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Legacy 60 Ideas


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So Legacy was supposed to be the back bone of your character set and it seems to have fallen by the way side in the past few years. It was touted as the big thing that would make leveling and playing other characters easier and more fun.


So here are some ideas to progress Legacy 50 (Which i got 3 years ago and still haven't had my achievement fixed) to 60 with some additions.


1. Have instant ports to all planets unlocked at 52 54 56 58 and 60.

2. Add a section that reduces the cost of items purchased from vendors in 5% 10% and 15% increments.

3. Unlock Legacy bank at Legacy 60 which all characters can use to deposit and withdraw from.

4. Add 1% to all basic buffs at Legacy 55.

5. At legacy 60 Character buffs can be unlocked to be Permanent, You never have to activate them again.

6. Legacy 52 You can unlock a Wardrobe on your Star Ship to place Clothing items only, this can be incremented at 52 54 56 58 60, for a total of 50 spaces, 10 at each level.

7. At 51 53 55 57 59 you get 1 extra Quest log entry up from 25 - 30.

8. Add Mailbox and Repair droid Perks to Legacy Unlocked for all Characters at 55. So they are account wide and not just personal.

9. Increase the Prices and add all the XP and Companion boosts to legacy 52 to be unlocked on all characters.


These suggestions i believe benefit Subbed players as F2P / Pref should not be allowed to exceed Legacy 50 and imho should not have access to legacy anyway. There are many others i will think of but will leave it at this for now.

Edited by Nippon
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