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Bugged missions + why I've quit SWTOR


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Putting aside a bug that still returns after a year... the main reason is I've realized this game, it's consolidated story arcs, the skeletal (and rubbish) customer service... all point to a game that is no longer has real content development and no real future...


If you want to read the annotated customer service response I got from my latest bug report you can read about it here:


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Oh, BioWare's absence of support and failure to uphold their end of the contract is an ongoing thing with them, my friend. There's a reason why they've made the customer support forum read-only:


In September 2013, a BioWare employee acknowledged the reorganizing data problem and assured us that they were working on fixing it. More than 2 years later, that thread has been locked (what a convenient coincidence) despite the countless posts in forums all over the internet from people continuing to suffer from this problem.


09.24.2013 , 08:15 PM | #32 Click here to go to the next staff post in this thread. Next

Report Post

Greetings all,


Thanks for reporting this to us.


We are aware of and are currently investigating the issues with the latest launcher patch.


We understand the frustration and inconvenience these issues are causing, but we ask for your patience while the issues are resolved.


Thank you.

Bronholz | BioWare Customer Service – Forum Support


Why haven't you addressed the problem at any point in the last 2+ years, BioWare? Why am I now getting messages telling me that I will have to download and reinstall the entire program if I try to exit your launcher so that I can do something more useful with my computer (which, for some reason, you are treating as though it belongs to you)? Was that your fix? A message telling users that they have no choice but to sit through endless weeks of "reorganizing data"?


I didn't subscribe to this game so that you could hijack my system for unjustifiably long periods of time. I didn't subscribe to this game so that you could go out of your way to make it unusable. I subscribed to this game because I'm a big time moron who actually believed that BioWare was a professional organization that cared about its products.

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I can definitely sympathize with the sentiment. With the companion changes in 4.0, my progress on the HK-51 questline was completely reset... and it looks to me that I won't be getting any compensation for my time. I also got screwed out of completion of the Dr. Lokin quest... and it also looks to me like they're going shrug and smile at me... but I'm going to keep pestering them on that one because it's a story quest.


...but, the feeling that it's OK that a bug on their end just erases a whole bunch of your time and progress and... too bad.


...no. That's not good enough. They need to empower their people to actually sort out some problems, and make aggravated customers into happy customers, because unhappy customers spread their disfavour with a product. I'm currently rather displeased with SWTOR; before 4.0 had dropped, I would have invited friends to join me. Right now, there's no way I would do this.

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