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Refuse to recruit/killing companions


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I was a little disappointed after playing through both a Sith and Jedi that you cant really kill off any Companions. I thought it said in Kotfe that companions might die i got all excited thinking i might finally get revenge on Quinn something i think all Warriors demand( or maybe just find that shock collar i took off Vette)



but alas it seems the only one that dies is HK-55

and we have no control over it



i understand that there might be one or two companions that might be central to your storyline but serious we have recruited what like 20 or so new companions. What's the harm is us knocking off one or 2 or 10. In fact its no different from the people who refuse to do the Pierce/Mx questline cause its PVP. Are they not going to be short that follower but also all potential followers after that since they cant be recruited till pierce is.


This need to kill companions or as you now call them followers was made more necessary by the stunt that our good Dr friend pulled. After what he does once we finally get out of the rakghoul tunnels i just wanted to grab him press my lightsabre to his heart and as i turn it on whisper in his ear "The Alliance sends its regards"


Please Devs let us kill some of these companions

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