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4.0 PVP Madness Sorcerer Guide


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Hello, Sceviour here with my edited guide for PVP Madness Sorcs for 4.0. You might remember me from my PVP Madness Guide for 3.3 but since the new expansion is out, I thought Id update the guide to help all the new players. I have added to the guide some suggestions for an alternative build from Naryik of the Bastion as he tends to favor an Alacrity heavy Madness build, whereas I favor a Crit heavy build. We have less than a 1% difference in damage between the 2 options so its up to the reader to figure out what works best for them. Remember, this is a guide, its meant to help you along, not tell you what you should objectively gear your toon with.


However, the tips and tricks below ARE OBJECTIVE so follow them to the T :p


Madness Sorcerer/Balance Sage is a spec that revolves around using Damage Over Time abilities to kill your opponents, as opposed to direct damage abilities like lightning/telekinesis which focus on burst damage. To successfully play Madness/Balance in 8v8, 4v4 and open world, your first priority is to stay alive. Mobility is key and using your utilities to focus on locking the enemy down, and keeping your distance will allow you to truly maximize your potential.


The first section of this guide is going to be tips and things that Madness Sorcs need to know and do in Warzones.


To decrease on clutter, we’ll be adding this legend for any republic player reading in the spoiler below.



Balance Sage Class Parallels:

Affliction = Weaken Mind

Creeping Terror = Sever Force

Demolish = Vanquish

Death Field = Force in Balance

Force Leach = Force Serenity

Force Lightning = Telekinetic Throw

Polarity Shift = Mental Alacrity

Unlimited Power = Force Empowerment



From here forth we will only be using the Imperial terminology for abilities and referencing the class.




Stay Alive

As a Sorcerer, your main job is to stay alive. In 90% of ranked games, you’ll be the first focused guaranteed. Because of this, your primary goal is not dying. In all the games I’ve played in ranked, the games that I die first is a game I’ve lost, guaranteed. The games where I die after we’ve dropped one of the enemy team, there’s a 50/50 chance of winning or losing and the games where I’m the last man standing is a 90% chance to win


Open Up

If it’s the rare 10% case where you’re not focused first, then it’s time to show what you’ve got. Utilize all the tactics in your arsenal. Kiting, Line-of-Sighting, as well as your class abilities like Force Speed, Force Barrier, and your numerous CC abilities. Typically, in the games you’re not focused first, if you’re not pulling top damage then you’re not utilizing Madness to its full potential. When left alone to ‘Free Cast’ (successfully pulling off your rotation consistently without any enemy focus), Madness Sorcerers have some of the highest DPS potential of any class in its current state.


Emersion is a must have utility

Force Speed + the Emersion utility is probably my most used escape move in ranked and it has saved my *** countless times. Plus, there’s always something satisfying about watching a Jugg mindlessly slash at the air while you sprint to safety.


Use your Force Barrier strategically

Sometimes, that means saving it for the very last second before you die. Sometimes that means using it when you’re being heavily focused, even though you have 100% health. This can often play to your advantage, as an opponent has a 50/50 chance of blowing their damage increasing cooldowns to open up on you early.

In games where I’m facing high burst DPS classes like Marauders and Assassins, I sometimes pop my Force Barrier as soon as they’re locked on to me and starting their rotation, as that burns out their burst on my invincibility shield so that neither I or my team take that high damage. After their burst is wasted on my shield or they’ve wasted their time striking against my bubble, which inevitably wastes their bursts, I kill them pretty easily.

Using your Barrier is a skill that takes practice to master. It’s a tactical ability, and is not a set rule that it must be used in X situation. You just have to watch, and learn, your enemies abilities, and typical patterns/rotations. Then you’ll be able to easily determine when to use your barrier, to both stunt the enemies DPS potential, and save yourself from certain death.


Range is crucial

to successfully playing Madness. You’re one of the squishiest ranged classes in the game. Staying away from enemies, and using your 30 to 35 meter attacks to your advantage is key to winning most fights. Height is also a significant advantage for ranges classes like yours. In maps like Tatooine Canyon, Alderaan Civil war, or Quesh Huttball, stand on the edges. Stay out of the enemy’s area of focus and spam away.


