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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Instant level 60 for new players is killing the game.


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I really didn't meaningfully learn how to separate what to do when tanking and DPS-ing until I had done several Ops and world bosses. Keeping new subscribers from playing the content they subscribed to play (KotFE) is not going to teach them this. Really there is no way to learn this in game, you need to learn from people.
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The problem is, 99% of the time when you do try to help/teach, they get all insulted and say they know what they are doing, and that e eryone else is bad, not them...

Considering that 99% of the time (number made up, like yours), the person doing the "helping" (and I'm using that word quite incorrectly) is actually just an elitist turd venting because the other person's gear is subpar or their doing things differently (but not necessarily incorrectly) to what the elitist turd is used to.


That's been my experience anyway.


(And, as an aside, I've been tanking in games since the 00's. But I'm sure the aforementioned elitist turds will try to say I suck at it as their counterargument.)

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As a Tank myself, I'd argue that 1-65 isn't going to teach you have to play a Tank, because you can just solo everything.


The Instant Level 60 isn't to blame here, it's the lack of meaningful group content and a willingness to learn how to perform group roles, which goes right throughout the entire game.


I might add that the lack of helpful people is also contributing to the issue. I think if all of us "seasoned" players that have been through these FP's 100 times took the 5 minutes to say "hey, try doing this." the quality of PuG companions would increase.


I am guilty of this too so i am not putting anyone down. I know it is frustrating. Just today we were playing a TFP, I forget the name now, but I went through it on HM like an hour before with a good group. This level 65 kept leaving the area and resetting the battle. We were all yelling at him to stay with the group and he did this like 18 times. We were all so mad at him. But all it took was just a little bit of "hey, stay in this area, do this, and all will be well." we beat it with ease in the next fight.


Rage quitting is not going to make anyone learn their roles quicker nor is it going to make them leave the game. All you did was leave a newbie to ruin another group.


Deep breaths. Use your knowledge to help another player and in turn make GF a better place for everyone.

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The problem is, 99% of the time when you do try to help/teach, they get all insulted and say they know what they are doing, and that e eryone else is bad, not them...


This is why i reguse to run a healer, nor do i pug any of my 5 tanks. Guildies and friends only...


This is why i don't like to play with most randoms and prefer guilds or core group with similar interests.

Its not worth our time to deal with disrespectful and ignorant people ...

Edited by KnightOfTython
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The problem is, 99% of the time when you do try to help/teach, they get all insulted and say they know what they are doing, and that e eryone else is bad, not them...


This is why i reguse to run a healer, nor do i pug any of my 5 tanks. Guildies and friends only...


I guess it depends on how you tried to help. If your version of help was "hey, you are under geared and you are holding us back." That can be insulting.


I find it hard to believe that if you nicely offered suggestions, most of the people wouldn't accept that advice. It is all in how you word your advice that makes the difference.


Getting mad and typing in all caps: LEARN YOUR ROLE!!! will only fuel someone's anger to not accept your advice.

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The problem is, 99% of the time when you do try to help/teach, they get all insulted and say they know what they are doing, and that e eryone else is bad, not them...


This is why i reguse to run a healer, nor do i pug any of my 5 tanks. Guildies and friends only...


Actually the problem is that 99% of these people are morons who can't even play their own class, much less give out competent "advice" to others.


Earlier this afternoon I ran a tactical flashpoint on my 116 sniper. After the second pull the Lv 45 lightning spec tanking sorcerer began to rant at me, stating that when he plays his "65 sniper main" he makes sure that everyones HP always stays full. I swear I'm still trying to figure out how the hell he does that type of healing on a sniper. I can't figure out how to do that, and I have two 65 snipers and three 60 snipers, all with different specs.

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Considering that 99% of the time (number made up, like yours), the person doing the "helping" (and I'm using that word quite incorrectly) is actually just an elitist turd venting because the other person's gear is subpar or their doing things differently (but not necessarily incorrectly) to what the elitist turd is used to.


That's been my experience anyway.


(And, as an aside, I've been tanking in games since the 00's. But I'm sure the aforementioned elitist turds will try to say I suck at it as their counterargument.)


Agreed. When I got people who just yelled that I was crap or tried to boot me out of a HM FP because I misunderstood their communication, that didn't inspire me to get on their good side. When someone said "this is where you find the taunt, if you want to tank you need to get used to using it" I got a lot better.

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