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Bio - PVE people all giving up and sitting on one node in WZ


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I think we all understand why PVE people who don't want to PVP are in PVP... It was sort of a good idea by the Devs to get people to try PVP... But it wasn't thought through and was badly implemented...


I for one welcome new pvpers... What I don't welcome is a whole team of PVE people just AFKing at a node without trying... What would be good is if Bio made it a bit easier for you guys to understand PVP and help you be geared right as well as giving you more of an incentive to participate in the matches and not just afk to get your companion


3 things should happen "if" they are going to keep this model for getting those companions or continuing the story..


1. Only give points or quest completion based on wins

2. Reverse Bolster for people with too high gear back to 190 PVE gear and give them 2018 expertise

3. Don't allow people to queue who don't have crystals in weapons or every gear slot filled


Glad to hear we're not making it a complete misery and personally I don't agree with people sitting matches out but I do get why they're doing it, on the rest:


1. I really can't agree with that - it prolongs the misery for the people who don't want to be there and will lead to more people spending more time in PvP doing nothing, it's also unfair for people playing say Rep on an Imp heavy server. Medal requirements I could get behind but definitely not wins.


2. I'm still not clear on how the bloster works, but you probabaly know better than me!


3. Newly crafted main and offhands (the easiest way to get 218 gear) was bugged without a crystal slot, I *believe* that's being addressed but it might explain why some people are playign with no crystals.

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No one says you have got to have that comp. ya end up with a couple of dozen of them that you will never use anyways. Man, Bioware throws pvp a bone by giving them a companion attained doing pvp and the rest of the population acts like they got jobbed out of the family fortune.


What about all the pve stuff everyone has to do to get the rest of em? So, 99% pve and 1 % pvp to get all the companions and the 1% is enough to send players crying to the forums complaining.




Except we do if we want any of the other companions that contact gives out. Like I said before, I don't give a monkies about 4X on my Consular, but it could stop me getting the chance to re-recruit Iresso in the future, which I do want so I have to play the 20 matches even if I wanted to reject 4X.


I get you guys are fed-up with clueless PvE types in PvP but for us it's either do it (whether we want 4X/Pierce or not) or lock out all future companions from that alliance contact.


What some people don't seem to get is there's no way for PvE players to reject PvP linked companions without doing the matches - and that's just bad game design.

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[Lhancelot;]Ok. The thing is, once they get 8 medals the same types of players who now enter a match and sit on a node till it ends would simply do the same at 8 medals. My opinion ofc.


I'm one of the PvE devils you're all afraid of, sort of. I also do PvP, like it a lot to be honest- cools me down and clears my head after work. I've encountered the sitting problem on both sides already (PvEers and PvPers). Once i asked one of the gods why he was sitting around (he had 10 medals already) guess what he told me? "no reason to help the noobs as long as they don't fight the HEAL." so i looked around for target markers, nowhere to be seen...So i asked him why he didn't mark the guy, "why should i ? i know who it is!" ffs what are you guys expecting???? if i see the opponents i can tell by now who's to fight with priority, lots don't. so both sides can learn at least a bit. why not say:" go for target/flame/whatever..."? nothing easier than that:cool:

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i just said what a lot of people that only pve think, they are afraid of pvp, really, but when you overcome this you see that it's not that big of a deal, and is even fun, some people need to relax more over here, geez...


I say we are not afraid of pvp, but we do not like being "attacked" by "Pro's" in the amateur zone LOL

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it's a long road, you 'll only stay in PvP if at some point you see the light at the end of the tunnel. don't know how many times i entered and died to get the comms for equip. i guess most don't get over that point

If it's not fun, it's not fun. No one does anything in a game unless it's fun, even if that "fun" is the end reward.

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