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Bugged at Chapter 1 The Hunt: Follow Arcaan


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Attempting to complete the "Follow Arcaan" portion of Chapter 1: The Hunt. As I click on the doorway to proceed into the throne room, the cinematic begins with me following Prince Arcaan towards the throne. As Prince Arcaan gets to the last two guards on the platform to the throne, he bugs out moonwalks at lightning speed down off the screen. I am then stuck, staring at the throne room from the high angle shot forever until I press [ESC] to abandon the conversation at which point I am again outside the door to begin the cinematic again.


This is a freshly created level 60 character. I have attempted doing this in a party with the party member inside the instance; in a party with the party member outside the instance; not in a party. I have attempted to leave the instance, click play again on the quest and retry, this also did not work. I have attempted lowering all graphics settings to their lowest possible option which has no effect. I have also attempted to log out and back in, this also has no effect on my ability to complete this mission.


I was tempted to delete the freshly created level 60 character and remake it in hopes that its the specific character that is bugged. However, according to the launcher I am no longer advised to delete a freshly created level 60 until a bug allowing the refund of the level 60 creation token is fixed. As is right now, I cannot progress through the story and am extremely frustrated. I sincerely regret resubscribing to play KOTFE.

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  • 3 weeks later...

hey welcome to the club of this glitch but we need to get awareness for this issue as you can see in these threads:



but plz send tickets and aswell show support for these threads!

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