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[BUG] "Intro To Missions" seem to have a multiplier hidden in them.


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Mentioned this in a thread on the General forum but a certain person imperiously demanded a bug thread. Well, fine. I already have a bug ticket opened in-game but here should be okay since the imperious one demanded it.


There is a problem with some of the Intro to missions. The ones I've run into so far are Introduction to Crew Skills (where you interact with a trainer), Introduction to Groupfinder and Introduction to Strongholds (or the one where you go to a stronghold or buy one).


Essentially when they are acquired they say they grant a certain amount of exp but when completed or turned in it grants 7-9 times as much experience. No other mission I've acquired seems to do that. Example: Introduction to strongholds said it was worth about 4k exp, but granted about 28k exp when completed. Introduction to groupfinder said it was worth about 10k exp but granted about 88k exp.


This might be a source of the "TOO MUCH EXP" complaints since they are granting far more exp compared to other missions at that level, and the difference between listed and granted exp seems to indicate there is a multiplier hidden in them.


Unfortunately, some people are too emotionally invested in this, and think pointing this out means that person thinks all missions are broken. They aren't, as far as I can tell. While you can get a lot of exp by doing all possible missions they do at least grant the exact amount of exp they say they will grant. So a player can control how much they level by doing the purple missions and then choosing whatever critical path/exploratory/heroic/etc mission they want.


I'll leave this here and some folk can go get more tinfoil if they want.

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I can confirm this. In particular for the "Introduction to Group Finder" mission, for which I have verified it as happening consistently over three different characters. The last one gained three levels upon turning that one in, as it gave just above 88k XP. Far more than the mission itself stated it would give.


It may be intended, but in that case the mission information should be adjusted accordingly, so that it shows the actual amount of XP you will gain on completion.


Or it's not intended, in which case the XP given should be reduced to the amount stated in the mission information.


Either way, something's wrong.

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It may be intended, but in that case the mission information should be adjusted accordingly, so that it shows the actual amount of XP you will gain on completion.



Exactly. I don't mind the increased level gain, but I do mind inaccurate information in the mission descriptions. I can now level pretty well just doing the class and critical path missions and if I want a few more levels I can look at the rewards for the heroic or exploratory missions and do those. Which is similar to what I did pre-4.0 with heroics. These missions make it difficult to do that.


Glad to know I'm not hallucinating. :D

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