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LF players interested in forming an RP/PVE Bounty Hunter/Crime Syndicate themed guild


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Hey, ive been through several guilds on the Harbinger (i know it isnt an rp server) but im sick of running in guilds that have a very generic rank system and are only interested in Op runs and stuff. I want help creating a Bounty Humter/Operative Crime syndicate themed guild for Rp'ers on the Harbinger that does everything from helping low levels, to some rp sessions, bounties and also runs. If interested just message me or reply to this thread, ive got a 65 PowerTech ready to go. Edited by Hankdp
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If you do this you might be able to accept hit requests from other players on the people they added to ignore lists or something. I wouldn't mind paying some credits to have a toon or 2 randomly ganked open world just to be a dick lol :D


Lmao, and that is what the guild I want to create would be about you know? It would be great having some RP´ers on The Harbinger willing to do this, cause lets be honest this server has a lot of undesirables around... lol

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