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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Random Loading Screens


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With more play time what seemed random isn't. It looks like I only get it the first time I enter combat after logging on a character. It felt random because I do other things and might be on a while before it happens.


So, to re-iterate, I log into a character, and no matter how long I am on, or what I do, about 10-30 seconds after I enter combat for the first time that session the system gives me some heavy graphical lag, the KOTFE Splash Loading Screen pops up, and after several seconds it goes away, and I don't seem to have any more issues the remainder of that session. I play Full-Screen Windowed if that helps, and this is new since 4.0.2.

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I still have this problem. Yesterday I started playing with my shadow and when I cloaked the game freezes and I have to restart. This happened two times in a row. The third time the loading screen came and I could continue playing. After that it usually works fine. I don't think it has something to do with my pc as this error occured right after patch 4.0.2 (the first fight I did). It also happenes on the ship when I fight the training dummy but is less visible.


I already did a launcher repair.


Intel® Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.4GHz


NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 (current driver)

Windows 10

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