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Companion affection stopped increasing?


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My IA is currently questing in Hoth and I have this problem. Tried this with all three companions (Kaliyo, Vector, Doc) and they're not getting affection points when I turn in quests, even though the tab that pops up at the bottom shows them agreeing/disagreeing with the choices I make.


Completely stopped questing on that character right now. Hopefully this gets resolved.


Thats weird....Thank goodness that isnt happening to me

Edited by jonnyxboix
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no they can still gain affection. khem val kept telling me he needed to talk to me forever on tattooine and i didnt want to go back to town or my ship to talk to him while i finished tattooine, so i did it later but he still gained affection. i noticed this also, end of taris, quesh and hoth even for me it just seemed like khem wasnt earning that much affection but i also was not getting the dialogue choices that i know gets affection from him. I wasnt getting the kill em all type of dialogue choices or die you slimy beuracrat worm type of respones that khem val loves. the story and choices got a little do goody there for a bit. maybe this is design to actually make you want to buy gifts for your companions, no idea. even now im on voss and im getting those choices again but still not very often and not every quest like normal. its kind of like they dotn expect you to be using khem at this level so they give you options that ashara or talos or andronikus might like but not khem.
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Same problem. Thanks to this thread I believe I now can continue to gain affection from mission conversations once I get to Hoth.

Thanks to those who have posted.


Edit: Confirmed. Once I finished the quests on Quesh (name?) I started getting affection gain from conversation-choices again.

Edited by Vriompeis
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  • 7 months later...

This is still a problem on that planet with all characters on my Marauder.... They should get around fixing this its as if the companion was removed it should especially work considering I just got Lieutenant Pierce and it sends me their so Obviously i'm thinking he will be getting some point but nope he gets stuck at what I received him at even after doing all the quest.... this is Including my class quest its almost like they forgot to add it because allot of the answer are geared to my new companions liking or disliking.


Come on Bioware/Mythic/EA/ Whatever you want to be called this game now runs great and I love it but you got to fix this, sadly for me I guess I won't ever get the credit though eh.. With some expanding and getting people to notice that the game runs smooth now unlike launch this could easly be the best MMO in the market especially when I hope you take a note from Dark Ages of Camelot and add some open areas for pvp over bases and resources and more. Open world pvp has endless possibilities in SWTOR! It has revolutionised questing and I won't accept anything less from other games. Text questing just feels like I'm back playing on an Atari or something lol!

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