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Companion Changes in 4.0.2


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I can say I did the Alderaan SF last night, no buffs, influence 20 companion healing for the achievement. Took 20-30 minutes, no deaths. I'm in a 216/220 mix which is obviously higher than most, but anyone can get close even through solo play with crystals. But it was easy for me in this scenario. I wouldn't expect anyone to have trouble in 216s (or even lower in 208s or 204s) with a full influence companion using the buffs as you mention.


I mean, if you are a solo only player, this is your end game. Why should they make your hardest solo content as easy as leveling on your starter planet? I have no issue with giving companions some power back, especially if it's harming low level new players, but people claiming SF are no longer soloable are delusional.



Where in my post does it say 'Make it easy?' I'm saying the nerf is a little too high. A compromise is needed. It's not just the SFs it's the heroics themselves; Belsavis + are a nightmare. Also, what class are you? You claim you can go through the Heroics solo without a problem as if it was a breeze. I'm finding that hard to believe unless you were tank spec. If so, then good for you. I envy your defenses, high health and armour. If you were a sage/sorc then truly kudos. You'll need to teach me a thing or two. I may have gotten the 'One and Only' title on my sorc, but it was difficult 'BEFORE' the nerf to achieve. Now I'm not even going to attempt soloing it without the buffs or caches.



News flash, not everyone is you or plays like you. So that can be peddled else where. Apologies if I come across as harsh but nothing irritates me more than someone who fails to read and then inserts words in my mouth.


I'm assuming people have already forgotten that in Inquisitor storyline you have to deal with multiple strong enemies [golds] with the high damaging Ambush, and another move that can instantly KO you if you're unlucky and hit twice. I'm not looking forward to going through that section of Alderaan once more.

Edited by StarkHelsing
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They wont


BW is hard headed. They don't admit mistakes and they don't do roll backs regardless of player feedback.



Pretty much this. Look at Mass Effect 3, they were downright -offended- that a large chunk of people didnt enjoy/appreciate the "artistic" (their actual word on it) deus ex machina stargodchild red green or blue explosion ending... :rolleyes:

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Here is the issue for me,

Before 4.0 I could gear myself and my comps how I liked for whatever I wanted to do.

Then 4.0 level sync added I didn't mind to much but you also stripped the ability to mod my comps and that was ok cause they were stronger, to strong yes but since I had no way to customized them with mod's it was ok.


The nerf was needed but, before 4.0 because I could tweak my comp build I had normal combat issues where I should on golds etc but could work it out. Now I have no control over my comp except to force feed them gifts and hope it is enough for them to preform at least minimally and despite being geared myself doing my own personal story on alts is about fighting all the way to the story door can't not aggro and then spending more time then I ever did pre 4.0 to finish that story arm.


I do not expect ops, hard mods and things like that to be solo-able. I do expect personal story lines to be. Not in a God mode way just a simple way. I group when I do certain things but you guys said the game would be a certain way after 4.0 and this is not how the game is now. Now if I want to chill and do story mode or dailies on an alt I have to sit for a couple hours and force feed my comps which means crafting over and over, or buy off gtn. This makes no sense and frankly I do not want to log into the game anymore to watch myself grind craft or spend my money on gifts over and over.


Please consider a better balance with comps. It would also be nice to hear from Eric, or anyone from BW on this matter to know if it is being considered or not. I like this game and I like the story and I hope you all will let us know your thinking.

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I can say I did the Alderaan SF last night, no buffs, influence 20 companion healing for the achievement. Took 20-30 minutes, no deaths. I'm in a 216/220 mix which is obviously higher than most, but anyone can get close even through solo play with crystals. But it was easy for me in this scenario. I wouldn't expect anyone to have trouble in 216s (or even lower in 208s or 204s) with a full influence companion using the buffs as you mention.


I mean, if you are a solo only player, this is your end game. Why should they make your hardest solo content as easy as leveling on your starter planet? I have no issue with giving companions some power back, especially if it's harming low level new players, but people claiming SF are no longer soloable are delusional.


