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Congrats to the Complainers


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Just wanted to say congrats to all the people who cried and threw a fit about companion being too powerful. As expected bioware came with the extreme nerf making using companions a total joke and making more people rage. We warned you this was going to happen but you all didn't care. Now the rage coming from those who wanted companions nerfed is laughable. All I can say is good job guys and gals. You got what you wanted.
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Just wanted to say congrats to all the people who cried and threw a fit about companion being too powerful. As expected bioware came with the extreme nerf making using companions a total joke and making more people rage. We warned you this was going to happen but you all didn't care. Now the rage coming from those who wanted companions nerfed is laughable. All I can say is good job guys and gals. You got what you wanted.


No offence, but the only crying and complaining I've seen the last three days were by people who wanted to be able to get up and make a cup of coffee while their comps cleared out a room for them.


Projecting much?

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No offence, but the only crying and complaining I've seen the last three days were by people who wanted to be able to get up and make a cup of coffee while their comps cleared out a room for them.


Why do people like you post this sort of thing? You are completely wrong, you have no empathy for other players, you have no respect for anybody. That is absolutely not what anyone wanted to do.

Edited by damonskye
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My coffee is good. You missed the point I was making. I guess I have to explain it. People cried comps too op. Bioware does what they do. Now if you take the time to search the forums many of the people that are complaining the nerf was too extreme are same ones who were calling for it to begin with. To be honest I couldn't care less I'm on my way out of this game anyways. I've turned into a casual who only pvps.
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This game has rocked back and forth between 'fun' and 'flub' since beta.


We had a month of the 'fun' part. Now it's back to the 'flub' part. Mostly due to those who are unable to toggle they're companions to passive for the challenge they're looking for while allowing the rest of us to enjoy the 'fun' part.


Maybe they don't realize they're killing the game they're so paranoid about 'balancing'. Biosh*t is going to lose all the subbers they got back. Back to ghost fleets every night.


Hope they're proud...XD

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Stop. Blaming. The. Complainers.


Eric specifically said the nerf was done because their metrics showed companions were more powerful than they intended. While he did say that he listened to both sides of the arguments, the final decision came down to pure numbers.


Please if they really looked at numbers I'd be surprised. The QQ in this game is ridiculous. Those complaining got exactly want they were asking for.

Edited by JAOMSYH
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Tbh, I haven't played at all really as I'm waiting on the next few chapters to release.. but last I played companions were stupidly OP. Like, a barely leveled one was outperforming my character in every role with ease. By orders of magnitude.


Don't blame people asking for balanced gameplay for the game being unbalanced in the opposite direction after a change (provided that is even the case). That was never what anyone wanted. That's like blaming people complaining about global warming for an asteroid hitting the Earth and blanketing it in ash and dust leading to an ice age. Not what they really wanted.

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Just wanted to say congrats to all the people who cried and threw a fit about companion being too powerful. As expected bioware came with the extreme nerf making using companions a total joke and making more people rage. We warned you this was going to happen but you all didn't care. Now the rage coming from those who wanted companions nerfed is laughable. All I can say is good job guys and gals. You got what you wanted.


Obviously Bioware felt the companions weren't working as intended, so they fixed them.

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Stop. Blaming. The. Complainers.


Eric specifically said the nerf was done because their metrics showed companions were more powerful than they intended. While he did say that he listened to both sides of the arguments, the final decision came down to pure numbers.


Their "metrics" should have been done on PTS.


I'm sure the complainers would have been more than happy to report things like this on PTS. Companions as they were between 4.0 and 4.0.2 should never have made it to live.


The proper place to have debated and found a good balance was on PTS. But Bioware (or their EA overlords) said no PTS, despite calls from the community to do so.


3.0 didn't PTS either, and had a Ravagers lockout exploit running around for a month, with the devs on Christmas holiday, that allowed the more unscrupulous to get unlimited set bonus gear. When 4.0 was announced, we tried to warn Bioware that a PTS cycle was needed, but they refused to heed the advice.


Unsurprisingly, we got companions that were way overtuned, not to mention horrible drops in server side performance that might have been detected before live deployment, had there been proper stress testng.


Now the more elitist within the community came round screaming "COMPANIONS ARE OP, NERF PLS," which would have eventually happened anyway, but the people screaming for nerfs did not have much constructive feedback about how far to nerf. (And again, that's one of the things that PTS is for). The people who opposed the nerf pointed to Bioware's long and storied history with swing-and-a-miss emergency nerfbats (operatives stunlocking keyboards, orbital strike, slot machine, etc.) that never get revisited.


Sure enough, companions got nerfed about twice as much as they needed to be, and before Bioware could be bothered fixing the bugs that further reduced their performance (tank comp mitigation stats anyone?) at that.


There's a reason why 2.0 was the smoothest SWTOR xpac launch. Unlike 3.0 and 4.0, it was PTSed with sufficient lead time for crap like this to be fixed before live.


Bioware won't revisit their metrics until 5.0 at the very earliest unless subs drop so fast so hard they find themselves needing to do a f2p "relaunch."

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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...you have no empathy for other players, you have no respect for anybody...


Allow me to tell you something about myself in-game.


