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The Eternal Fleet


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Hello again Lorehounds! Good to write here again, I'm sure a good deal of you are familiar with my last theory thread, about the location of the Eternal Empire. We were unfortunately incorrect about the Empire hiding in the Rishi Maze, but that's not going to stop me from making an equally crazy thread. So let's begin!


About a fortnight ago we finally got our story-focused expansion: Knights of the Fallen Empire. Unfortunately, I found its story slightly lacking. I actually enjoyed Shadow of Revan more, largely because Fallen Empire leaves a lot of holes in the story. Some are relatively small, like how and why the Heralds of Zildrog use lightsabers and Force powers. Some are larger, like why we just happened to stumble upon the Gravestone. Among these, there is one question that BioWare most definitely left open-ended: Where did the Eternal Fleet come from?


So in the spirit of most lore threads, I'm going to leave this one open to discussion. To start, I'll shoot out some of my own basic ideas. First and foremost, Lana Beniko and Koth Vortena apparently don't know where Valkorion got his fleet, but they are aware that there are plenty of theories on its origin. Maybe an army of sentient droids created it, maybe it came from beyond the galactic rim. I'm personally hoping the answer is the latter, namely related to these two mechanical races: the Silentium and Abominor. These two races existed in the old Expanded Universe, and fought a galaxy-spanning war that led to the devastation of the local races. The machine battles eventually led to the rise of the Yuuzhan Vong- But this is getting into a new field. The fact is, if anyone is to have a fleet of sentient droid starships outside the galactic rim, it'll be something like this...


Then there's the Rakata, which on there own seems somewhat likely. After all, with a total of four Star Forges, it doesn't seem impossible for these to be another massive starfleet.

However, upon closer inspection, someone finds that this theory doesn't hold up... Namely, Vitiate had to instruct Revan and Malak to find the Star Forge above Lehon to accelerate the construction of the Sith fleet. They ended up going rogue, so this plot failed. Still- Why have two infinite fleets? Or two Star Forges? No, no... The Eternal Fleet would have to have came from somewhere else. Maybe it even came after his request to Revan to find the Star Forge, in a form of a plan B?

Furthermore, there is even more evidence that the Eternal Fleet isn't of Rakata origin as the Gravestone, which is known for being able to battle the Eternal Fleet, is. How do I know this? Because the doors on it are identical to that of those on the Star Forge, as seen in KOTOR! Check it out here.

Maybe its more likely that the Rakata warred with the original masters of the Eternal Fleet, and had to design the Gravestone to win the battle. Does that tie the Esh-Kha to the Eternal Fleet...?



Let the discussion begin!

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Nice ideas. Here is what i think considering some of your ideas as base:


We know the Rakata ruled this Galaxie about 25.000 Years ago. They lost there Power to a unknown Disease

that denied them to use the Force. Every Piece of Rakata Tech was based on the Dark Side and only

worked for Force User anyways.


So, Considering we get a Droid Invasion Fleet from another Universe (Vong Universe / Eternal Fleet) around

the Time the Rakata had controll, they could have started a War noone really remembers, or we cant find evidence


Now if both sides using there Tech to create weapons to destroy eachother, Those droids "would" use a Virus/Disease to remove there enemys ability to use there Tech. Meanwhile the Rakata would Build Weapons,

maybe based on there Enemys tech to Destroy there Fleet.

Now we take Zarkuul as point of the Final Battle.

The Disease is spreading, the Rakata hide there Last Defense (the Gravestone.. considering the size of the fleet,

i am sure there been way more ships like that).

The unknown enemys send there remaining Fleet into Hyperspace but the AI either

A: Has a Malfunction and the fleet is lost in HS

B: Gets Order to stay in HS to wait for the Rakata to lose all connection with the Force.

The Droids build a Control Unit and a programm a AI to call the fleet once more if needed.

The Rakata attack even this "building" or "ship" and make it to destroy the Building or Crash the ship.

This Control Unit is now lost.

During the last years of the Rakata there Slaves (the Galaxies specias) start rebellions and the Galaxie is filling with new Life. The remaining Droid forces either retreat to the lose of there fleet OR build new homes, not strong enought to battle against the growing amount of specias.

Maybe the Gree are remains of that Droid Race, considering the tech u see in TFB. ( The final portal, maybe planned as a way home or to call reinforcments, Blocked by the Creatures cominig from places they didnt wanted to open)

A small amount of Humans beginns to settle on Zarkuul, maybe a crashed landing who knows.. the Planet and its ppl are forgotten after years. The Gravestone coverd by the enviroment and maybe some remaining Rakata tech. cant be found but Debris of the battle is all over the planet, including the Controll unit.