I don't disagree that this is the current solo endgame and it should have some difficulty to it. I think the biggest issue, for me, is that it feels off for progression. The SFs drop 208 gear which if you do take the time to get your companion up to 20 and get your alliance levels up to get those buffs then you are already in full 208 with some 216 splashed in. Those flashpoints simply become a gate that reward companions, but your character strength isn't increasing.


I can't speak to lower level Heroic 2s (as I haven't tried those) but I feel as though if they leave the companions as is (though I feel as if they do need a bit of a buff) then they will need to make them smarter so they aren't as useless, maybe give them AoE defense buff if they don't move out of AoEs themselves, and the SFs should be a gear progression method tuned for full 208 gear and some 216 splashed in.

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I really think Bioware should give us those GSI Combat Support Droids (from Solo FPs), so you could summon/dismiss them any time to complete hard content. Hardcore players will be happy dismissing them and doing everything with weak comps pressing every cooldown and prooving how good they and their AP PT :) are, and casual players will get support they lost with x4 companion nerf.
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I say we call the telephone numbers to EA/Bioware and let them know there mess they've created. If a lot of us call we might crash/jam there phone system up so mush that they will be forced to look at SWTOR and Dev dept.

EA Corp. #650-628-1500 press 5 for front desk

EA Costumer Service 620-628-1500 press 1 then 0

SWTOR CS 855-345-2186 Since this is where there going to wind up sending you since EA doesn't care.

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I say we call the telephone numbers to EA/Bioware and let them know there mess they've created. If a lot of us call we might crash/jam there phone system up so mush that they will be forced to look at SWTOR and Dev dept.

EA Corp. #650-628-1500 press 5 for front desk

EA Costumer Service 620-628-1500 press 1 then 0

SWTOR CS 855-345-2186 Since this is where there going to wind up sending you since EA doesn't care.


Just FYI, having worked MMO CS before - they have no say and no effect on changes like this. It is both wasting your time and their time.


You are welcome to it, but it wont be very effective.

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Just FYI, having worked MMO CS before - they have no say and no effect on changes like this. It is both wasting your time and their time.


You are welcome to it, but it wont be very effective.


Agreed but EA doesn't have a complaint/customer service dept so they just pass the buck. I tried to get a number and person to talk to they just kept saying not my problem call these people. Since they don't have a CS anymore just want to spread the joys of trying to resolve issues that they created (they being EA/Bioware)

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I hate the new nerf.


Companions were making old "grindy" content fun again - the heroics, dailies, and the solo fps.


I have multiple characters (like many players) and they made all these activities a lot faster.


Dailies, heroics, etc are not, never have, and shouldn't be "challenging". So that given reason was always ridiculous. These activities are still super easy, they just take longer now due to this nerf.


That's not good.




Companions couldn't be used in operations or warzones. I didn't see the problem. PVP servers are dying so open world pvp is a nonissue to me.




I don't like the companion nerf at all.


I was enjoying the daily activities again for the first time in a while, and now I'm not.


I had nearly stopped playing altogether over the summer while waiting for 4.0 to hit and that's the first time I've done that since the game launched.


I've been a subscriber since the game launched. I'm probably going to cut my play time back again with the new nerf.


That's my feedback Bioware.

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Where in my post does it say 'Make it easy?' I'm saying the nerf is a little too high. A compromise is needed. It's not just the SFs it's the heroics themselves; Belsavis + are a nightmare. Also, what class are you? You claim you can go through the Heroics solo without a problem as if it was a breeze. I'm finding that hard to believe unless you were tank spec. If so, then good for you. I envy your defenses, high health and armour. If you were a sage/sorc then truly kudos. You'll need to teach me a thing or two. I may have gotten the 'One and Only' title on my sorc, but it was difficult 'BEFORE' the nerf to achieve. Now I'm not even going to attempt soloing it without the buffs or caches.



News flash, not everyone is you or plays like you. So that can be peddled else where. Apologies if I come across as harsh but nothing irritates me more than someone who fails to read and then inserts words in my mouth.


I'm assuming people have already forgotten that in Inquisitor storyline you have to deal with multiple strong enemies [golds] with the high damaging Ambush, and another move that can instantly KO you if you're unlucky and hit twice. I'm not looking forward to going through that section of Alderaan once more.


