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The hardest boss you've ever faced *SPOILERS*


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Hi guys! Sorry if this topic was mentioned before but I'm curious about your experiences with SWTOR bosses both pre and after 4.0. What boss frustrated you the most and took many attempts to finally defeat.


My picks are two. Picked chronologically:


Pre 4,0


The Darth responsible for the Jedi Plague (Jedi Consular) - the fact that he was a PITA was my fault. Didn't know how to use interrupts properly when I fought him. Once I learned JC's CC ability he was a piece of cake


Post 4.0


Few words only. First boss fight with the isotope 5 droid in RotHC hands down. I had my behind handed to me even with Vette healing me....what a nightmare!


Your picks? :)

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Probably in my Knight's story

The Emperor on Dromund Kaas

Prior to 2.0 (Nope, not 4.0- TWO POINT OH).


Since then, nothing has really challenged me in solo content. Save for when I'm playing solo something meant to be done in a group.


The chapter one boss for the Consular was also much easier than I expected. I don't remember dropping below 95% health. (Also prior to 4.0)

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The chapter one boss for the Consular was also much easier than I expected. I don't remember dropping below 95% health. (Also prior to 4.0)

I had this when I finally cranked my JC (shadow) to the end of chapter one of her story.


I also had it with the Sergeant you fight accompanied (pre-4.0) by Tanno Vik in The Gauntlet. The mighty Internet thought it was really, really impossibly stupid hard as non-group fights go. It wasn't a trivial fight, but I didn't find it *hard*, just tough.

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Pre 2.0 it was definetely agent's chapter 1 final boss. Never managed to kill him on my own, had to call a guildmate for help. The fact that you have to beat him three blasted times, not one, also didn't help. Not sure if that boss is still as difficult.

So pre 4.0 I'd vote for sith inquisitors very last boss. I lost count of the times I had to run out the Dark Council chambers to avoid being killed :) I think I tried all my companions one by one until I finally succeeded with Ashara.

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Pre 4.0, I'd have to say either Darth Thanaton at the end of SI's story, Darth Baras at the end of SW's, or Darth Jadus in IA's all the way back during near Launch.


Post 4.0, Arcann in the Control Spar in Chapter 8 with HK-55 dismissed for sh*ts and giggles. I'm taking down that guy on my own, 1v1. :p

Edited by Ardim
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Way back in the day, There was a boss on Voss, somehow related to the Sel-makor storyline that kept handing me my ***. This was back on my first character (Sorcerer) so I really wasn't very good at the game yet anyhow.


Somewhat more recently, the final JK story mission on Belsavis. (You have a bunch of Republic npcs helping you fight a bunch of Imp mobs.) It would start out just fine, then Doc's healing would pull all the agro and the mobs would just focus him down, then turn on me. Finally i just hid around a corner and let the NPCs kill each other.


Most recently, the H2+ Star Fortress Exarch. I've been trying to solo it just to see if I can. I've gotten all the way to the last fight but I just can't beat him. (Using my Sorcerer and a rank30 SCORPIO.) If I try a split Heal/DPS or DPS/Heal then I (or SCORPIO) just can't maintain enough HPS to stay alive, but going Heal/Heal I simply can't put out enough damage to kill him.


I think the lowest I got him was like 70%... which took a good 20 minutes with heal/heal.

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Way back in the day, There was a boss on Voss, somehow related to the Sel-makor storyline that kept handing me my ***. This was back on my first character (Sorcerer) so I really wasn't very good at the game yet anyhow.


It was the Avatar of Sel-Makor, wasn't it? :)


I remember him. Repeatedly cast hard-hitting abilities like Death Field, Thundering Blast, and could use Power of the Force like Revan. Guy was a pain for me as well.

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So pre 4.0 I'd vote for sith inquisitors very last boss. I lost count of the times I had to run out the Dark Council chambers to avoid being killed :) I think I tried all my companions one by one until I finally succeeded with Ashara.


