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Been here since beta, was on and off, new companions had me back for good, then nerf


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I have being playing since a few months before RoTHC, I have kept my subscription going ever since.


Even when playing other MMOs, focusing on other games or just plain not playing video games, because I believed this game was going to get better.


I had 8 level capped characters when KoTFE hit, 4 pubs and 4 imps, mirror advance classes (scoundrel/sniper for example) so I can experience all story lines and styles of game play.


The "OP" companions and lvl sync got me to do something I never though possible, I created characters to simply replay the story line with new choices.


Leveling was a breeze! It was no long boring fights I had to stop after each one to heal up in between cut scenes, it was swift murder followed by fun choices for my story.


Now this nerf got me doing what I also thought impossible, I'm cancelling my sub...


It was never about "needing" our "OP" companions because we needed to "L2P" or "Git Gud" it was about convenience and more importantly, it was about *fun*, the content they made easier was never challenging to begin with, this nerf made the fights longer and more tedious, in no way is it more challenging.


I stayed when my whole guild left, I stayed when I could no longer buy my friend the expansion because it's subs only, this is the last straw, they nerfed *fun* to please the vocal minority... I'm out.


not even angry, just sad.




I came into this game at pre launch, i was a pvp player mostly. Having to regrind the same gear, doing the same warzones every couple of months became rather boring. I never cared for the gear grind, I PvP for the PvP.


It got tedious, so I moved on to more PvE. I enjoyed it. There were alot of flashpoints and even legit gear drops, plus most flashpoints were not too long and they did not feel boring or as repetitive as later stuff.


Then level 55; only like 5 flashpoints and a new gear grind, they felt repetitive and when the czerka stuff came out, knock back city and rinse/repeat...gets boring.


So I raided..alot and that is still fun, but its long and a commitment that my family and career life usually dont afford me with as much as I would like.


This whole expansion has provided me a lot to do solo. I want to play alot more often.


The companions dont affect raidings, flashpoints or pvp.....they have just allowed us to get more fun stuff done.

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I don't consider myself elitist or an exceptional gamer. Hell, I take some small degree of pride in being what I'd consider competent. I make it a point to know the role of any toon I play, rotations, gearing, ability synergies, etc.


For me, companion HEALERS in 4.0 were very OP'ed, companion DPS slightly OP'ed, and companion tanks were nothing more than broken high health meat shields.


Companion healers did need a nerf, but rather than a well thought out surgical reduction in ability we got the usual Bioware nuking from orbit.


With a few exceptions that were problematic pre-nerf, the planetary H2's from the finder are *mostly* all still easily doable, with one player and a companion, they just aren't all a total faceroll now.


Heroic star fortress is still doable solo, just much much more difficult than pre-nerf(the self healing exarchs are just brutal solo). And very doable with two players and two comps, not a faceroll, but also not a real problem.


Hell, I do think BW should reclassify H2 Star Fortress as an H4. It can be done solo, but it's like running a brutal marathon now for a solo, and really is ideally for 2 or more players plus comps making it in reality a H4 hiding under the false designation of H2...and as Eric said all of the H2's should be well within the capacity of any player to do with their comp solo, and I think solo HSF is a bit beyond that.

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given you have to have an active Sub to post here no you didn't.


Yes, and one can post until the time already paid for runs out. I cancelled two weeks ago because the OP'ed Companions made the game too boring. I have about 5 more days of time left to post.


I would renew the subscription now that companions have been nerfed, but I'll wait to see if BioWare gives in to the people who just want to press 1 button and watch YouTube, first, and reverses this.

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Same boat as OP.


I know my rotation. I know what to do, when to do it, and how to react when the situation changes. But this? This slog that it's become? No thanks, better things to spend my money on. I don't want a complete revert -- it was overpowered -- but cutting it as much as they did was absurd.

Edited by Zaeha
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Couldn't agree more.


Elitist think they are the best of the best (in game, of course) and make fun of casual players. They are the ones who destroy a friendly game with their elitist attitude.

I have subbed for a few years.

I am pretty good at the game,, But I don't group and don't give it large.

I play for the "Fun" of the game and get bored with a hard slog.


These Elitists forget about Being low level or when they didn't have all the flash

gear and so on. And now believe they are the Be All And End All and that they

Are Right.

I spend several hours a day playing,, They spend Most hours a day playing,,

I prefer existence outside of PC, they prefer their faces glued to the screen.

I am sad that my game has been trashed. But these morons rejoice in the misery

it has caused to so many. They forget, money taken from the game will have repercussions

at some point. It depends on how quick, If at all, BW sorts this out. If they don't, more will go,

that's a given.

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Same boat as OP.


I know my rotation. I know what to do, when to do it, and how to react when the situation changes. But this? This slog that it's become? No thanks, better things to spend my money on. I don't want a complete revert -- it was overpowered -- but cutting it as much as they did was absurd.

I'm with you here. Until they release some real end game content I should be able to solo with my faithful companion. They were overpowered in the last patch but now they're almost useless.


If what they intend is a group experience, I'm not sure it's going to happen. There is at least a dozen other games that provide a better group experience.

Edited by aisaelo
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I canceled and filled out the info explaining it was because of the companion nerf. I want to enjoy the game and look around not micromanage my minion and burn defensive cooldowns and rest every pull.


