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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Knights of the Fallen Empire Chapter 1: The Hunt - won't actually start


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I'm a subscriber and I used the mission console on my ship, did both confirmations, it played the Sacrifice cinematic then dumped me on republic fleet.


I clicked "Play" again in the mission log by the Chapter 1: The Hunt item in the mission tracker. It loaded for a bit and then right back at republic fleet.


I relogged, same thing.





Edit: Just in case someone else has this issue, I did a repair in the launcher and then it worked.

Edited by Skolia
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are you able to reset the mission by chance? as long as you are lvl 60 and a subscriber, there should be no reason why it wouldn't work - unless if its a bug :/


Stuff I've tried:


  • Made sure all companions are idle
  • Made sure no companion is summoned
  • Exited game completely
  • Clicked 'reset'
  • Logged out and back in
  • Tried hitting play at different locations (ship, stronghold, fleet, etc)

Edited by Skolia
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  • 2 weeks later...

Same here. Have streaming launcher, so had to go through deleting the bitraider folder for the launcher to self-repair. No luck.


Really don't want to have to sit through an entire re-install, but looks like that's the next step.


Oddly enough, it worked fine on my Sith Marauder, but tried it with my Shadow and no dice.

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  • 1 year later...
So I finished The Hutt Cartel, And Shadow of Revan and was did Ziost but it never started Knights of the fallen empire. I looked at my mission log and my mission console it's in neither I've asked around and no one else knows anything. can someone help me please :(:(:(:(
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If you go to the chapters (Shift E), you will see which chapters you have already done on that character and on any character. Chapters that are not available to that specific character will be grayed out. And yes, your progression through KotFE is retained. This is just a new way of presenting them to you.


Though there is always the possibility of bugs.

Edited by Dragondog
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