So much this, as an Assassin it was a nightmare for me.

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It was the Avatar of Sel-Makor, wasn't it? :)


I remember him. Repeatedly cast hard-hitting abilities like Death Field, Thundering Blast, and could use Power of the Force like Revan. Guy was a pain for me as well.


Yeah that's the name that pops into my head, I just wasn't certain I was remembering it correctly... It been a few years.

Edited by OathboundCoH
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It was the Avatar of Sel-Makor, wasn't it? :)


I remember him. Repeatedly cast hard-hitting abilities like Death Field, Thundering Blast, and could use Power of the Force like Revan. Guy was a pain for me as well.


In terms of swtor solo-mode, I would also vote for Avatar of Sel-Makor. Its not the same now though.


In terms of all mmos ever, I guess it would be pre-nerf Hamidon in city of heroes :p


I think the lowest I got him was like 70%... which took a good 20 minutes with heal/heal.

TBH sounds like the issue is that youre primarily a healer? A well geared dps with a healing companion should pull this off decently easy.

Edited by Karkais
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I don't think I've ever enountered anything remotely close to challenging in SWTOR's solo content. This game's never been hard

Depends on if you include "group content done solo" in "solo content".


If you do that, then the Exarch at the end of the FP to destroy the Voss Stellar Fortress counts as hard. Do-able (hell, *I* can do it), but very, very hard. The optimum Influence rank for your companion is somewhere around 15-22, depending on how good your gear is. If he is higher than that, you lose aggro and the companion dies, then you die.

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Prior to starting KOTFE, I'd say the isotope droid on Makeb for all my IMP characters. Died so many times. Also the inquisitor story quest final boss on Belsavis. Had to wait 'til I seriously outleveled him to do it.

Now trying to beat hoth star fortress hero solo with my operative <healer spec> haven't been able to do it yet. Using Scorpio at 20 influence, and don't have the alliance guys buffs at 10 yet. Will have to go for the buffs first I suppose, and try again sometime. Have cleared all bosses except for one that asks for Voss buff, and final Exalarch.

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Depends on if you include "group content done solo" in "solo content".


If you do that, then the Exarch at the end of the FP to destroy the Voss Stellar Fortress counts as hard. Do-able (hell, *I* can do it), but very, very hard. The optimum Influence rank for your companion is somewhere around 15-22, depending on how good your gear is. If he is higher than that, you lose aggro and the companion dies, then you die.


^This is what happened to me yesterday.


I've soloed the H2 Star Fortresses (all) many times, honestly because it's just darn fun to do it. First couple times were the hardest on my knight, combat, with companion about 11 or 12. Once I learned the mechanics of each fight (who to keep interrupting, who to hold indefinitely, etc) it became very doable.


However, as Steve said, once they reach 22 and higher, you have a harder time keeping aggro on yourself (if you aren't a tank with taunts). It's still very doable and very fun. Just gotta watch it.

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Okay, here it goes:


For my Sith Warrior [Marauder]:


Pre-4.0: Jaesas Master was easy on the first two fights but I was defeated mainly beacause I wasn't on level [32] and was 30 without the proper gear on the time hehehe... I was a noob those days :rak_03:


Darth Baras last fight was difficult on the second part only, but not much...


4.0: The only the Prototype Isotope 5 droid IS the winner, because I spend one hour with Light Side Jaesa as a Healer, doing Rishi now, but so far; the trouble has been from group intended FlashPoints... not even HK-47 was that difficult



For my Imperial Agent [sniper]




For my Sith Inquisitor [Assassin]



Pre-4.0: Darth Skotia because I wasn't using at first the token of the EP designed against him [wasn't geared and was one level lower] and later Darth Thanaton on Korriban... stil on Makeb but I felt easier to defeat the Isotope 5 droid than with my Marauder...



Just off-record: I hate fighting rakghouls... :rak_02:

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In terms of swtor solo-mode, I would also vote for Avatar of Sel-Makor. Its not the same now though.


