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M1-4X and Theron question


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So I get the feeling that if I want to opt not to get M1-4X, I'll never get another quest or anything from Theron?

Does anyone know if that is the case? Is there just a way to say "No thank you" and move on?

Personally I don't see the need to have all these companions anyway.

Since any one of them can do the same thing, it's really more a matter of finding the companion that irritates you the least and running with that one.


But I don't want to screw myself out of the next thing that Theron might have for me to do on down the road.


Sorry if this has been answered in one of the TLDR threads on not wanting to do PVP, but I'm tired of going through pages of opinions on PVE vs PVP crap to find the answer. I did try and search.



Edited by Kianabamin
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This is a good question.


For some weird reason it seems everyone is preoccupied debating whether companions should be gated behind pvp or not. One of the main claims from those who like pvp is that getting the companion is optional. If you dont want to pvp you dont get a certain companion, you can choose not to do the quest.


The interesting point in my book is whether alerts/companion quests are in fact optional. I know only one alert/companion quest that is truly optional since you can finish the quest/alert and NOT obtain the companion.


The following points are at least true for M1-4X and Lt Pierce for classes other than Trooper/Warrior respectively.


1, There is no way to abandon an alert.

2. There is no way to conversation your way to quest completion without performing the objectives and getting the companion.

3. If you simply abandon the quest instead of completing it the alert pops right back up.


In other words there is no way to get rid of both the alert and the quest. This in my book is not optional. No player on this forum can guarantee there will be no content down the line gated behind these quests. If they are not necessary, then why is there no option to choose completion without getting the companion?


Personally I dont mind companions being gated behind content I do not prefer doing. I do mind if I have no choice but to complete it in order to progress the game/story further down the line. I am NOT making a case vs pvp. If i want M1-4X or Lt Pierce on non trooper/warrior I will do the quest. I do not however want to do this quest on all characters just to be able to progress the story. Lets say I limited myself to 8 characters, one per main class.Not entirely uncommon I would say. 2 of those can complete the quests for free. The other 6 would require 80 warzones IF you win 50% of the matches, or 120 matches worst case (highly unliekly no matter what you do). Just to point out again this is not about pvp, there are other companion quest objectives I do not wish to complete on all characters. I have no need for all of them on every character.


Unless these quests are in fact NOT optional, there needs to be a way to drop the quest/alert without gaining the companion. No, simply leaving the Companion & Contacts window icon marked yellow signaling an alert for all eternity is not a good option. No, leaving a quest clogging questlog for all eternity is not a good option either.



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1, There is no way to abandon an alert.

2. There is no way to conversation your way to quest completion without performing the objectives and getting the companion.

3. If you simply abandon the quest instead of completing it the alert pops right back up.


In other words there is no way to get rid of both the alert and the quest. This in my book is not optional. No player on this forum can guarantee there will be no content down the line gated behind these quests. If they are not necessary, then why is there no option to choose completion without getting the companion?





I would agree that you should be able to refuse the request which counts as a completion without the reward. I wish we could do so for Ilum's starter as well.

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yeah i have to agree here as well i mean i like 4x and use him as my main companion, another example is qyzen, am i locked out of other quests because i'm not going to do his quest?


According to Dulfy, no. I haven't tested it myself but believe when they put something like this they have:


Prerequisite: Acquired four companions from the alert system. Major Pierce/M1-4X will count as long as you talk to them even though you may not meet their requirements.



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This is a good question.


For some weird reason it seems everyone is preoccupied debating whether companions should be gated behind pvp or not. One of the main claims from those who like pvp is that getting the companion is optional. If you dont want to pvp you dont get a certain companion, you can choose not to do the quest.


The interesting point in my book is whether alerts/companion quests are in fact optional. I know only one alert/companion quest that is truly optional since you can finish the quest/alert and NOT obtain the companion.


The following points are at least true for M1-4X and Lt Pierce for classes other than Trooper/Warrior respectively.


1, There is no way to abandon an alert.

2. There is no way to conversation your way to quest completion without performing the objectives and getting the companion.

