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Remove Lvl 50-65 HM FP, OPS now. Return GF to original state.


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Why do Bioware think that players without the correct skills or gear are capable of doing HM FP at 65, just because they are bolstered is meaningless as most have just created 1 click characters, have no clue how to play them and are now ruining end game content for those of us that have taken the time to gear up and learn these instances.


Most do not even see the minimum requirements of these FP's which is 212 gear rating, I have been in multiple group with players using green 190 gear, are under skilled for the instance itself and do not know there class.....


Please make end game 65 content, 65 content again and leave the bolstering for Tactical's, even allowing lower level's to do those was a massive mistake.


Levels are there for a reason, They are completely meaningless now.....In fact i don't even know why we have them.


These need to be reset as they were, the Weekly is to high now at 0/5, it should remain 0/3, and the rewards are to little for what now are longer and harder Tacs and FP to do. The FP's have become long, painful and a complete luck shot of getting a decent group.


End game content is supposed to be for the players that have achieved that level, not anyone that can click a button once.



Edited by Nippon
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100% agree, for a different reason. I have done endgame, but I prefer the leveling experience and seeing my character grow, learning things as I go. I didn't ask to be flung up to pseudo-65 -.-. Until this is changed I will be unsubbing as Flashpoints were my preferred method of leveling and that's been made pointless now with pseudo-65 and tactical. Thanks Bioware, my tanks give you a one fingered salute.
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100% agree, for a different reason. I have done endgame, but I prefer the leveling experience and seeing my character grow, learning things as I go. I didn't ask to be flung up to pseudo-65 -.-. Until this is changed I will be unsubbing as Flashpoints were my preferred method of leveling and that's been made pointless now with pseudo-65 and tactical. Thanks Bioware, my tanks give you a one fingered salute.


Yep seems we have both been let down with no real thought, what is the point as you say in low level player's being put under pressure to compete in high level instance's, as i said, levels are there for a reason, they are pointless now.


The original leveling process was fine, you gained levels unlocked FP's and ops and you were at the required level to actually do them and benefit from the rewards.


End game is a waste of time now. Dont even get me started on level sync.



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