In terms of all mmos ever, I guess it would be pre-nerf Hamidon in city of heroes :p



TBH sounds like the issue is that youre primarily a healer? A well geared dps with a healing companion should pull this off decently easy.


I've tried it spec'd as both Lightning and Corruption... but my Scorpio is rank 30, so if 15-22 is optimal then that might be part of the problem.


I could also simply suck at it. :p



Also YAY City of Heroes! That's the origin of my handle. @Oathbound was my global in City of *

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The isotope-5 droid at the end of Imperial Makeb, definitely. He used to pull you all the way to the back of the room and then stick a slow on you, right before shooting that Laser of Death. I swear, this would happen every 20 seconds. I went back and did the quest recently again on another character and I don't think I got pulled to the back of the room even once. Maybe they took that out or made it much more infrequent? Anyway, my poor little healing operative in 126 rated gear died so many times on that droid. I finally beat him after a 25 minute long fight where I ran around slicing him up with my tiny paper cuts and healing myself like mad until he eventually died.


Bothrium beast on Oricon gave me a heck of time before I got better gear for myself and my companion.


Avatar of Sel-Makor as well, yes! People were always asking in chat to group up to finish him, so I at least got him knocked out on a few characters that way. The others I had to wait and go back to finish that chain when I was a higher level.


Final boss fight for Inquisitor. I had been using a DPS companion while in a DPS spec for leveling but that just didn't cut it for that boss. I had to go back to the fleet and buy gear for Talos in order to finish it.


Chapter 1 agent boss too, you know the one. :p He was buggy as all heck and I wasted so much time jumping around on top of him while getting the "can't reach target" message. Did they ever fix that? I've taken 2 other agents through there since then but both of them chose options that allowed me to skip that fight.


Consular's final boss. It was the night before ROTHC dropped and I was racing to finish that class during a double exp event. Boss kept kicking my butt. I finally dinged level 50 and was able to collect that free set of Tionese gear that they used to hand out. That allowed me to beat him. The very next day that set of gear was pulled from the game.

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The isotope-5 droid at the end of Imperial Makeb, definitely. He used to pull you all the way to the back of the room and then stick a slow on you, right before shooting that Laser of Death. I swear, this would happen every 20 seconds. I went back and did the quest recently again on another character and I don't think I got pulled to the back of the room even once. Maybe they took that out or made it much more infrequent? Anyway, my poor little healing operative in 126 rated gear died so many times on that droid. I finally beat him after a 25 minute long fight where I ran around slicing him up with my tiny paper cuts and healing myself like mad until he eventually died.


Ah yes, the Isotope-5 droids.


I never had an issue with the last droid Imp side (the one with the Hutt riding inside), It was always the one in the volcano base (with the gangways and the consoles you had to click to activate turrets and such) that gave me trouble. I don't remember the Imp side final droid having the insta-death ray, only republic side. I ALWAYS die at least once to the final Rep side droid. Admittedly it's been a long time since I bothered to finish Makeb, rather than ding 55 and move on to SOR.


I had a really hard time with the Emperor on my JK until I figured out which spell he was one shotting me with (which I will sadly confess took me a few deaths). :o

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Ah yes, the Isotope-5 droids.


I never had an issue with the last droid Imp side (the one with the Hutt riding inside), It was always the one in the volcano base (with the gangways and the consoles you had to click to activate turrets and such) that gave me trouble. I don't remember the Imp side final droid having the insta-death ray, only republic side. I ALWAYS die at least once to the final Rep side droid. Admittedly it's been a long time since I bothered to finish Makeb, rather than ding 55 and move on to SOR.


I was actually referring to the last droid, the one that the Archon rides. The other droid was hard too, but I always managed to get through it eventually. It was the Archon's droid though that always gave me the most trouble. The adds were not tab-target-able, his pull + laser + slow move sometimes kept me from being able to make it back to the front of the room before it went off AGAIN, and companions usually died within the first 20 seconds of the fight. At least it's easier now!

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