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Anni & PvP


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I think that Annihilation is a little better than Carnage in 8v8 solo queue - at least you get some self heals (albeit weak). I've had fun with it. That doesn't mean that I would do solo ranked with it. In all dps arenas, you really do need that Fury CC immunity at the beginning if you want to be able to take somebody with you when you get focused. If you're playing 4dps vs 4dps arenas as Anni, it is very possible to die without doing much damage at all. I recall going against an Anni Marauder that I knew was a good player - he got globaled and did a few k damage. I'm just saying, that would never happen with Fury.


One question, wouldn't the talent Unflinching Determination resolve that issue with being cc'ed at the beginning? I know it's not a CC immunity but if you have that talent, opening with that would make you only susceptible to slows and knock backs for 6 seconds.

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One question, wouldn't the talent Unflinching Determination resolve that issue with being cc'ed at the beginning? I know it's not a CC immunity but if you have that talent, opening with that would make you only susceptible to slows and knock backs for 6 seconds.


Its useless...its on a 3 min cd and tied to a decent defensive cd. You cant really waste that defensive cd just for the immunity and its on way to long of a cd. Anni is great pressure but your too easily controled and knocked around constantly. There are many matches where there arent enough other pure melee to prevent you from being stunned pretty much constantly. One evening i was averaging between 32 to 41 hard stuns per match in 8 v 8 in 30 matches played.


When range are primarily fighting other ranged players their hard stuns stay off cd just for you.

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