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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is there a easer way to get Qyzen?


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From Aurek Base, turn left and skirt the edges, go round the back of Talz base to flat part with the big mammoth types friendly creatures as far as the humanoids. You may get 2-3 of the special Worthys. Then back to Aurek and keep to the edges the other direction as far as the entrance to an instance on right. Another 2-3 Worthys along that path.

Then go to Highmount Ridge, kill a few there.


Then change instance.




Or refer to Dulfy for more spawn locations if you want some variety.


Killing WBs may be quicker way to get rep but may take longer to get a group together.

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After WB farming during Conquests,

WB farming through end-game players kills ALL WBs for Lowbies again ...


This is merely just another example of Bioware destroying Low-level content to cater High-level players who donb't care about Low-level players and Newbies anyway.


Give to the rich and take from the poor, that's the way capitalism works. And now it is applied to SWTOR.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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After WB farming during Conquests,

WB farming through end-game players kills ALL WBs for Lowbies again ...


This is merely just another example of Bioware destroying Low-level content to cater High-level players who donb't care about Low-level players and Newbies anyway.

Give to the rich and take from the poor, that's the way capitalism works.


There's a decent point in there but thinking it amounts to catering to high-level players is way off base. Maybe try looking through a lens that doesn't have that 1960s East Berlin True Believer tint. :rolleyes:

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People don't realize this... but on the holo terminal that is right next to Qyzen, there is a guide to where you can find the trophy beasts on Hoth.


Using that, I found the 20 that I needed in about 40 minutes. They always spawn in the same place and they all spawn relatively close to each other. If you just rotate traveling between areas, they will respawn by the time you make it back to the first area.

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