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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do you still have your first character? How are they doing?


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I still have my first-ever SWTOR character, the human now-tank Jedi Shadow Lyuze, originally Kylarina, currently somewhere on Hoth doing the later parts of Chapter Two. She was neglected for long enough to get de-named by the old 2.0 name purge (back then I played Preferred), because I had created the one who would become my main, the cyborg gunnery commando Kylath.
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I have created two characters as an F2P. I subbed 3 days latter.


My Zabrack Sage healer I play a lot in PvP.

My Sniper was changed from Cyborg to Chiss, and I leveled her to 60. She has a couple of skills maxed out and that's what I use her for.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Still playing my Jedi, I started him in early access when the game was first released. Been in and out of the game a few times since, but back again and finally hit lvl 65 with him.


He is and most likely will always be my main, so he'll be the first one to see all new content.

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Nope. I think I made a BH. This was back when the game first released and I was so excited to play. Got through the introductory mission just fine (this was when most of the "tutorial" part was instanced), but as soon as I left the instanced area, my computer couldn't handle it, so I ended up uninstalling it until I was able to buy a better rig. I'm pretty sure I don't have my first character from my first return either. I tend to burn through toons a lot, trying to find my ideal class/race/spec combination. Plus, I'll play for a bit, then a new MMO will come out and I'll play it for awhile. Then, by the time I come back here, it's like "Crap, I've forgotten what I was doing with this character" or "Oh, there's a new expansion!"....Time to make a new character!" :-P
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My Sorc was the first character I made. His name has been changed, but it was originally my last name and now it's my first name (so not a big change, esp. with legacy surname). I play them with my GF, so I play my Sage as my solo main (originally had first name, but changed).


Both characters get played a lot, with the Sage getting a slight edge on play time.

Edited by TitusOfTides
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My first character was a Jedi Shadow I rolled in spring 2011, who promptly ran afoul of literally every bug on Coruscant and Taris, seemingly all at once. I don't even remember what I named her. When TOR went live, however, I rolled a Jugg since the girl I was dating at the time was a huge Imperial fangirl.


When I came back to TOR this past March (after nearly two years), I deleted the **** out of that character and rerolled a Sentinel.

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My first character is a wide-eyed, optimistic young female Jedi Consular, completely light-side. She sits now at Level 55 and will probably remain there, as I haven't the heart to break it to her that all her efforts throughout her class story have all been for naught, and that she'd lose that part of herself—that naive innocence she had during my initial foray into SWTOR—if I went forward with her.


My second was/is a Sith Warrior, nearly diametrically opposite to my Consular because he was a cynic and a pragmatist, although he did fall for a particular feisty Twi'lek along the way to his becoming the Emperor's Wrath.


I don't bring him out to play anymore but only because I rolled a new alt, having learned the ins and outs of the class, making the second-go around as a Sith Warrior far more enjoyable.


After that, I ventured into the other class stories and continue to do so as a very casual subscriber, some of them I've kept... most I've deleted as I became more familiar with the gameplay and storyline development.

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