Know your Maps

This goes hand in hand with #5. Take full advantage of the level design used in your maps. In maps like Makeb Mesa, or Orbital Station, it’s the smart move to not take the high path first. Knockback or pulls easily separate you from your teammates, taking you out of the fight for sometimes crucial seconds, leading to a loss. In maps with two or more levels, like the ones I mentioned, I’d suggest that your team take the direct route and charge the enemy right out of the gate. Engage them and put them immediately on the defensive. This brings me to my next point.


Engage the Enemy First

Get your attacks out first, in all warzone situations, as soon as possible to try to catch the enemy with their pants down. The longer you wait, or hesitate, the more opportunity you’re giving the enemy to prep, organize and get the drop on you. Which means that you’ll more than likely lose. Get the first attacks out, attack them as soon as possible and try to catch them with their pants down. The more you wait, the more they prep and organize which means you are generally going to lose.


Play to your Team’s Strengths

Lastly, I’m strongly of the opinion that Sorcerers are strongly dependent on their team composition. If you’re stuck with a bad team, more than likely you’re facing a loss. If you’ve got a good team with competent players, you’ll probably win. If you’ve got an average team, then you could easily carry the team to victory. That is a rare situation however, which only happens once in a blue moon. This is all less true in 8v8 warzones. One good player could turn the tide of a battle.





The guide here is going to get a bit confusing as there is still discussion regarding what the best spec is for Madness PVP. My personal play style and theory favors going the heavy up front burst path for solo ranked. Ive talked in length with Naryik of the Bastion who prefers to go with low burst/crit, but high Alacrity which gave rise to the 3rd rotation below. Without further ado, here are the rotations;


1st possible rotation (Recommended for Crit Spec unranked): Force Lightning -> Affliction -> Creeping Terror -> Death Field -> Demolish -> Force Leech -> Recklessness -> Force Lightning (stop it after 1 second) -> Unlimited Power -> Force Lightning x2 -> Polarity shift -> Force Lightning x3 and repeat


2nd possible rotation (Recommended for Crit Spec Ranked): Force Lightning -> Affliction -> Creeping Terror -> Recklessness -> Polarity Shift -> Demolish -> Force Leech -> Death Field -> Force Lightning x 4 times then starting with Affliction to repeat the rotation


3rd possible rotation (Recommended for Alacrity Spec ranked & unranked): Polarity Shift > Unlimited Power > Affliction > Creeping Terror > Recklessness > Death Field > Force Lighting > Demolish > Leech


Note: For the 2nd rotation, make sure to time the Force Leech -> Death field combo to hit at the same time. Its pretty easy to do but do that to have the biggest burst you can get. If you want good sustained DPS that you can just spam away from range and want good DoT spread, use the 1st rotation. If you want high burst that can help kill a target in very little time, use the 2nd rotation. For the first Force Lightning in both rotations, make sure you get your 4 stacks of Wrath and Fulminating Current before moving on.





Skillful: Sith Defiance, Empty Body, Sap Strength

Masterful: Emersion, Conspiring Force

Heroic: Corrupted Barrier, Surging Speed


Note: Taking Conspiring Force over Dark Resilience is something Im still testing and honestly, its up to your play style. I like the extra slow added onto a DoT that I pretty much have up 100% of the time which makes it easier to kite everything but if you want to take Dark Resilience for the damage reduction on Extrication and +30% health on Unnatural Preservation, go ahead. See what works best for your play style.




Again, here the guide will split into 2 possible builds. One that is high Crit which is for a higher burst (to be ideally used with Rotation #2). The second part of Gear section will be the gearing for the #3 rotation.


HEAVY CRIT - Gear Option 1:


7/7 Force Master Gear set to get the 6 piece set bonus



9 of Adv. Lethal 40x



7 of Adv. Adept 40x



Focused Retribution and Devastating Vengeance (Crit Relic)



13 Advanced Versatile Augments 40

1 Advanced Critical Augment 40


Disclaimer: A lot of people have done theory crafting on augments for burst classes but not really for sustained. Im not a theorycrafter, Im just going off what I have seen, mainstat augments work just fine compared to power and even if there is a difference, it will be like a 1% difference at most. YMMV



2 Exemplar Adept Package


Ear Piece:

Exemplar Adept Device



Advanced Anodyne Versatile Stim


Overall Stats:

Endurance: 5,435 (Health: 70,539)