Every time I run an FP and we get to a boss fight with any kind of mechanics involved, the first thing I ask everyone is, "Does everyone know this fight?". If anyone says no, I take a moment to explain what needs to be done. If I see someone is having trouble, I do everything I can to help them out. If they can't DPS or are dying too quickly, I tell them to avoid attacking at all to not draw aggro and do nothing but hit the kolto stations. I am a DPS and yet I will still keep one eye on everyone's health bar and throw shields and heals on them when I can. I will go out of my way to help players who are still new and don't know any better and I congratulate them when I see them get it, because I know what it's like to be them and get abused by some jerk who pauses in the middle of a fight to scream in all-caps because I simply didn't know and nobody bothered to explain.


That being said, the people here know better. Most of them are veterans. They should know better, and yet they whine, and cry, insult the devs in every way imaginable, and then want their precious achievements served up to them on a silver tray, and throw tantrums when anyone calls them out on their entitlement.


This forum is just depressing. It's sad. I can't even get angry, I'm filled with just... pity. it is seriously one of the most toxic places I have ever seen online in the last year.

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Obviously Bioware felt the companions weren't working as intended, so they fixed them.


Ofc, comps are not intended to be more powerful than our chars but they should be at least doing as good as us. Thing is they dropped their effectiveness like way too much.

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Don't get me wrong I noticed comps were a little too good. When I wanted a challenge I'd pull out another comp I didn't have high affection with. If I wanted to steamroll through stuff because I was short on time I'd pull out maxed comp. I wasn't complaining I figured out what worked for me and i wasnt throwing a temper tantrum. Not all of us have time to sit down for hours hoping we get a competent team put together. Sometimes its easier to just go it alone and avoid many of the people in this game.
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Just wanted to say congrats to all the people who cried and threw a fit about companion being too powerful. As expected bioware came with the extreme nerf making using companions a total joke and making more people rage. We warned you this was going to happen but you all didn't care. Now the rage coming from those who wanted companions nerfed is laughable. All I can say is good job guys and gals. You got what you wanted.


This has always been Bioware's problem, since beta they've let themselves be dragged around by the winners while the silent majority suffers with the consequences.


Don't play with a companion if you think your overpowered, turn off some of their abilities, .... no lets just complain until everyone is forced to play just like they do. Bioware can I make a suggestion look at how people actual spend time in this game and build the game for them

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If I need 216 gear to do a HEROIC that drops, at max, 208 gear, then companions are still screwed. From what I'm reading once again Bioware has faceplanted and players who they JUST got back are going to unsub in droves again.


I'm still stuck at 24% after 8 hours of their 56k download speeds. Frakkin' ridiculous.

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Ofc, comps are not intended to be more powerful than our chars but they should be at least doing as good as us. Thing is they dropped their effectiveness like way too much.


Spot on. We know they were op before but instead of actually testing changes and evaluating "metrics" to bring them in line they busted them to the ground so now the people who didn't care are raging and the people who were calling for the changes are raging. You can't ask for a pony for Christmas then get a pony and complain because you don't like its color.

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If I need 216 gear to do a HEROIC that drops, at max, 208 gear, then companions are still screwed. From what I'm reading once again Bioware has faceplanted and players who they JUST got back are going to unsub in droves again.


I'm still stuck at 24% after 8 hours of their 56k download speeds. Frakkin' ridiculous.


Watch out you will get a pm with warning that you will be banned from forums for talking such nonsense.

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This forum is just depressing. It's sad. I can't even get angry, I'm filled with just... pity. it is seriously one of the most toxic places I have ever seen online in the last year.



Then leave. Quite simple. No likey? Beat it. And don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya on your way out.

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Ofc, comps are not intended to be more powerful than our chars but they should be at least doing as good as us. Thing is they dropped their effectiveness like way too much.


Welcome to MMO fixes where the tookbelt is a hammer, and just a hammer.

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There is something I've been curious about, since reading in general chat from a smaller, more vocal group, demanding companions get nerfed by as much as 75% and say that is a good thing for everyone. I honestly want to know why those who deemed companions to be too OP, simply NOT summon them for combat? If companions are meant to supplement a party (or oneself for heroic 2+), and as far as I know are not mandatory, why completely canvass the entire SWTOR community with a nerf to purposefully reduce effectiveness of said optional combat companions by such an amount? I understand if the stats needed tweaking, per the dev's target goal, but I can't imagine the shear decrease in effectiveness can be a good thing for those of us without all the presence buffs yet, who are working our way up to endgame, whilst completing heroics solo + comp (pre-patch) when planets are quiet on the LFG end... :confused:
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This forum is just depressing. It's sad. I can't even get angry, I'm filled with just... pity. it is seriously one of the most toxic places I have ever seen online in the last year.


I very much identify. I actually did lose my temper last week or so and had to go back and edit a post...I let the Mos Eisley really get to me.


Pity is exactly the right word though. The folks who are throwing around "elitists" and so forth, and I think back to...well. And then I check this or that with the companions in reference to them being "useless" or a "joke" or whatever, and am able to still destroy rooms full of mobs with no danger and I think, my goodness. Am I remembering how these games used to be incorrectly? And have we become so shallow as to want NO challenge - not any at all?


Good gawd I guess I need to get a waterhose and start spraying kids.

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