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LF Raiding guild willing to take on folks semi new to operations.


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As the title says, a friend and I are looking for a guild to join that wouldn't mind taking us on OPs to learn the ropes. We're old time players, but really haven't delved in much with the OPs, at least not as much as we would like. In fact we've done everything else but them. We always found using the group finder a little too daunting when it comes to OPs, and too many PUG nightmares - hence the search for a very friendly guild that doesn't mind teaching. I should perhaps go on to say that were not completely new to operations, but with 4.0 running the old OPs on hardmode doesn't seem to matter much - update and all that.


We currently have multiple toons, I will list two i'm usually bouncing back and forth on.


Myself; Time Zone GMT [uK] Usually on for the better portion of the day and night, can adapt if given ample warning to raiding times.

Main; Gwendõlyn :- Lightning Sorc; wearing a mixture of 216/220

Second; Gwenorai :- Hatred Assassin; 208s.


Of course I'll be using my main most of the time. Haha.


My friend is more into tanking and healing; but I'm sure she can tell her more about herself and our experiences in her own post - which should be coming up soon.


To get into contact i'd love it if you'd respond here or throw a mail to Gwenorai - easier to spell than the weird accented Gwendõlyn, but you can certainly throw one there - chances are I will be doing heroics on said toon.


Please do not shoot me a guild request without contacting me first. I'm already in a guild. And as much as I enjoy their company and are good people, sadly they seem to be more about conquest objectives than raiding. I will be sad to leave them but I really do need to gain more experience - and better gear - from the operations.

Edited by StarkHelsing
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Looks like I got dragged into this. Heh.


I have a lot of Alts--one for every class, plus some. Though I love my DPS, I specialize in healing and tanking in Operations. I'm not a newbie, but some fights are rougher than others(ain't they all?)


I have TeamSpeak and Mumble, and a higher-end headset with little to no static issues. I have a high-speed Internet connection and my machine runs bosses fine with minimal lag.


Timezone: -6:00 GMT. If given fair warning I can be on whenever, bar few exceptions.


Main: Dmïtri -- Tank, 200+ Gear rating right now. Vengeance Juggernaut.

Healer and Second: Maiara -- Healer, working on getting her completely geared out. Corruption Sorceror.


If ya need to get into contact send either of them a mail, I ain't picky. Like my predecessor though, no random Guild invites without my knowing, please.

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Hey, Stark!


<Covenant of the Phoenix> offers a variety of Operations events structured to fit our members' personal playstyle. From very laid-back casual, to regular and more structured story-mode runs, all the way up to real hardcore progression -- we try to make sure our schedule has a little bit of everything. Even random "hey someone want to run something" events tend to crop up on occasion, lol.


Check out our weekly schedule of events, btw. We don't leave it at only operations, we try to include pvp and basic fun stuff, too: COTP's SWTOR Weekly Schedule We're also jumping full-on back into Conquest, as well.


Here's our most recent recruitment video:

And here's our New Members Information thread: COTP Info

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Hey, Stark!


<Covenant of the Phoenix> offers a variety of Operations events structured to fit our members' personal playstyle. From very laid-back casual, to regular and more structured story-mode runs, all the way up to real hardcore progression -- we try to make sure our schedule has a little bit of everything. Even random "hey someone want to run something" events tend to crop up on occasion, lol.


Check out our weekly schedule of events, btw. We don't leave it at only operations, we try to include pvp and basic fun stuff, too: COTP's SWTOR Weekly Schedule We're also jumping full-on back into Conquest, as well.


Here's our most recent recruitment video:

And here's our New Members Information thread: COTP Info


Thank you for the invite, we will certainly take a look!

Since it is early days however we will still continue to search around and what not. But I will say your family looks quite promising ^^ We'll certainly be discussing the possibility of joining.

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Thank you for the invite, we will certainly take a look!

Since it is early days however we will still continue to search around and what not. But I will say your family looks quite promising ^^ We'll certainly be discussing the possibility of joining.


Our family is awesome and we take great pride in the community we have, we look forward to seeing both of you becoming a part of it! :)

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