Mastery: 5,468

Power: 2,369

Crit Rating: 1,443

Crit Chance: 40.16%

Crit Multiplier: 69.29%

Alacrity: 0

Accuracy: 0


HEAVY ALACRITY - Gear Option 2 - Credits to Naryik of the Bastion :



9 of Adv. Lethal 40x



5 Advanced Quick Savant 40x

2 Advanced Adept 40x



2 Exemplar Adept Package


Ear Piece:

Exemplar Adept Device



Focused Retribution and Serendipitous Assault



14 Advanced OVERKILL (power) Augments


Stat totals: https://i.imgur.com/KDrTSE5.jpg



The following section will also have 2 separate parses. The first parse will be for the Heavy Crit gearing with the 2nd Rotation.


1. http://i.imgur.com/kXaFPfx.png (5,638 DPS)


2. http://i.imgur.com/joakGeF.png (DPS for a ranked matches time frame


3. http://i.imgur.com/CqQi4oN.png



Now here is the Heavy Alacrity gearing build with Rotation #3 parse: http://imgur.com/a/6lWVM


The high crit build is focused towards the most up front damage to kill 1 target as quickly as possible whereas the 2nd build, for high alacrity is built for DoT spread and spreading out as much small damage to as many targets as possible.


Aaaannndd finally, if you've made it this far, congrats! :p I am by no means the best Sorc in the world nor do I know everything 100% of the time. If you have comments, questions, or even criticisms, please by all means share them. Its only through the collection of everyones knowledge that we can become better players and if you have a tip or find something wrong in the guide, please post below and Ill go about either editing the guide or what have you.


Also a final shout out to Naryik of the Bastion for helping me improve the guide. The end goal is to help everyone become a better player so thanks! :)

Edited by KingDeathII
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I edited the guide with suggestions from Naryik from the Bastion as he had a 2nd way of gearing his toon. Both builds have less than a 1% difference between them in terms of theoretical parses so the difference is between play styles. I prefer build 1 for high crit to get that double crit from Leech and Death Field which can hit up to a combined 23k or 24k but like I said, its a personal choice if you wanna get high crit or high alacrity. Both are equally viable for PVP :)
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Hi there and thanks for your guide!

I'm a T1 Sage but I don't think I'm an expert at all, still I wanted to try some of your suggestion mixing them with things from different sources and experiences.


This is my last parse (cut at 4:30 because I stopped after that but I still was in fight):


Balance - 5844 - 39 APM


To be honest I was surprised that I pulled higher numbers than yours, because I always sucked with dummy parsing.

I've never checked how long a Ranked round lasts, but if I cut the parse at around 1:30 I'm at 6k DPS.


Here are my stats (with Advanced Anodyne Versatile Stim, all class buffs and all datacrons):

  • Mastery: 4744
  • Endurance: 5446
  • Power: 2588
  • Critical: 986
  • Alacrity: 1041


Rotation was quite simple.

I used the #3 rotation from the OP as opener, then I followed this kind of guideline:

  • Tk Throw (until dots wear off, clipping around 4th execution)
  • Sever Force
  • Weaken Mind
  • Force In Balance
  • Vanquish
  • Force Serenity


I tried to avoid applying dots before they ran out, so I used more fillers instead of reapplying them.


Damage distribution


I've not tried with your gearing suggestions because I'm out of commendations and I don't have enough time to get them now, but I wanted to share my results to see if I'm on the right track or if it was just a matter of luck and my build won't work in a real fight.

Edited by StepTNT
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Yeah your parse is higher because you have a bit higher alacrity and a massive increase in APM from my parse and even from Naryik's high alacrity build parse. 39 APM is pretty impressive IMO so Im not really sure why Naryik's high alacrity build and your high alacrity build are so vastly different in APM.


Also you arent using any of the PVE debuffs on the dummy are you? If you are, that might account for the big dps difference. Also, what is your augment set up, Im guessing its more into alacrity augs since your alacrity # is a bit higher than Naryik's so is your % at like 11% or 12%?


Also another very interesting thing is that with your low crit, your attacks are critting a LOT, like 40, 50 and even 60% crit rates on your attacks but Im assuming from your stats your crit chance is probably in the low 30s?