I only had time to do 1 prior to raiding last night, so I ran my main through. Vigilance Guardian, full DPS gear, no tanking. Did not need to use my taunt as I never lost aggro, in fact I used my AoE taunt for the defensive boost from utilities (which reduces aggro) and still had aggro over my companion. But this was also without any of the 5 buffs offered and a companion at only 20. Some players may be required to play through the solo version in order to gain enough gear, buffs, and influence to complete the heroic version themselves.


If companions get some buffs, I won't have an issue with that, but I also have no issue with the way they are now.

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I say we call the telephone numbers to EA/Bioware and let them know there mess they've created. If a lot of us call we might crash/jam there phone system up so mush that they will be forced to look at SWTOR and Dev dept.

EA Corp. #650-628-1500 press 5 for front desk

EA Costumer Service 620-628-1500 press 1 then 0

SWTOR CS 855-345-2186 Since this is where there going to wind up sending you since EA doesn't care.


Not the same issue, but a similar situation. Here is what Eric had to say about contacting CS about issues they have no impact on.


Hey folks,


For the question at hand about why equipment was removed from various vendors, this is due primarily to stat changes. With the release of Fallen Empire, we essentially made that gear obsolete due to the new stat configurations and formulas. This meant the best option was to remove those items. Obviously, this raises the main concern of the support call which is the appearances of those armor sets.


The dev team informs us that virtually all of the core armor appearances previously on those vendors can still be located throughout the game. The majority of the old armor sets can be found via Crafting rewards, Missions, and Heroic Mission rewards. Now, there may be some variants of these core armor sets which are no longer available, but we’ll adjust that over time and slowly re-add pieces. If there are specific armor sets that can no longer be found, send the information to the Community Team and we’ll pass it along.


Taking a bite out of the people who can help with getting you back into the game, helping you restore missing items or characters, and addressing any billing issues, really isn’t a good use of your time, or theirs. As a general note, if you guys have feedback or questions about design decisions or development philosophy, come to the forums and raise it here. Going to Customer Support is not the correct place for that (and we will ask CS agents to direct you appropriately).


Thank you all for your understanding and hope that clears up any confusion on the issue.



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I bet you tell me that I photoshopped this.

Not completely augmented PVP gear (2018 expertise) with rank 22 companion healer, just about hour ago. Whole run took me about 35 minutes. I just did this to test myself. I really dislike repeateble PVE (never did an operation).


You are a juggernaut. I promise you that most other classes would not be able to do it unless they managed to do so by the skin of their teeth.


Juggernauts have better DCD's than any other class in the game. Stop acting like you're a hot turd. I posted a nice long, REAL account of what it's like to solo a Heroic Star Fortress as a good player on a juggernaut. Only *I* was able to admit that if I didn't have Enraged Defense and a giant HP boost, there were several occasions where I would have died and probably not have been able to progress. I also had the guts to admit that I *did* die, several times. There is no way in hell you a) did it in 35 minutes (it takes me at least 45) or b) sailed through it with no rough patches, deaths/near deaths.


You do realize you can still be a good player and admit that the companion nerf was a bit overboard, right? lol

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Not the same issue, but a similar situation. Here is what Eric had to say about contacting CS about issues they have no impact on.


Yup but notice no contact info. on who to call/email. And so far you are and a few others that have no issue with this nerf. Which is fine you play how you want to. But when 90% of the people here thing and agree that EA/Bioware stuck it to us and broke it off, something is wrong.

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Absolutely! It certainly may be a bit more challenging than before but you can complete them. The intent is that you can complete any [Heroic 2] with your Companion counting as one of the two. If you find this isn't true for any Heroics tomorrow, let us know.




Not everyone is top geared and excellent at playing, some of us just like to have fun. I have been around since the beginning and one of the only things I liked was that now IF I CHOSE TO do a heroic by myself AT LEVEL I could. Since levels are capped now you can't wait to do heroics when you're overpowered and there are some times when there is no one around to play that you're compatible with and the fact that you didn't need to made the game fun again.


I play with a guild, but sometimes they are doing an Op or other things that I'm not interested in. Being able to go about and do the things I wanted to without having to run and beg for help made the game more enjoyable for me.


