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So these were taken off the Cartel Market, correct?


Is there any way to get them at this point outside of randomly lucksacking into one on the GTN? I've never seen one on the GTN on any server...


Yeah, no longer on the CM. I've only ever seen one on the GTN, and I regret not purchasing it. But you can still buy them with CCs right from the hangar. I think that's the only way to do it at this point.

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Yeah, no longer on the CM. I've only ever seen one on the GTN, and I regret not purchasing it. But you can still buy them with CCs right from the hangar. I think that's the only way to do it at this point.

OK. So at least there's an option there. Thanks! After a couple of matches last night, I think I'm going to go ahead and get a Skybolt for Hawke... Too many times in competitive matches that I want either the dogfighter or the hunter, and not the bastard child of the 2...

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In theory you could buy, or hope that someone possessed of a brief bout of extreme insanity would buy and sell on the GTN, some Grand Galactic Starfighter Packs. Fairly cheap at 75 CCs each.


I would assume however, that the drop rate for Czerka battlescouts is so abysmally low that it would be a lot cheaper to just buy with CCs in the hangar. Direct purchase in the hangar also avoids the question of what your Republic faction character is supposed to do with several hundred unwanted Imperial paint jobs that can't be sold on the GTN even when priced at 1 credit each.

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In theory you could buy, or hope that someone possessed of a brief bout of extreme insanity would buy and sell on the GTN, some Grand Galactic Starfighter Packs. Fairly cheap at 75 CCs each.


I would assume however, that the drop rate for Czerka battlescouts is so abysmally low that it would be a lot cheaper to just buy with CCs in the hangar. Direct purchase in the hangar also avoids the question of what your Republic faction character is supposed to do with several hundred unwanted Imperial paint jobs that can't be sold on the GTN even when priced at 1 credit each.

I thought maybe they would have things in those packs, and, while that might be A way to get it... I'm 100% done buying BioWare's lottery boxen. I don't mind spending money on things (just ask my RSI account...), but I like to know what it is I'm paying for. Made a drunken decision once going after a rare mount, and after 2 hypercrates of not getting the mount I was after, decided I would never again participate in the lottery BS.

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In every game I played that had some sort of lottery in it (boxes, upgrades, etc) the lottery system is NEVER in favor of the player. And why should it be? There's money to be made.

Don't disagree in large part, but the whole "burn me once, shame on you, burn me twice, shame on me" thing applies here.


And honestly... I've gotten to the point where most of the #random offends me (especially when it comes to monetization of it). It's not that I take some moral stance against it, I just think it's incredibly lazy implementation. That was one of the things I liked about how they did the first GSF stuff (that I'd apparently forgotten about). "Want a ship? Or Black/Red blasters? It will cost you $X." Leave it up to me to decide if a Mailoc or Skybolt or whatever is worth ~$20.


Anyway, this is all off topic. I'm just glad there's still a way for me to purchase a Skybolt directly without having to buy their silly little random drops.

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