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Also you arent using any of the PVE debuffs on the dummy are you? If you are, that might account for the big dps difference.


If you're ralking about the Armor Reduction one, it can't be used on the Warzone Dummy :)


Also, what is your augment set up, Im guessing its more into alacrity augs since your alacrity # is a bit higher than Naryik's so is your % at like 11% or 12%?


  • 3x Advanced Alacrity Augment 40
  • 3x Advanced Overkill Augment 40
  • 6x Advanced Critical Augment 40
  • 2x Advanced Versatile Augment 40


Running with 10.57% Alacrity


Also another very interesting thing is that with your low crit, your attacks are critting a LOT, like 40, 50 and even 60% crit rates on your attacks but Im assuming from your stats your crit chance is probably in the low 30s?


Actually I'm at

35.10% Crit Chance

65.23% Crit Multiplier


But the big difference may come from the Crit Relic instead of the Power one (sorry, I don't remember the names!).

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I think the difference is in rotation. One sees significantly higher sustained, about 9%, but its burst ceiling is nearly 40% lower. Both are viable play styles it simply comes down to which one do you prefer. I prefer the higher burst window personally. What I would be interested in seeing is a parse running the same as the 5800 parse rotation but with high crit to see how close the sustained is. Edited by skarlson
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Quick update with more burst but less DPS, gear is still the same (I'll stop here for today because my arm hurts for spamming TK Throw :D)


Balance - 5711 - 39 APM


Before writing the rotation, please keep in mind that I have issues when changing my rotation so I ended up skipping some dots once in a while.

So, with a little bit of more training and maybe replacing one Alacrity augment with an Overkill one, I'm sure I can get back to 5800+ while keeping the added burst.


Here's the "new" rotation (basically I've taken something from the various rotations posted here):


  1. TK Throw
  2. Mental Alacrity
  3. Force Empowerment
  4. Sever Force
  5. Weaken Mind
  6. Force Potency
  7. Force Serenity + Force In Balance (just start spamming FiB as soon as FS channel starts)
  8. Vanquish
  9. TK Throw (4.5 times, until Severe Force wears off)
  10. Go to 4 and repeat


Both Mental Alacrity and Force Empowerment were used on CD but never before Severe Force and Weaken Mind because I thought that using them before the FS+FiB+Vanquish combo could increase burst.


As a side note, I think this rotation will lead to Force management issues, as I had some moments in which my force was under 50, and considering that in Ranked you may need some self healing, I'm not 100% sure that this can be viable.

I still think it may work because in Ranked you'll not be able to spam abilties like I did on Dummy, so maybe Force won't be an issue but I needed to point it out.

Edited by StepTNT
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So 2 things, good catch on the burst ceiling differences and its interesting that you are using a Crit relic rather than power. It seems that my highest burst is around 28k-ish where as yours is closer to 25k which is pretty damn close.


Ive read a few other PVE orientated theory crafters and they tend to all say that stick with Mastery/Power because the crit is all RNG and it might not pop when you need it. If you can go back to your parses and post the highlighted section of when your Crit relic is proc'ing that would be amazing as we can find out if its less or more effective than the Power relic.


I never even considered using a Crit relic because common thought has always been that those are useless so I didnt really think 4.0 would change stuff. Also for a ranked scenario rotation, you woudnt be able to use Unlimited Power/Force Empowerment so if possible, can you get a rotation without that involved? My parses didnt have that ability used since in ranked its not going to happen because rules :p


Also have you attempted to use Mental Alacrity before using TK Throw to speed up that channel? Do you think it would be more effective to use it as an opener or better to use it after the first TK Throw?


Also I wonder what would happen if I exchanged my power relic for a crit one since my Crit % is already at 40% and my abilities are critting just as much as yours. Ill try it once I get home.

Edited by KingDeathII
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So 2 things, good catch on the burst ceiling differences and its interesting that you are using a Crit relic rather than power. It seems that my highest burst is around 28k-ish where as yours is closer to 25k which is pretty damn close.


Ive read a few other PVE orientated theory crafters and they tend to all say that stick with Mastery/Power because the crit is all RNG and it might not pop when you need it. If you can go back to your parses and post the highlighted section of when your Crit relic is proc'ing that would be amazing as we can find out if its less or more effective than the Power relic. .


