My theory is there has only ever been one Emperor. He is disembodied and possess force users that then become his physical form and take the reins of power as Emperor and Sith Lord of some mighty government. TOR has many times used this Emperor and ancient dark side evil. He's occupied two entries at once, Valkorian being his favorite possibly?


If my theory is true he'd even be Palatine. So having him take over Snoke and build up this First Order would be in line with what TOR did with Valkorian as well as taking 30 years to build up a new Empire to take over the galaxy.


She mentions there were rumors of him being disembodied and this too if true could add to the relevance of TORs story of the Emperor as well. Could this also be why JJ came into Bioware's studio to see what they were doing beforehand to either get the just of what they've done or to set them up with the early backstory that the Eternal Empire is an early attempt or seed of the First Order. Another thing that caught my attention was the fact Snoke was designed as a serpent or reptilian in some concept art. There is a faction on Zakuul that worships a snake god, connection?

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