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Feedback on KOTFE


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I played pretty much through every and each quest and mission in this game over teh years and I finished KOTFE one time on each class.


Right now... I feel that there is no incentive for me to continue my subscription or even continue playing the game in the near future and I may take a break for few months.


So I'll focus on few points,

1. KOTFE Story - > It's bad. It's awesome and all but it's bad.

why? There are only 2 versions of the story, one for force users and one for non force users. there are some so very minor un noticeable differences between classes but mostly dialog here and there but nothing which warrant an entire run of story again.

I can pretty much conclude that if you played one time as force user and one time as non force users you've seen 95% of everything the story of KOTFE chapters have to offer.

I pretty much skipped everything as I played the campaign again over and over because nothing was different.

In fact I decided to stick with my one favorite toon from now as there is no reason to play more then one character in the story.


2. The alliance and companions > all companions are now exactly the same. only difference is either they are ranged or melee and their looks.

So even though I got like 20-30 companions right now I only hang out with one which I got to influence 50 as there is no reason for me to do anything with them. They have no story or quests or anything.

Big miss there.

Also now that you can recruit companions from both sides how we are supposed to get the customization vendors stores on the opposing factions sides? let's say we recruit :



T7 - then how an imperial player will get his customization unless using the cartel market ones? feels like a cash grab or serious lack of QA.




EDIT: Also why can't we have a proper gearable companions?

One of the greatest hobbies I have in this game is to mix neat looking armor sets to my companions. Lana and koth got horrible looking armor... it needs to go asap... bu alas it can't.


The Alliance was a let down as well, overall I understand the KOTOR style dialogs in the alliance instance as there is no reason to have voice overs in there but to have every recruitment mission with silent character as well.. just wrong.

Also even though the recruitment missions themselves were varried some of them are annoying as hell (looking at you qyzen), or expensive as hell (lokin, I could use those mats to craft items and make loads of money).


Also the alliance is pretty much dead, I recruited the few guys on the alerts and did all the star forts. most of those missions were copy\paste of each others and not very interesting at that but...

I can do all of the initial missions which were released in the expansion in less then 2 hours.

Then getting my alliance to 20 on all 4 sections was easy as well, using 2 characters and farming heroics I got to 20 in less then 3 days. Also the initial boost from 2 times C2N2 missions is helping with that. But why I don't get new alerts of missions or anything new when I get my alliance to 20? yay got 4 speeders I'll never use but what's the point of raising the alliance past 10 (which needed for the star forts) if I don't unlock anything new in the process?


I was expecting something like Skyrim radiant system where according to alliance levels etc you get random missions all over the galaxy which you can do to help your alliance instead like Strongholds the alliance is eyecandy menu to summon companions.


Hope it will be improved in the future.


3. PVP. It sucks. really.

full pvp set is something like 3000 tokens, doing 2 dailys and finishing the weekly should get you past it in the process (while playing and getting even more).

But the fault here is one, The companion mission.

Each time you wish to recruit a certain companion and you are under 40 valor or not the specific class which that companion is belong to you have to play 20 ! WZ. No problem for me as I enjoy the unranked modes here and there and I got full pvp set but...

right now pvp is filled with pve players trying to get their quotas and in the process getting slaughtered. Worse still is the fact that they don't even know what are the objectives... from huttball where somone run with the ball to his own lines or alderaan leaving the gun terminals without guards... pvp is huge mass right now.

Me as a player which knows what to do I'll have good time with decent team rofl'stomping everything or be in those guys team and get annihilated.

Thing is that pvp hasn't got any love in past few months with no new maps or gaming modes and nothing interesting to do.


4. Crafting,

The actual crafting skills and gathering skills are actually ok.

problem is mission skills, as of right now if you run lockbox missions you LOSE money. I used to run those to get mission discovery for other skills but no point running them now cheaper to just run the skills themselves.

Also what's the deal with purple mats worth nothing? except for slicing one every other purple mission skill mat dropped it's price in huge amounts.

worst is investigation one which I can't even sell for 100 credits each on gtn lol...


5. Economy,

It's dead. seriously... since 4.0 I made so much money without an effort just wow....

with only 3 active characters I made from casual missions and weekly terminal ones (for ops, pvp and such) over 20-30 millions... like nothing...

it's so absurd that in my guild we are like "dude you got 10m to loan me I'm too lazy to relog to my other toon only got 5mill on this one.."