Crit Highlight from 5845 parse (hoping that I got it right :D)


Also for a ranked scenario rotation, you woudnt be able to use Unlimited Power/Force Empowerment so if possible, can you get a rotation without that involved? My parses didnt have that ability used since in ranked its not going to happen because rules :p


I feel like a complete idiot, I always parsed for PvE and totally forgot about it.


But....Balance - 5993 - 39.6 APM

Burst seems stable to previous values and...no Force Empowerment!

(Cutting at 1:30 as you did leads to 6181)


This needs more details tho.

I swapped one Alacrity Augment for an Overkill one and I changed my rotation to something like a priority system.

I'll try to explain what I mean but I'm not good in explanations (and I'm not a native English speaker :))



  1. Mental Alacrity
  2. Vanquish (Hard Cast)
  3. Force Serenity + Force in Balance
  4. Severe Force
  5. Weaken Mind
  6. TK Throw (3 or 4 times until you can do FS+FiB in the same GCD)


Now here's where things get a bit "messy".

After doing the 3 or 4 Tk Throw you go back to FS+FiB but you'll not reapply the two dots.

What I did, instead, was to cast another (or 2 more based on the previous number of Tk Throws) Tk Throw to wait until the dots wear off to apply them again from scratch.


This basically translates to something like this (after the opener):

  1. Force Serenity + Force in Balance
  2. Vanquish
  3. TK Throw (1 or 2 times until SF & WM wear off, you may need more based on Alacrity)
  4. Severe Force
  5. Weaken Mind
  6. TK Throw (2 or 3 times until you can do FS+FiB in the same GCD)
  7. Start again


Why can't I just provied a working "plug & play" rotation? Because I wasn't able to determine the correct number of TK Throws. Sometimes I needed just one, sometimes even 5 because I used MA after applying dots.


I can summarize the main rotation like this:

  1. Force Serenity + Force in Balance
  2. Vanquish
  3. TK Throw until SF & WM wear off
  4. Severe Force
  5. Weaken Mind
  6. TK Throw until you can do FS+FiB in the same GCD
  7. Start again


Which eventually will converge to the standard Balance rotation that everyone used pre 4.0 based on OCD usage.


Also have you attempted to use Mental Alacrity before using TK Throw to speed up that channel? Do you think it would be more effective to use it as an opener or better to use it after the first TK Throw?


I'd say go for the opener, it has helped in the parse I've added up in this post.

Without MA I struggled to time up FS and FiB, using it before starting the opener made everything go smoother.

Also, in a typical Ranekd situation, if you want to open with Vanquish you need to be fast or someone will interrupt you, so you either use MA+Vanquish or MA+TK Throw to get a fast instant Vanquish.

So the final answer, at least IMO, is to use MA as first ability.


Please note that I'm not nearly as experience as you and that I always blindly followed guides (and yours too), now I'm just challenging myself in contributing to the discussion so I may be completely wrong :)


Also I wonder what would happen if I exchanged my power relic for a crit one since my Crit % is already at 40% and my abilities are critting just as much as yours. Ill try it once I get home.


I'm curious too.

I've got the Crit relic because I focused on Alacrity augments and some more Crit may be useful during the fight, and proc seems quite regular from my parses so it may be worth it.


TL;DR: check the red bold text and sorry for the wall of text :)

Edited by StepTNT
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Alright so today was a long day but I finally got home and time to parse. I bought a Crit relic and put Mastery augment on it. The first 3 images are going to be a break down of the Power Relic (with Mastery aug) and its parse break down. The next 3 will be the parse for the Crit Relic (with Mastery Aug) and its break down. Ill put my conclusion at the end.


Power Relic Parse:


1. http://i.imgur.com/NoyDQKq.png (5,600 DPS)


2. http://i.imgur.com/rmlu768.png (Highest DPS was 5,631)


3. http://i.imgur.com/CwHPTvY.png



Crit Relic Parse:


1. http://i.imgur.com/kXaFPfx.png (5,638 DPS)


2. http://i.imgur.com/joakGeF.png (This one is comparing when my Power Relic had its highest burst at 2 mins 14 seconds which in the Crit Parse, I hit 5,616)


3. http://i.imgur.com/CqQi4oN.png


My Crit chance % jumps up to 44.85% when Crit Relic and Mainstat Relic proc at the same time. Combine that with the 8% from Fulminating Current and you get a grand total of 52.85% crit chance. That is insane.