Where they overpowered? Yes, and a minor reduction may have been needed, sure. But to say that you can still get through the heroic - some of them, you can't.


Yes I know my rotation and yes I use it - but When you die 10 times and have to pay for all those repairs it kind of defeats the purpose of doing the heroics for money and crystals. (on the other hand, you seem to be taking no damage so right at this moment there is no cost/ but that will be fixed)


I'n not going to unsub and I'm certainly not going to stop playing... I just would prefer to play alone when I want to without it costing an arm, leg or taking 5x the time it used to take.

Edited by Nightodie
Healing after fighting not working now - appears you take no damage
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Yup but notice no contact info. on who to call/email. And so far you are and a few others that have no issue with this nerf. Which is fine you play how you want to. But when 90% of the people here thing and agree that EA/Bioware stuck it to us and broke it off, something is wrong.


I think you're missing the point. There is no reason to contact CS because there is nothing they can do to assist you. They have no input on companion nerfs and are merely there to help you recover lost items, regain access to your account if it's locked, or assist with billing issues.


As your request is not one that falls into their realm of support, you will only waste both yours and their time as well create frustration for yourself and them. You are already following the proper course of action by voicing your concerns here, where the dev team can read them and evaluate whether the changes were appropriate.

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Not everyone is top geared and excellent at playing, some of us just like to have fun. I have been around since the beginning and one of the only things I liked was that now IF I CHOSE TO do a heroic by myself AT LEVEL I could. Since levels are capped now you can't wait to do heroics when you're overpowered and there are some times when there is no one around to play that you're compatible with and the fact that you didn't need to made the game fun again.


I play with a guild, but sometimes they are doing an Op or other things that I'm not interested in. Being able to go about and do the things I wanted to without having to run and beg for help made the game more enjoyable for me.


Where they overpowered? Yes, and a minor reduction may have been needed, sure. But to say that you can still get through the heroic - some of them, you can't.


Yes I know my rotation and yes I use it - but When you die 10 times and have to pay for all those repairs it kind of defeats the purpose of doing the heroics for money and crystals.


I'n not going to unsub and I'm certainly not going to stop playing... I just would prefer to play alone when I want to without it costing an arm, leg or taking 5x the time it used to take.


Unfortunately they only way that EA/Bioware are going to hear you or pay attention is if you hurt them where it counts their income. Everyone need to unsub. to get that point across that we the costumers have had enough of your incompetence since you have the means to test but fail to do so. Don't think everyone will but if enough of us do they will be forced to take action. If they want to kill the game that way so be it there are plenty more out there with out a EA/Bioware logo on them.

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First of all, I'm not a native speaker, so please excuse my bad English.


Did SF H2 solo last night. With the buffs, as I already had the achievement. Jugger DPS in 216 gear, no set bonus. Lana lvl 42 healing. It was challenging, not that I died, but I had to use heroic moments, def CDs, taunt, put Lana to passive because she sometimes stopped healing and just stood there (yeah the game NEEDS more bugs!), set her back to active again, all that stuff. In fact, harder than most hm operations, from a dps point of view.


By the way, companions needed a nerf, but 20-30 % would have been more than enough. This fells like 75 %. I have no exact numbers though, and I don't really care, just saying how it feels.


I play this game since launch, used to do hm operations and a lot of raiding in other games, too. Although I don't do operations and stuff anymore, I can handle the new difficulty, it 's probably how it should have been from the beginning of 4.0. Also, I think "the one and only" achievement is now probably exclusive for people with high end raid gear. Bad design, as I think these get enough rewards anyway, and there should be something for "solo" players aswell. But OK...


TODAY I did some H2 quests for the grind. First on my Marauder, ilvl 208, no augments, lana lvl 4 healing. Hard, Lana died some times. but OK, I thought I will just have to level her to 20 at it will be fine. Then did some H2s on my main, the jugger, with lvl 42 Lana. And guess what? No big difference! Def CDs on almost every bigger group, my health dropped down, just that I could prevent Lana from dying because I've got taunt. The marauder does a lot more damage, so the over all experience was about the same. Only that I spent hours and hours to gear the jugger... But yeah, there is no point in gearing because of the downscaling. As long as I had the option to power up the companions instead, to increase the grind experience, I was fine with that.


