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What class should romance Lana Beniko?


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Like the topic said, what class should romance her? What class were you when you first romanced her, and what class do you wish you had been?


Basically, I'm gonna romance her once and I'm curious about which class fits her narrative the best. Or rather, which class you think fits her best since it's all subjective.

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I think the Sith Warrior and Inquisitor classes would fit nicely with her, and maybe even a forward-thinking Jedi Consular. But all classes could be explained into fitting into a romance anyways.


My main, a SI, would fits Lana perfectly...the kind of powerful force-sensitive baby we could have...:D

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I think the SIth inquisitor would have stronger chemistry with her than any other class due to Lana formerly being offered a seat on the dark council, and you being a dark council member. I think she and the inquisitor would have a deeper understanding of one another position and mind.


But anything can really work, because, you know, sometimes opposites attract. Take Bastila and Revan for example.

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As someone said, it's not a class specific romance, so likely anyone. I would likely believe she'd be more into a force user though.


Also, I think she gives extra lines to you when walking around Odessen, if you're a Sith Inquisitor/Warrior. There's also how an Imperial character will get more romance options with her, in SoR, because you see her more.

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I think the SIth inquisitor would have stronger chemistry with her than any other class due to Lana formerly being offered a seat on the dark council, and you being a dark council member. I think she and the inquisitor would have a deeper understanding of one another position and mind.


But anything can really work, because, you know, sometimes opposites attract. Take Bastila and Revan for example.


When was she offered a seat on the Dark Council? :eek:


And I would say anyone but the Trooper.

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One of the Sith or the Jedi, IMO. The Jedi because there's quite a bit of interesting "you and I aren't so different" dialogue that can go on; the Sith because the Imp classes get more pre-KOTFE content with her, and the Agent/Hunter strike me as having had too many bad experiences with Force-users to want to date one, even one as reasonable as Lana.
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One of the Sith or the Jedi, IMO. The Jedi because there's quite a bit of interesting "you and I aren't so different" dialogue that can go on; the Sith because the Imp classes get more pre-KOTFE content with her, and the Agent/Hunter strike me as having had too many bad experiences with Force-users to want to date one, even one as reasonable as Lana.


I could totally see a BH who had a fling with Darth Lachris deciding to start something similar with Lana.

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One of the Sith or the Jedi, IMO. The Jedi because there's quite a bit of interesting "you and I aren't so different" dialogue that can go on; the Sith because the Imp classes get more pre-KOTFE content with her, and the Agent/Hunter strike me as having had too many bad experiences with Force-users to want to date one, even one as reasonable as Lana.


You know, that's the one romance I just can't see ending happy. Agent and Sith. Agent and Jedi maybe, but Sith, you'd think they'd hate the Sith.

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When was she offered a seat on the Dark Council? :eek:


And I would say anyone but the Trooper.


Correction. She was the adviser of one of the dark council members. Still, I think realistically, her character would have better chemistry with someone political

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So far I've liked femQuiz the best. You definitely want an Imp-side class due to having so much more content with her during SoR, instead of just "I have so much passion for you!" out of absolutely nowhere five minutes into your association. Force user just seems more fitting due to the "connection" she talks about and its intensity (which seems very Force-bond-y), and her willingness to readily follow your lead and your orders even on Rishi (where a Bounty Hunter really shouldn't be able to force her to apologize). And femQuiz has that awesomely droll, smug, everything-in-life-is-a-joke tone to all of her flirts that fits perfectly with Lana's "you are the most frustrating person I've ever met and I love you anyway" half of the romance. Most of the other classes I've played seem a little too caring and affectionate in their line delivery to warrant Lana's aggravation (even, surprisingly, the smuggler).
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You know, that's the one romance I just can't see ending happy. Agent and Sith. Agent and Jedi maybe, but Sith, you'd think they'd hate the Sith.


Oh yeah. Ohhhhhhhh yeah. The Agent even has numerous chances to state they're anti-Sith, and given what happens to them because of the Sith, how many wrenches are thrown in their plans because of Sith infighting...I just can't see them hooking up with one. Not even just for sex--Sith are like black widows, they tend to kill their non-Force Sensitive partners during or after. They've just had too many bad experiences with them.


Like I think honestly think a Jedi-Sith relationship has a better chance of working out than an Agent-Sith one.

Edited by Abvora
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You know, that's the one romance I just can't see ending happy. Agent and Sith. Agent and Jedi maybe, but Sith, you'd think they'd hate the Sith.


Hum..it could be akward at first , filled with alot of mistrust . But Lana is nothing like most Sith Lord or Jadus , and they could earn respect for each others..and from there...love and Vromance blossom :o now I have to give it a try myself :D

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Hum..it could be akward at first , filled with alot of mistrust . But Lana is nothing like most Sith Lord or Jadus , and they could earn respect for each others..and from there...love and Vromance blossom :o now I have to give it a try myself :D


I think it would take a very forgiving Agent after the brainwashing (agreed up by the council that included Marr), and every Sith they met tried to screw them over some how. Jadus. His daughter. A DS one might even start thinking all force users, due to Koffe, but that means they're thinking "Whoa is me" and not "I would've done the same, and the Empire and possibly myself, would have done worse."


Though, a bit of me likes to think the Agent wouldn't have done worse. Maybe if some real psycho one, but Agent came out as one of the sanest of the Imperial classes imo.

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I think it would take a very forgiving Agent after the brainwashing (agreed up by the council that included Marr), and every Sith they met tried to screw them over some how. Jadus. His daughter. A DS one might even start thinking all force users, due to Koffe, but that means they're thinking "Whoa is me" and not "I would've done the same, and the Empire and possibly myself, would have done worse."


Though, a bit of me likes to think the Agent wouldn't have done worse. Maybe if some real psycho one, but Agent came out as one of the sanest of the Imperial classes imo.


Bounty Hunter actually strikes me as the sanest. Agent has all the mind****ering of Ch.2 to mess them up, the Warrior, even if Light, has all the Sith dogma drilled into their head, and if Dark they're a violent psycho on par with DS Jaesa, and the Inquisitor is...yeah.


Bounty Hunter, unless played very Dark, comes across as just someone who does their job and then parties with their friends afterwards.

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