So conclusion. Holy mama, these parses are totally different from what I had originally in my guide. Im gonna discard the old parse that I have and replace it with this because apparently I was being lazy with my original parse. Secondly, I wont say the jury is in but the evidence is damning that a Crit Relic is better than a Power relic for PVP Madness Sorcs. Not only is my DPS higher but if you look at the "burst" in the Power relic vs the Crit relic, I only hit my Burst ceiling 3 times, with 1 of the 3 being above the ceiling. The other spikes in damage which I rely on for being crits in Ranked, only happen a total of 9 times in my parse.


Compared that to my Crit Relic parse, I hit the ceiling 5 times (almost 7, just miss it by a tiny bit) which means Im bursting a lot more often for the ceiling almost each and every single time. Most of my power relic bursts are like only 75% of the way to my ceiling which is terrible. My Burst ceiling also has increased by a good margin. If you look at the Power parse, its hovering at about 24k (its kinda hard to make out) but my Crit parse has its ceiling consistently above closer to like 26k or 27k. Im decently surprised to say the least.


Also, I just want to note, HOLY **** DEATH FIELD CRIT 93.3% OF THE TIME in my Crit Relic! Compare that to the 26% of the time DF crit on the Power Relic.......like daaaammmnnnn So yeah, Crit relic is apparently a lot better for PVP Madness


Also wassup Chali :D

Edited by KingDeathII
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Feels like we're coming to the ultimate Madness form :D


Did you check my previous post with the 5993 parse? I'm curious to see what you think about it and if you have some suggestions on what gear to change to go up 6k while keeping a 25k burst.


BTW your 93% crit on Death Field is quite amazing :eek:

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Well one thing that popped out at me about your rotation is that you arent using the +25% damage boost given by affliction (weaken mind) to Force Leech (force serenity) which is probably why your burst is so low.


Also in a ranked match scenario which I tried out my new relic in, I had to use Force Alacrity on Force Serenity because 7/10 times, when they saw me cast FS, Id get interrupted. I rarely got interrupted on TK throw so maybe people have realized Sorc/Sages's burst comes from FS :p

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Well one thing that popped out at me about your rotation is that you arent using the +25% damage boost given by affliction (weaken mind) to Force Leech (force serenity) which is probably why your burst is so low.


This is only true in the opener, during the rotation WM is always on when I use FS :)

Basically the two dots have a 98% uptime, so they're only missing during the first part of the opener.


Also in a ranked match scenario which I tried out my new relic in, I had to use Force Alacrity on Force Serenity because 7/10 times, when they saw me cast FS, Id get interrupted. I rarely got interrupted on TK throw so maybe people have realized Sorc/Sages's burst comes from FS :p


This call's correct, that's why I use it before the opener and then only before the FS+FiB+Vanquish combo since FS is the only thing which I don't want to be interrupted!


I'd really like to see what the average kill time can be with your build/rotation and mine, because I think there's stil a little room for improvement (considering that we're talking about a sustained spec!)

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Thanks for adding your guide to the SWTORCGR - Class Guide Links sheet.


I moved it to the protected range.


TY for making the guide as well.


P.S. There are people that are subscribed to SWTOR Class Guide Links 4.0 thread here in the forums. Posting a link to your class guides there is a good way to inform people when new class guides are made automatically.

Edited by DorjeeVajra
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Alright so today was a long day but I finally got home and time to parse. I bought a Crit relic and put Mastery augment on it. The first 3 images are going to be a break down of the Power Relic (with Mastery aug) and its parse break down. The next 3 will be the parse for the Crit Relic (with Mastery Aug) and its break down. Ill put my conclusion at the end.


Power Relic Parse:


1. http://i.imgur.com/NoyDQKq.png (5,600 DPS)


2. http://i.imgur.com/rmlu768.png (Highest DPS was 5,631)


3. http://i.imgur.com/CwHPTvY.png



Crit Relic Parse:


1. http://i.imgur.com/kXaFPfx.png (5,638 DPS)


2. http://i.imgur.com/joakGeF.png (This one is comparing when my Power Relic had its highest burst at 2 mins 14 seconds which in the Crit Parse, I hit 5,616)


3. http://i.imgur.com/CqQi4oN.png


My Crit chance % jumps up to 44.85% when Crit Relic and Mainstat Relic proc at the same time. Combine that with the 8% from Fulminating Current and you get a grand total of 52.85% crit chance. That is insane.


