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How does the recharge rate work


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You'll want to keep it in the 8-12 tier as much as possible. There will be times where you can't, when your tank takes spike damage or everyone is taking damage and you'll begin to drop low. Trooper has to balance abilities with Hammershot (and cooldowns that make abilities free) to maximise your effectiveness.


You do have Reserve Powercell at 42 which will make your next cast free which helps and Recharge Cells if you do have to ammo dump. If you know you're going to have to drop that low, I'd advise using Recharge Cells before you run out of ammo because it will bump you back into a higher tier and yield you more ammo in the long run.

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Just some additional info.

Trooper healing will be ackward at best until you hit level 27 and get your 3rd point in Field Triage.

This skill gives your advanced medical probe (AMP) a 100% chance to reduce the cost of your next medical probe (MP) by 2 ammo. (so it costs only 1 instead of 3)

At this point you become a much better healer.

Just use AMP whenever you can before you use an MP.


Also remember that your Combat Support Cell changes the effect of your hammer shot. Besides doing damage to enemies, it will now also heal a friendly target if you target them with it. It's a rather weak heal but it's free and should be used whenever you are waiting for ammo regeneration.


My rotation for healing medium damage is AMP, MP, MP. This leaves me at 8 ammo, just enough to keep my maximum ammo regeneration. Then I do 1 or 2 hammer shots.


If damage get's too high, use Supercharge Cells (if you have 30 stacks of combat support cell, which you should have) and spam AMP, MP, AMP, MP, .... until the buff runs out.


Next is Kolto Bomb. Use this at least every 15 seconds on your tank. The Kolto Residue skill makes your Kolto Bombs give a buff for 5% more healing for 15 seconds.

It might not seem much but 5% more healing during spike damage can make that little bit of difference. Just use Kolto Bomb somewhere in between when you can.


Lastly, keep Recharge Cells off cooldown until your ammo drops below 5. (or below 3 if you have Cell Capacitor). You never want to get back up to 12 ammo from using Recharge Cells because then your ammo regeneration isn't doing anything for 1,5 or 2 seconds while you cast your next AMP or MP. Your goal should be to get back up to 8-10 ammo when using Recharge Cells so your ammo regeneration is never wasted. (regeneration is wasted when you are sitting at max ammo)


There are several other useful topics on this forum. Browse around and I'm sure you'll come across plenty of info on how to spec, gear and place a combat medic.

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