When I'm exploring and trying to look around and have to deal with the annoying frustration of being dismounted every 7 secs because every square inch of the game has to have a group of mobs on it I want a companion that is strong enough to help me kill them quickly and get through the frustration.


SWTOR needs storymode servers.

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I want to cancel my sub but then I'll miss out on the new chapters they will release every month so I'll come back now and again. I actually enjoyed doing the solo stuff. Sure it was roll your face on keybourd easy but I liked how quick I could complete all of the heroics, move to an alt and do it all over again.
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Learning rotation is incredibly easy now since what ability you need to do is now highlighted in gold on the quick bar. I'm a level 65 Sith Warrior with Quinn healing me and I haven't died once since the companions have been nerfed and I just do the same three basic attacks. I own everything I fight too.
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I canceled and filled out the info explaining it was because of the companion nerf. I want to enjoy the game and look around not micromanage my minion and burn defensive cooldowns and rest every pull.


When I'm exploring and trying to look around and have to deal with the annoying frustration of being dismounted every 7 secs because every square inch of the game has to have a group of mobs on it I want a companion that is strong enough to help me kill them quickly and get through the frustration.


SWTOR needs storymode servers.




Also, the storymode server idea is actually pretty good. I'd love for them to implement that. Would make everyone happy (except maybe the devs).

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OP echoes my thoughts, couldn't find a compelling reason to log in today... I hope tomorrow brings our comps back, anyway, I would advise against waiting for much longer before fixing them. Might go back to Destiny tomorrow.


You've got your feedback, use a PTR for next time.

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Also, the storymode server idea is actually pretty good. I'd love for them to implement that. Would make everyone happy (except maybe the devs).


Then we'd get complaints from vets that it would be the highest pop server and thus reduces the pool of players they can potentially grief on their servers.

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Same as op too.


Been enjoying the game a LOT since KOTFE. I'm currently leveling my 4th alt as it was finally possible to discover all stories in a way that was fun for me. I enjoyed doing some heroics to keep this gear progression feeling too and I was finally able to complete some H4 I was never able to find a group for during vanilla so it was great. I was already avoiding some H2 on my 2nd alts due to them being quite long (easy sure, but still taking quite some time for me, specially ones where you need to kill tons of targets), so I cannot imagine myself touching them ever again if they don't buff our companions. I mean the healers are absolutely useless now. They cannot keep me up against 2 greys targets and some trash...


Not asking for the previous state, which I agree was overpowered, but I'm asking for the game they have been advertising since KOTFE, a solo online rpg, because that's how I enjoy playing this game and that's what I was getting for the last 2 months. Keep the hard content for heroic flashpoints and operations and let the casuals players who are playing this game for fun, for the characters, the stories, because it's *********** star wars having their fun.


I also do not mind the fact that you need to grind their affection level, but what I was also enjoying was the fact that I could change to whichever companion I'd want and never feel like it was dragging me down. I like to switch between companions depending on the planet/mission I'm on, for roleplay reasons and because it was finally possible, don't nerf that too.


I'm keeping my sub for now because I trust they can see this change was a mistake, but if I cannot simply have fun playing this game as it was the case the last weeks, then I'll simply come back once in a while when there's enough content for me and be done in a week with the game again. I still have 3 classes I'd like to level up, I surely won't be doing that without a buff to companions.

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Yes, and one can post until the time already paid for runs out. I cancelled two weeks ago because the OP'ed Companions made the game too boring. I have about 5 more days of time left to post.


I would renew the subscription now that companions have been nerfed, but I'll wait to see if BioWare gives in to the people who just want to press 1 button and watch YouTube, first, and reverses this.

If the game is too easy for you, turn of companion abilities and don't push their influence, what does it matter how other people enjoy the game? And it is seems pretty obvious that you are in a minority, also I have to say, the content I want to be challenging is usually that in which I cannot use companions anyway (like warzones and operations), maybe you should try those also at one point!

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I have being playing since a few months before RoTHC, I have kept my subscription going ever since.


Even when playing other MMOs, focusing on other games or just plain not playing video games, because I believed this game was going to get better.


I had 8 level capped characters when KoTFE hit, 4 pubs and 4 imps, mirror advance classes (scoundrel/sniper for example) so I can experience all story lines and styles of game play.


The "OP" companions and lvl sync got me to do something I never though possible, I created characters to simply replay the story line with new choices.


Leveling was a breeze! It was no long boring fights I had to stop after each one to heal up in between cut scenes, it was swift murder followed by fun choices for my story.


Now this nerf got me doing what I also thought impossible, I'm cancelling my sub...


It was never about "needing" our "OP" companions because we needed to "L2P" or "Git Gud" it was about convenience and more importantly, it was about *fun*, the content they made easier was never challenging to begin with, this nerf made the fights longer and more tedious, in no way is it more challenging.


I stayed when my whole guild left, I stayed when I could no longer buy my friend the expansion because it's subs only, this is the last straw, they nerfed *fun* to please the vocal minority... I'm out.


not even angry, just sad.


This, exactly this. I have been struggling to verbalize (write out) this feeling. It's like for years the wool was over my eyes and then with 4.0 I got to experience true bliss in the game. Then They try to pull the wool back over but I just can't go back to the way it was.

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