But now?? That's what I did all the grind for? That's why I spent millions of credits for companion gifts? Now, Lana heals worse than before with level 10. Just takes away all my motivation to keep grinding, I have just cancelled my subscribtion. In fact, it was a wake up call for me. There is no point in playing this game anymore (operations: old stuff / dailies: more than old stuff / pvp: no comment).

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I think you're missing the point. There is no reason to contact CS because there is nothing they can do to assist you. They have no input on companion nerfs and are merely there to help you recover lost items, regain access to your account if it's locked, or assist with billing issues.


As your request is not one that falls into their realm of support, you will only waste both yours and their time as well create frustration for yourself and them. You are already following the proper course of action by voicing your concerns here, where the dev team can read them and evaluate whether the changes were appropriate.


Would agree with you if the Dev Dept actually read but since they cant have to contact someone who can. The companion nerf isn't the only reason I was calling there were other in game issues that was just plain out ignored and closed. Most companies have a dept. to call or write if you have an issue. Found out EA/Bioware don't and they just keep passing you around till you give up. There for no more complaining no more issues everything resolved. No I refuse to be ignored any longer and if they want to give me the run around that's fine I'm off to day. I'm using my game time to do this so there's no loss there since I'm not playing till they get this resolved.

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Hey folks,


Will your Companions feel a bit weaker than they did when KotFE launched? Yes. But believe me they will still carry their weight and fill the role you need them to in combat. All that we ask is that you log in tomorrow, and check the changes yourself. Play around with the Companions in each role and let us know your feedback. Thanks everyone.




They will still carry their weight? LMAO, not at all. This nerf that just made the game tedious and unnecessarily difficult. For those who want a challenge, they can go play hard and nightmare mode ops.

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I hate the new nerf.


Companions were making old "grindy" content fun again - the heroics, dailies, and the solo fps.


I have multiple characters (like many players) and they made all these activities a lot faster.


Dailies, heroics, etc are not, never have, and shouldn't be "challenging". So that given reason was always ridiculous. These activities are still super easy, they just take longer now due to this nerf.


That's not good.




Companions couldn't be used in operations or warzones. I didn't see the problem. PVP servers are dying so open world pvp is a nonissue to me.




I don't like the companion nerf at all.


I was enjoying the daily activities again for the first time in a while, and now I'm not.


I had nearly stopped playing altogether over the summer while waiting for 4.0 to hit and that's the first time I've done that since the game launched.


I've been a subscriber since the game launched. I'm probably going to cut my play time back again with the new nerf.


That's my feedback Bioware.


I totally concur with this.

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Unfortunately they only way that EA/Bioware are going to hear you or pay attention is if you hurt them where it counts their income. Everyone need to unsub. to get that point across that we the costumers have had enough of your incompetence since you have the means to test but fail to do so. Don't think everyone will but if enough of us do they will be forced to take action. If they want to kill the game that way so be it there are plenty more out there with out a EA/Bioware logo on them.


Oh come off of it.

It is still easy to do, you just have to use what is available on your character to get it done. If you are terribly undergeared or have no idea how to play your class, then you won't be completing it solo.


The only thing that should be easy to do in garbage gear is KotFE story and 1-50 class story. Everything else SHOULD require players to have some sense of competence with their class and not be lazy about upgrading their gear.

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I think you're missing the point. There is no reason to contact CS because there is nothing they can do to assist you. They have no input on companion nerfs and are merely there to help you recover lost items, regain access to your account if it's locked, or assist with billing issues.


As your request is not one that falls into their realm of support, you will only waste both yours and their time as well create frustration for yourself and them. You are already following the proper course of action by voicing your concerns here, where the dev team can read them and evaluate whether the changes were appropriate.


No didn't miss the point called EA 1st to try and send info through there channel being there help.ea.com but that sigh doesn't work with SWTOR. So called there CS about that they said SWTOR doesn't work with that web page but every call and every person I talk to before them said it did. SWTOR CS I know only Deals with billing but when EA says they don't deal with anything about SWTOR but to call them guess who's getting the call.

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