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Makeb Weekly Heroics: the juice isn't worth the squeez!


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Compared to all of the other planets these take about ten times longer to do, are far more difficult, and have the same rewards...


In all honestly, these should award at least one of each crate type, not one.


Devs, please take a look at either adjusting the time to complete to be on par with other heroics, or up the rewards.

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I wouldn't say they are more difficult, well, the one where you need to click 4 vents or die might be if you try to solo it, but they do have obnoxious amounts of trash you need to clear through, making them take a lot longer than the average Heroic 2+ does these days. I wouldn't be sad to see the amount of trash reduced, and the bonuses adjusted where needed.
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I wouldn't say they are more difficult,


The champion boss (Ratcahtcher) at the end of "the Specialists" is on par with the Exarch in Star Fortress... There were other champions that just had way too much health too. It feels like they didn't scale them down to Heroic 2+ at all and left them all at Heroic 4 difficulty. While I was able to solo them, I'm sure other newer or more casual players will not be able to.

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The champion boss (Ratcahtcher) at the end of "the Specialists" is on par with the Exarch in Star Fortress... There were other champions that just had way too much health too. It feels like they didn't scale them down to Heroic 2+ at all and left them all at Heroic 4 difficulty. While I was able to solo them, I'm sure other newer or more casual players will not be able to.


That one's actually quite easier than it was before, but I do understand what you're saying. A lot of the Heroic 4s that were changed to H2s feel imbalanced. Ilum (even though it was and still is an H2) and Makeb in particular, Voss to a certain extent. They have been adjusted down, but there's still something...off about them.


[Just for frame of reference: Ratcatcher used to be nigh impossible on a melee character. Your companion almost always either instantly died or died before his first invulnerability phase, the fire had higher damage, and the chance for him to interrupt clicking the fire suppression units with either flame or pull was much higher.]

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  • 1 month later...
Compared to all of the other planets these take about ten times longer to do, are far more difficult, and have the same rewards...


In all honestly, these should award at least one of each crate type, not one.


Devs, please take a look at either adjusting the time to complete to be on par with other heroics, or up the rewards.


I tried them, I hated them all! Then I decided to............ STAY AWAY FROM MAKEB! :D

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Makeb heroics are still a problem, not finishable in player plus companion modes. :mad: Bioware, fix this please.


Only one that may present challenge solo is gas room where people with high latency can die before shutting off all 4 gas terminals.

Other then that one they are all easily doable. Not as easy as facerolling keyboard while companion kills mobs,but if you will do your usual class stuff you will be able to finish them.

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Makeb was an endgame planet. Of course its heroics are gonna be harder. If you're questing for mission crates then hit the easier ones. If you are going for a conquest goal, then those bonus points are your reward. Find a guild-mate to help you.


Also, FYI, I solo'd every single one of them the day people started whinging about comps being nerfed. They were hard, but not even close to as much as you all are making out (except obviously the gas chamber), and now that comps have been buffed back up a bit they should be even less so. Me and a guildy did them all again this week for conquest points and he even showed me how to skate past 80% of the mobs.


Oh yeah, and Ratcatcher. set your comp to heal you and then when he starts soaking the room in flames, set them to passive so they'll follow you around instead of standing in the fire (learned that trick back when Thanaton was a challenge) and then set them back to active when you hit the suppression system. No big deal.

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