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PVP utilies


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testing certain utilities takes an awful lot of time and there doesn't seem to be a guide anywhere to clarify some stuff, so i thought we might try to answer a few questions:


T1 utilities seem to be like 2 must haves (inexorable and brazen) and 1 free slot unless Carnage when overwhel is a no brainer, considering how hard Ravage hits


T2 is really what confuses me the most, as i cannot evaluate Defensive Roll, seems great on theory but... lacking tools to track damage taken by type it's really hard to estimate how much this saves you in pvp settings


Relentless seems very important too, obviously a must have for Fury, but i hate playing without Phantom as Anni and especially as Carnage... Incisor is cool but no chance to ever fit it in


T3 on the other hand seems to have an auto-include in Unbound and a flex spot, which is usually for survivability?

how does Blood War fare vs Undying?

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This is pretty much exclusively for Carnage because that is what I have played the most of in 4.0 (and as a marauder / sentinel in general) but I run with:

T1: Brazen, Overwhelm, Inexorable

T2: Relentless, Defensive roll

T3: Unbound, Brooding


I feel like relentless and unbound are almost needed seeing as the speed is great and it's a root breaker on a 30 second CD. Brooding I always liked for the AoE stun and It gives you a great opener with blood thirst and berserk. In addition to that it can lower the CD on frenzy because of the alacrity boost from berserk so that is always nice. Most of the utilities I feel are quite down to personal preference.

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