3. If you simply abandon the quest instead of completing it the alert pops right back up.


In other words there is no way to get rid of both the alert and the quest. This in my book is not optional. No player on this forum can guarantee there will be no content down the line gated behind these quests. If they are not necessary, then why is there no option to choose completion without getting the companion?


Personally I dont mind companions being gated behind content I do not prefer doing. I do mind if I have no choice but to complete it in order to progress the game/story further down the line. I am NOT making a case vs pvp. If i want M1-4X or Lt Pierce on non trooper/warrior I will do the quest. I do not however want to do this quest on all characters just to be able to progress the story. Lets say I limited myself to 8 characters, one per main class.Not entirely uncommon I would say. 2 of those can complete the quests for free. The other 6 would require 80 warzones IF you win 50% of the matches, or 120 matches worst case (highly unliekly no matter what you do). Just to point out again this is not about pvp, there are other companion quest objectives I do not wish to complete on all characters. I have no need for all of them on every character.


Unless these quests are in fact NOT optional, there needs to be a way to drop the quest/alert without gaining the companion. No, simply leaving the Companion & Contacts window icon marked yellow signaling an alert for all eternity is not a good option. No, leaving a quest clogging questlog for all eternity is not a good option either.





Yeah, that's exactly what I was getting at, you just said it a whole lot better and clearer! Thank you!!!

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According to Dulfy, no. I haven't tested it myself but believe when they put something like this they have:


Prerequisite: Acquired four companions from the alert system. Major Pierce/M1-4X will count as long as you talk to them even though you may not meet their requirements.




Good to know. I hope this means that we can move on.

I'd love to get an official BW answer. But since they never like to tell us anything, I'll settle for the next reliable source, Dulfy!

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According to Dulfy, no. I haven't tested it myself but believe when they put something like this they have:


Prerequisite: Acquired four companions from the alert system. Major Pierce/M1-4X will count as long as you talk to them even though you may not meet their requirements.




i find that strange because i spoke to both and Lokin quests didnt come up till i had at least either M1 or qyzen so it seems you have to have at least one of them.

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According to Dulfy, no. I haven't tested it myself but believe when they put something like this they have:


Prerequisite: Acquired four companions from the alert system. Major Pierce/M1-4X will count as long as you talk to them even though you may not meet their requirements.




Ive recruited everyone i got an alert for aside from Qyzen and Pierce . (All 6 Heroic Star Fortresses) I talked to both Pierce and Qyzen, and havent gotten anything for contacting Loken.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Ive recruited everyone i got an alert for aside from Qyzen and 4X. (All 6 Heroic Star Fortresses) I talked to both 4X and Qyzen, and havent gotten anything for contacting Loken.


Qyzen you might have to actually do. They don't say anything about him.


Or rather if you're not doing 4X, you need Qyzen.

Edited by hadoken
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No, simply leaving the Companion & Contacts window icon marked yellow signaling an alert for all eternity is not a good option. No, leaving a quest clogging questlog for all eternity is not a good option either.


If it doesn't block you off from content, I'm not sure why it's not a good option. Does the alert bother you that much? :confused:

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If it doesn't block you off from content, I'm not sure why it's not a good option. Does the alert bother you that much? :confused:


It just shouldn't be that way.

Yes it's annoying because then you have to keep checking the alerts to see if there is a new one or is it just that same old one that has been around for days now.

Edited by Kianabamin
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If it doesn't block you off from content, I'm not sure why it's not a good option. Does the alert bother you that much? :confused:


How do you know it doesnt block you off? Why would Bioware add an alert/quest that CAN NOT be completed or dropped except by actually completing it if it is NOT mandatory? How do you know these companions are NOT a part of the continuing story once new chapters are released? If they are not mandatory then what is the problem adding an option to dump these alerts/quest?


Like I stated before. No player on this forum can guarantee these are optional quests. That they are not required is nothing but specualtion based on currently released content. That you can currently progress through some of them without completing them all is not proof they are not required.


