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Empire PvP/PvE/RP - THE RED ORDER is now recruiting for Knights of the Fallen Empire!


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:wea_03: The Red Order :wea_03:


+ History


The Red Order has been around in one form or another for over 13 years. Founded as a clan in Jedi Knight 2, it created a ferocious reputation that has had made waves in many different games ever since, including SWG, WoW, WAR and SWTOR.

RO is now focusing on SWTOR. With our beginnings in Jedi Knight and then Star Wars Galaxies, we are right at home in the Star Wars universe, bringing our special brand of ruthless Sith dogma and Red Order values.


+ Focus


The Red Order has been together so long because our focus is on our members being truly part of who we are. Though some of us have been together a very long time, we ensure new members fit in as well as any grizzled RO veteran, and constantly look for new worthy acolytes to join our brotherhood. We are a long standing group who prizes an open and welcoming atmosphere amongst each other, and who will enjoy achieving our own special brand of success and renown on the way.


+ Aim


Our aims are as they always have been: to dominate PVP, maintain regular Operation groups and create interesting and involving role-play scenarios both personally and guild-wide. What we want is for every aspect of the game to be some of the best available, be it RP, PVP or PVE, for those who enjoy one in particular or all of it as a whole experience.

Whether you are here as a visitor, a member old or new, or someone who is interested in joining the Red Order, we welcome you.


+ Needs


We are always looking for players who take their role seriously and display and interest for RolePlay, PvE content and PvP content, just one or any combination of these. You should be self motivated, and keen to improve yourself, while being a person with reasonable social skills and common sense. We require you to be a mature person and you should be able to speak english on VoiceCom without being shy.


+ Recruitment process


Recruitment happens in several stages:


1. Visit our website at http://www.theredorder.net and have a look around ( watch our trailer -> here <- ).

2. Post an application using -> this <- form on our website.

3. We will let you know about approval and when we want to invite you.

4. Depending on your activity, mindset and efforts you will be embraced as a true brother or sister of the Order.



P.S. : While we give every application thorough consideration, bear in mind that as a rule of thumb the more your write the better.


So, with this all being said we hope to hear from you soon!

If you have any more questions feel free to leave a reply in this forum thread and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Hail the Order.

Edited by Morda
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Ever vigilant, on the lookout for new brethren to join the Order. Don't wait any further and allow yourself to be captivated and embraced by the eternal brotherhood. Be swept up in the red river and become part of something more than an ordinary guild.


Head to our website http://www.theredorder.net to get more information or find Angokar/Scklar/Tierah/Kheruli ingame for questions!

Edited by IvamAkorahil
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