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Invisible Taxi speeder on Rishi and Yavin IV


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There are many that are doing this. Ugh, I cant remember where all I saw them but Im new and pretty low lvl so it was on early planets. Nar Shadda being one for sure as I pointed it out to my husband there. It looked kinda silly flying thru all the buildings on an invis speeder lol. I think I may have seen some on Dromund Kaas and Balmora as well but I cant remember for sure. >.<


Def something that should be looked in to as I THINK it is a patch problem (I only started playing 2 days before the early access patch so I cant be positive).

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When arriving at destination using speeder taxi, the speeder is invisible and looks like you're riding on nothing.

It has done that more or less forever, on the czerka-roadster style ones on planets like Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant. I haven't seen it on speeder-bike types (long narrow ones you ride on top of), nor the big bird things you see on some worlds, nor on the sky hopper types on e.g. Voss or Balmorra. Curiously, I also haven't seen it on the roadster types on Dromund Kaas either.


I think it is to do with flying in zones that aren't on player maps. (Yes, I know, the taxi that crosses the first part of the desert on Rep Tatooine crosses a non-map area, but you can walk there, and it's a speeder-bike as well. Doing that will kill you eventually (long before you could ever reach the other side, although it might be interesting to try it with a fully-boosted Modern Companion in healer mode).)


Going to the Citadel on Dromund Kaas is a special case - it involves flying over an empty space, but it is technically on a player map, just not reachable.

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