For arguments sake, lets say it doesnt block further progression in any way. It is still bad design if you cant loose the alert AND quest both if you do not want to complete it. As for the icon signaling you have an alert: Would you be happy driving around with your engine oil light on at all times even if there is no problem with your engine oil? Then what is the point in having the light at all?



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The OP raised a good question in my opinion. I have my reasons why I would like to have this clarified prior to chapter X. For example lets say I wish to play all 8 main classes through the new story parts. I do not wish to pursue all companions for all 8. But what IF they are required and I only discover that when chapter X is out? I suddenly have a ton of warzones that would need doing. A lot of hunting that would need doing. Not to mention if I dont want to bother with the companion locked behind a monthly occuring event, I would be unable to progress chapter X untill that is out of the way.


I would just like to know how this will work now instead of being surprised later. If these companion quests are in fact truly optional I would like to see a change allowing me to complete them wthout getting the companions. If you have arguments why this is a problem for you, by all means, please present them.



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I'll be on of those people who never get 4X or Pierce except on their corresponding classes. I'm bad at PvP and I simply don't enjoy it and I absolutely refuse to be "one of those people" who just afk a warzone off in the corner somewhere. That just spoils more people's fun than my own when they're left to carry my weight.


If there is future content that REQUIRES these companion's alerts be done, then there really needs to be a way to complete without reward.


Frankly I'd complete Pierce without reward anyhow, I hate him. :mad:

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I'll be on of those people who never get 4X or Pierce except on their corresponding classes. I'm bad at PvP and I simply don't enjoy it and I absolutely refuse to be "one of those people" who just afk a warzone off in the corner somewhere. That just spoils more people's fun than my own when they're left to carry my weight.


If there is future content that REQUIRES these companion's alerts be done, then there really needs to be a way to complete without reward.


Frankly I'd complete Pierce without reward anyhow, I hate him. :mad:


The content currently gated by them is bypassed simply in talking to them. I don't see why they'd put in an additional trigger. It seems some people like getting worried over nothing.

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The content currently gated by them is bypassed simply in talking to them. I don't see why they'd put in an additional trigger. It seems some people like getting worried over nothing.


Key word being currently.


You can not guarantee these quests/alerts are not required for later progress, nor can Dulfy unless those working on that site actually works for EA/Bioware and know the correct answer. Untill there is an option to complete these quests/alerts without picking up the companion as reward, they are not optional. Granted the consequence MAY not be anything other than an alert that never goes away OR a quest that clutters your questlog forever. And again, why would Bioware design things this way if they are truly optional? You dont think it is bad design leaving alerts that wont go away or quests in questlog forever? Are you saying there is not even the slimmest chance they cant be abandoned for a reason? If there is no reason and they are truly optional, then what is the problem adding the option to abandon those companions?


If you require further evidence consider the options available in the conversation with Lokin. That conversation allows you to refuse helping him. If you do, the quest is not completed and the objective reads "Agree to help Dr Lokin" or something like that. There is no way to get rid of the quest AND the alert. That is not optional.



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Far be it for me to stop you from worrying about what ifs. Whatever floats your boat, man.


I am not worried. You are telling me I am worried. The OP adressed a question regarding alerts/quests for companions in Kotfe that interests me. There is a difference between that and worrying.


Considering "the tone" of your last post one might conclude that you are looking for an argument, in which case you are barking up the wrong tree. I will easily ignore it. If you however have further arguments regarding the issue I will gladly follow up on it.



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Far be it for me to stop you from worrying about what ifs. Whatever floats your boat, man.


Huh, I never knew asking a valid question (or at least a few of us in this thread consider it valid) to be a sign of Worrying.

"OMG, OMG, OMG I don't know how this will work out, we're DOOMED!!!!", that's worrying.


Some of us are just trying to be informed, you know what they say about when you ASSuME something.

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Ok so........ Now what BW?

Now I've got quests that I'm not tracking because I have no way of ending them and abandoning them just starts it all over with the flashing alert.


So I guess I'm stuck?

This was a stupid idea.

Why is there not an option to NOT recruit someone other than


whom you can kill for each possible recruit.


I've got Nico, I don't need anyone else.


So along with everything else, fix this too please.

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