Now they couldnt explain what they found and keeped it stored away till someone finally figured out what they found... add some centuries till the Emporer shows up and he realieses what he actually is holding in his hands.

He gets the AI workingand can now controll the lost fleet of the droids wich is still in HS.


Scorpio.. id say at some point the Star Cabal found Zarkuul. After a longer investigation they could have tryed to steal parts of the old Tech and maybe found Pieces of the old AI or even Data containing another version.

They did there best to rebuild what they found and u have Scorpio. Without the controll unit Scorpio couldnt do much but they noticed that the AI got the ability to Improve herself so they used her for the Belsavis Storage till they have a use or maybe till the AI improved so much that her real purpose shows.

Scorpio herself maybe includes codes that call her back the fleet or a desire to fuse with the controll unit to be whole again.. shes a Programm just following her Code after all.





If u find any Typos, thery are yours ^^

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We know three things just from watching the cutscenes:


-The ships are automated.


I forget who says this, but my Sentinel asked about the fleet and how the Zakuul crew so many starships, and the response is that they don't. Each ship is remotely controlled.


-Either the ships have cloaking devices, or hundreds of ships can be created in seconds.


Watch the intro cutscene when you start KOTFE; a bunch of ships appear out of nowhere and from an eerie blue glow above Zakuul. Why would Valkorion keep them cloaked at home base? It also doesn't look like any cloaking device we've seen in TOR so far (Operative/Scoundrel personal cloaks, the stealth fighter from Battle of Ilum/False Emperor).


-SCORPIO is (well, was) somehow part of the command and control of either the fleet or a very similar system. She even says Arcann has something of hers.


It's possible she's talking about the SCORPIO-model control unit Arcann talks to, but what if she's talking about the fleet as a whole, or even the system that creates it? The original Imperial Agent codex entry for SCORPIO says that her current chassis is ~300 years old. What happened 300 years ago from TOR in SW terms? KOTOR. What happened in KOTOR? The Star Forge was destroyed. What if SCORPIO was part of the Star Forge's control systems, and was recovered by the Star Cabal?


The Rakata did have four great forges; The Foundry and Star Forge were destroyed, and two are still missing. The one that can reshape planets, and the one which... well, we don't even know what the fourth one does. What if the Zakuul Empire was built using the power of the Fourth? Since they're not in the Rishi Maze as we conjectured during the summer, what if their star system houses it?

Edited by Diviciacus
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I assumed that the Eternal Fleet was in stealth. It seemed unlikely that it was mass-produced in seconds. The SCORPIO quote I really cannot interpret in any way aside she was talking about the new droid Arcann was creating, the GEMINI (that name is perfect, by the way- it's also a Zodiac, and it means "twin."). What he "has" is her schematic.


For the age, I would have to go back to the Agent story. How long has the Star Cabal founders been in stasis? If it's 300, then there's bound to be a connection. But I swear it's even older...


Anyway, as we know: The Eternal Fleet is automated, and can only be controlled by the Throne itself.


On a completely unrelated note: imagine what destruction could come if Thrawn sat on that chair?

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Hello again Lorehounds! Good to write here again, I'm sure a good deal of you are familiar with my last theory thread, about the location of the Eternal Empire. We were unfortunately incorrect about the Empire hiding in the Rishi Maze, but that's not going to stop me from making an equally crazy thread. So let's begin!


About a fortnight ago we finally got our story-focused expansion: Knights of the Fallen Empire. Unfortunately, I found its story slightly lacking. I actually enjoyed Shadow of Revan more, largely because Fallen Empire leaves a lot of holes in the story. Some are relatively small, like how and why the Heralds of Zildrog use lightsabers and Force powers. Some are larger, like why we just happened to stumble upon the Gravestone. Among these, there is one question that BioWare most definitely left open-ended: Where did the Eternal Fleet come from?


Aside from the lightsabre thing BOTH of those questions have the story hinting heavily at either 'destiny' or that everything is not as it seems, let's wait until the next seven chapters are done before calling it a plot hole


Also, my theory? Rakata. BECAUSE IT ALWAYS THE RAKATA WITH STARWARS! Tatooine? Rakata. Starforges? Rakata. Zabrak and Twi'leks? IT'S THE RAKATA!

Edited by Codedrago
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