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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Melee agents


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Me(L30 Merc bolstered to 50) vs L50 operative... took him about 12 seconds to drop me from 100% to 0% with me standing there not fighting back. I could have easily stunned him, knocked him back, healed myself, shielded myself etc etc.


Stop exaggerating.


This 50 then did not have PVP gear. I get with 396 Expertise 5,5k+ openers. GG

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This 50 then did not have PVP gear. I get with 396 Expertise 5,5k+ openers. GG


That's with relic and andrenal popped, and possibly the powerup. It will never hit for near 5.5k without buffing up. Assassin could double buff and be hitting for 5k with three abilities in combat. Why is there zero competent assassins?

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lv 50 operative here


there is no way a lv 50 operative can kill a lv 50 healer in 1v1 situation as they have just way too many healing abilities/escape abilities - namely, knockback & snare...


they can just stand there & lol at me.


I've encountered zero healers, 50 or not, that stand a chance. If they can even think about loling at you you're doing something wrong.

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Me(L30 Merc bolstered to 50) vs L50 operative... took him about 12 seconds to drop me from 100% to 0% with me standing there not fighting back. I could have easily stunned him, knocked him back, healed myself, shielded myself etc etc.


Stop exaggerating.


once again im a MARAUDER. i don't have healing abilities (besides medpacks) or shields. Like you and your trooper counterpart which are tough to take down as well. There is no exageration here lol.

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Fix melee agents. Not next month....like soon. I'm sure any one who's been on the sharp end of their knife agrees.


Assassins assassinating people who would of thought that.


Having a 50 scoundrel spec'd Scrapper I can tell you what happens to me against any team that isn't stupid.


Stun, CC Break, Stun, Root...dead.


The ones by themselves, yup they gonna die. Perhaps you should stick with your team.


Edit: Also they go way outta their way to keep you in combat so you can't restealth.

Edited by Kyrandis
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I run a powertech with almost 19k hp and almost full champ set. I find that I can 1v1 them in open world, if I have my def cd. Counter their relics with yours. Plus stealth is kind of weak and stealth scan is amazing. They should kill you if they catch you with your back turned 1v1
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