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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Player Romance


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Roleplaying as its advantage, but this would be a new system that actually allows romance.


Some F2P, China/Korean MMOs have a feature like this.


rarely is it used as you think. People just tend to spam invites to be their "lover" so they can start earning the special EXP associated with it.

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Some F2P, China/Korean MMOs have a feature like this.


rarely is it used as you think. People just tend to spam invites to be their "lover" so they can start earning the special EXP associated with it.


My idea for the system wouldn't have the bonus of extra exp. Instead, for you to make, what I would call, affection points, you would have to be in a group for some missions, or give gifts like you would with a regular companion.

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My idea for the system wouldn't have the bonus of extra exp. Instead, for you to make, what I would call, affection points, you would have to be in a group for some missions, or give gifts like you would with a regular companion.


While a noble idea, it won't work as you think. Players always find ways to undermine the system, or find a way to make it as "efficient" as possible.

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Please no. You'll end up with people marrying each other just to experience the game content and not because they actually like each other.


Which would be no different than political marriages, monetary marriages, status marriages & arraigned marriages.

I could be the first in game lawyer handling all the divorce proceedings, for a small fee of course :D

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