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Thoughts on Story in KoTFE (from Inquisitor perspective)


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So I just recently finished the expansion with my inquisitor (Darth Imperius, LS Sorcerer), and I have some things I liked about the expansion (and dislikes I guess too, but I'll keep things constructive).


1) Fun storytelling approach! I enjoyed the idea of "chapters" and a lot of the sequences are really fun. In particular, my favorite scenes involve any time Valkorion is chatting with me in my head (and the carbonite dream was awesome and creepy - great design). Every time I had to choose whether or not to take his power really made me reconsider my character's values and made me really invested in seeing what happened. I ended up taking his power to save Lana, but denying his power against Arcann. That ended with me getting full out Qui-Gon'd and elicited some choice swears from me (the lightsaber combat cutscenes are cool, even if I did have to lose a fight via cutscene).


2) As an Inquisitor though, and resident ghostbusting champion of the empire, I felt that I should have more power against Valkorion and other opposing force users. I'm getting ragdoll'd all day by force pushes and I can barely muster some weak force use. I get that I'm facing powerful people, but I'm no nerf-herder! I'm one of the most powerful force users in the galaxy, with trapped force ghosts in my head and almost every one of my in-game skills involves shooting kriffin' lightning out of my fingertips. I want to play like Palpatine and that involves shooting lightning while screaming "UNILIMITED POWAHHH". I get that animating fight scenes is hard and there are lots of classes, but gimme some lightning.


3) The villains are really fun. I realize that they are essentially the villains from Avatar (Vaylin is so obviously Azula - crazy prodigy? Brother is moody and brooding and hates his father?), but everyone loves Avatar and that's okay. Now that I think of it, I'm kind of like the avatar against the fire nation too (everything changed when the fire nation attacked, I go into stasis for 5 years, I get literally unfrozen and now I need me to save the galaxy, etc).


4) The supporting cast of companions is huge! I care about most of the companions, namely the main ones you get to interact with in the story, but do we need so many that we barely even meet? I like using companions from the other classes too, I hope the rest get unlocked soon (although some of their unlock quests are really difficult -- looking at you Qyzen).


5) The star fortress missions as our filler at the end were kinda fun. It's not great for group play as I ended up soloing anyways, but it was awesome to end up in the detention block after wiping and have to fight my way out. That's legit.



tl;dr: expac is fun! I like the story a lot, but the emperor is a ghost in the mind of the best ghostbuster in the galaxy? Also no more losing in cutscenes. If I'm going to lose, just make the enemy unkillable and get stronger and stronger. It's bad gaming to end a fight at 100% and your enemy at 0% and then you get wrecked in the cutscene.

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