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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Question about hoods...


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  • 2 weeks later...

A little insight into 3D modelling here...


Vaylin is not bald when she's wearing the hood because the mesh model for her was specifically designed that way. The hood AND her hair are all one mesh form and rigged to the armature so that they move in tandem with her head/body when she's animated. It's a neat little trick.


Why hasn't this been done before? Why is it that every other hood leaves the Player Character bald when worn? Simple: too many armor sets. The game has far too many armor sets to make a version with hair underneath for each one, especially with customization. So, rather than endure the headache (and probably more expensive in labor hours) option, everyone is bald when they wear a hood... except Vaylin.


No, I don't like being bald when I wear a hood, but having designed some mesh forms for Second Life has taught me a few things about how the process works. I may not like it, but I understand it.

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