So conclusion. Holy mama, these parses are totally different from what I had originally in my guide. Im gonna discard the old parse that I have and replace it with this because apparently I was being lazy with my original parse. Secondly, I wont say the jury is in but the evidence is damning that a Crit Relic is better than a Power relic for PVP Madness Sorcs. Not only is my DPS higher but if you look at the "burst" in the Power relic vs the Crit relic, I only hit my Burst ceiling 3 times, with 1 of the 3 being above the ceiling. The other spikes in damage which I rely on for being crits in Ranked, only happen a total of 9 times in my parse.


Compared that to my Crit Relic parse, I hit the ceiling 5 times (almost 7, just miss it by a tiny bit) which means Im bursting a lot more often for the ceiling almost each and every single time. Most of my power relic bursts are like only 75% of the way to my ceiling which is terrible. My Burst ceiling also has increased by a good margin. If you look at the Power parse, its hovering at about 24k (its kinda hard to make out) but my Crit parse has its ceiling consistently above closer to like 26k or 27k. Im decently surprised to say the least.


Also, I just want to note, HOLY **** DEATH FIELD CRIT 93.3% OF THE TIME in my Crit Relic! Compare that to the 26% of the time DF crit on the Power Relic.......like daaaammmnnnn So yeah, Crit relic is apparently a lot better for PVP Madness


Also wassup Chali :D

Did you use your rotations from the first post or the ones from StepTNT's most recent post?
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Did you use your rotations from the first post or the ones from StepTNT's most recent post?


ah no I didnt because I havent tried that rotation yet and so my parse will be much lower than his just because my APM will suffer since I dont know what the buttons to press are and in what order. I might get around to learning that rotation eventually to become good enough to get a decent parse with it but real life is coming in the way (final exams at law school, yaaay :p) so yeah...


Also yea Id say that high alacrity is probably better for unranked and crit is better for ranked. In Ranked your only going to be alive for anywhere between 1 min and 5 mins so you are going to need as much burst as possible with the highest crit ceiling. Alacrity builds will slowly whittle down at the enemy's health while a crit build will take out like 27k damage in 2 hits.

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Just wanted to share 2 wzs I did today, 1 unranked and 1 ranked. The results are pretty damn good for the crit build :p


Unranked: http://i.imgur.com/arZqZ5u.jpg


Ranked: http://i.imgur.com/HqKjRj1.jpg


The results for the unranked one. You had 250 OBJ. Points. What the heck were you doing? Just farming damage?

What was your entire team doing? A bunch of ppl with 0 points. LOL

Edited by Kaytrine
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The results for the unranked one. You had 250 OBJ. Points. What the heck were you doing? Just farming damage?

What was your entire team doing? A bunch of ppl with 0 points. LOL


Nah, it was a pretty crap game from the get go. We started with like 6 people, got roflstomped, people quit, more joined, they quit after we lost our healer who quit. Then we got another healer who tried to carry the team but there was no focus from our side. I was like white on rice on their 2 (or 3 healers?) but since I was the only one attacking their healers, we couldnt break mid. They took all the orbs and double capped on us twice. First double cap was because one didnt call at all and got globalled at the node. The second time we had an assassin who was guarding but he didnt call until after they capped the node. There wasnt any opportunity to gain objective points :p

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Nah, it was a pretty crap game from the get go. We started with like 6 people, got roflstomped, people quit, more joined, they quit after we lost our healer who quit. Then we got another healer who tried to carry the team but there was no focus from our side. I was like white on rice on their 2 (or 3 healers?) but since I was the only one attacking their healers, we couldnt break mid. They took all the orbs and double capped on us twice. First double cap was because one didnt call at all and got globalled at the node. The second time we had an assassin who was guarding but he didnt call until after they capped the node. There wasnt any opportunity to gain objective points :p


Jesus Christ. Sorry you had to sit through that nonsense.


I know there are games where your team is simply incompetent (maybe they're great at PVE!), but to have most of your team score 0 objective points is just mind boggling.

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