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Most Tactical FP's are now not complete-able with all DPS.


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As the title says, This is a total FAIL Bioware. Wasn't there a DEV post recently that all tactical FP's would be tested with 100% DPS and if deemed not complete-able would be sent back to be re-balanced.


These older flashpoints that have been re-introduced as Tacticals and just throw in some med stations and hope that Bolster fixes all. They are NOT.


And before you troll 1337 (leet) players start saying they are fine, go back to your PVP because you have not even tried them if you say that. I have been in this game since beta, and have cleared all these in HM with much lesser gear, say Tioneese. I know the Mechanics. And have instructed the groups I am with, but still 4 DPS cannot complete them. :mad:


HM Flashpoints are easier now, if that says anything. :rolleyes:

Edited by DakotaDoc
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I have yet to find a tactical that isn't easier than the corresponding HM. Yes, 4 dps need to work harder at it, but it's definitely doable. If you can't kill a single trash group with 4 dps, you aren't CCing properly. Bosses require you to use med stations an average of once every 10 seconds. That's why there are always 3 of them. Play smart, not fast, and tacticals are easy to do with 4 dps.
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I do tactical FP's with 4 dps every day. The only way it's not possible with 4 DPS is...


1) Players dont know how to play. This could mean a lot of things. Not using the heal kits on bosses is one thing that can make a FP impossible. You'd be surprised how many groups dont even know what los pulling is. When I los pull on my Jugg, I see level 20's charge in, pull agro, and instantly drop. Then, they're like "WTEff, these are impossible to do with 4 dps" and they leave group.


2) Everyone in the group is using bolster. I get in groups as a lone 65 all the time and it's enough, if the players arnt total bads, to get through the instance with 4 dps.


Of course, if someone from a 4 dps group drops, I tell them not to requeue. People still dont even know that companions are the best dps/heals in the game. 2 people and 2 high level companions are the best for FP's atm.


I think a lot of people are still clueless about this xpac. They think you cannot to FP's with 4 dps... and they dont realize that companions are the best heals/dps and should replace actual players whenever possible.

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Bah, it's people that are making it difficult.

I've had groups where no one can be bothered to click the healing stations even if they're dying, so I had to resort to moving from healing station to healing station each boss fight. And we even had a guy labeled "healer" (who threw a heal once every five minutes or so).


Stupidity in the groupfinder seems to have grown to even more epic levels now than before, since none of these monkeys need to learn their roles anymore. They just mash buttons and hope for the best. :rolleyes:

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Bah, it's people that are making it difficult.

I've had groups where no one can be bothered to click the healing stations even if they're dying, so I had to resort to moving from healing station to healing station each boss fight. And we even had a guy labeled "healer" (who threw a heal once every five minutes or so).


Stupidity in the groupfinder seems to have grown to even more epic levels now than before, since none of these monkeys need to learn their roles anymore. They just mash buttons and hope for the best. :rolleyes:


It really is this.


The only way it's "too hard" is if you have a bunch of lowbies without the appropriate skills needed to play the class decently. Otherwise, if you're failing hard with a bunch of level 40-50's and 1 or more 60's, the problem are the players.


I've literally carried entire groups on my Veng Jugg (65) where no one else in the group was over 55. I'm talking a level 20, 40-something, 50-something, and myself. All DPS.


You literally have to coach them in fights, tell them about the heal stations, tell them to wait for me to LoS pull so we can AoE packs down fast without spreading out. ect.


I've literally had to tell groups...


"We dont have a healer, so immediately after exiting combat, can you PLEASE self-heal so we can expedite the pulls." because they are standing around at half health... expecting to be healed by someone else... so im standing around waiting to pull, because if I pull that guy is not going to survive the pull at 50% health, and being level 25.



The OP is right. Tactical FP's are impossible[/i] with a group of dps facerollers who are sub 65. While it is better to have heals, they really arnt required.

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