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Bugged Companion Heals


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It would seem certain Tech based companions main heal 'Progressive Kolto Scan/Procedural Scan' are bugged and heal for a very small amount in comparison to other Tech companions.


Example here is my HK-51 with rank 33/50 influence and here is HK-51's Procedrual Scan ability.


Now for comparison here is my Scorpio's influence rank 0/50 and here is her Progressive Kolto Scan ability (Same ability as HK's Procedural Scan, just a different name).


As you can see HK-51's ability is clearly bugged as it heals for a mere 3k at rank 33 influence where as my Scorpio at rank 0 heals for 10k.


After some searching it would seem other tech based companions are suffering from the same bug, so far I've found:


Yuun - influence ability

Qyzen Fess - influence ability


Also I'm not sure if this is intentional but Force based companion healers are far more effective than their tech counterparts. For example look how my Xalek's Enlivening Force heals for far more than Scorpio's Progressive Kolto Scan. :rak_02:

Edited by Ajaxduo
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