I don't know what the heck happened but if in pre 4.0 I had to do crafting and slicing and stuff on over 20 alts to get those resaults now with 1-2 characters I can make millions easily...

so I don't even bother...


6. Gear Grind,

It's dead.

Long live free loot and booty to everyone.

in first week after 4.0 I got 7 set parts on my main, 220 mh and oh + 220 implants and earpiece.

last night helped few friends to farm 224... from... EV HM... the easiest op in the game drops the best gear just wow...

At any rate I feel that the resaults I get from healing (main is healer) and on my alt (dps) are very very very good when I was just using 216 stuff... each part I switch to 220 is even more powerful and makes everything feel easier.

If in pre 4.0 I felt need to do ops and get better gear and min max everythign now I feel that unless I'm going to tackle the hardest nightmare modes in the game (which have buff item as well... didn't tried it yet) I don't really need to actually farm better gear.

And bottom line is without any effort now you can get pretty good to very good gear easily without an effort.

Also if you are too lazy just get 220 on gtn from crafters or craft yourself.


7. Group Finder

3 carnage maras level 15 on tactical level 65 while they use the gear from korriban... no.

tried 3 GF flashpoints since 4.0 and I'll never do those again. NEVER.


8. Final note, day to day activities.

If you are new player just starting swtor that's awesome you got loads of stuff to do and enjoy.

Me as veteran player for few years now post 4.0 only activity which interests me as the future chapters of KOTFE.

PVP \ OPS \ GSF \ Dailys\ Weeklys all of those are not really interests me as a player right now.

In the past I remember we had to grind Daily commendations for a week for just 1!!! Rakata grade implant or earpiece. We actually had to do space rail missions to get enough of those tokens.

Now I don't need to do any of those.. I don't need the gear and even companions will suffice to have 1 at 50 influence.

So past the casual achievement grind (kill 500 stompers on balmorra etc...) there is no real pull for me right now.


9. The major issue - Where is the story?

we were promised story and stoey oriented missions as the major focus of the game. calling 3 hours gameplay sessions (skip those cutscenes and that's what the gameplay is summ'ed at) as 9 chapters feels cheap.

KOTFE with all of the issues as only have 2 versions (force users \ non force users) is the core but what about the surrounding content? where is the story on the other places?

why there are no new FP \ heroics \ open world missions to do between chapters?

I seriously find nothing worthwhile to do right now and I already got all unlocks on storage and considering to stay preferred until all 16 chapters are out.


Bonus: pre order bonuses,

all the gear they gave was meh, nico is the most boring companion ever and he doesn't even looks like the nico in the trailers.

in the trailers he use something which looks like black nebula blaster pistols and he got that grey looking armor set. when you get him in the game he got like 2-3 lines - utter meh. never used him.

the early access... what - a - fail.

Bioware needs open beta, from constant lags and server crashes to companion not joining, missing gear, level 60 characters debacle and more.

from now I actually going to avoid early access - it's hazardous.


Those are my 2 credits on kotfe I hope bioware will get some good feedback from it for future content.

Overall I love swtor as it was my first mmo and as kotor player (back in 2003-4) I allways envisioned it will be great to have kotor multiplayer game.

But 4.0 feels... lacking... it does not provide and incentive for me as a veteran player to stay in the game.

Edited by lironBD
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I'll give you an easy way of making money.


see that heroic terminal on the fleet?

you go do your heroics and get alliance crate.

in the process you finished the heroic and got mission reward which is around 20-30 k. you can do bonus obj but it's waste of time.

also you get green and blue crystals.

And you get loot drops and crafting materials from nodes along the way you can sell on gtn, I vendor trash all the green loot and sell blue and purple + the mats.


Now once you finished those heroics and hoarded loads of boxes (do note except the 2 heroics on makeb all others can be blitz'd easily... done them all in 1 evening solo).

go to odessen and there is shady merchant there, use green crystals to get more boxes and use blue ones to get the exotic isotope material.


now you made Loads of money from loot and missions rewards it is time to grab the big numbers,

go to your alliance officers and give them all the locked crates, you will get an open crate instead.


each crate contains:

1-2 grade 5-6 gifts.

1 legacy bound armor part

2-6k credits


it may also contain:

various speeders you can sell on gtn

various decoration you may trade with other players.


now vendor all the legacy bound armor parts for 2-10 k credits each.

then sell all the gifts on gtn (some of them worth on my server up to 200k).

you can trade and sell spare speeders and decos as well.


so in 1 night of gameplay you can make easy few mill.

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