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for Christ's sake, stop yelling SPOILERS at every topic!


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Ok, what's exactly a spoiler? A piece of information about a material ( movie,album,book,game) that has not been released to the public yet.

When it comes to SWTOR, it is rude to invade someone's topic and yell SPOILERS! just because you haven't completed for example the sith inquisitor class story. There is nothing secret about sith inquisitor story, the game was released some time ago so every bit of information is public, therefore not a spoiler.

Let me give you some examples where you cannot call someone an a-hole because he or she posted something you identify as spoiler:

1. forum topic : help, my dashade is missing. ok, you haven't completed the sith inquisitor, so you start yelling " you a-hole,thats a spoiler, i didnt knew that sith inquisitors get a companion named Dashade".

2. forum topic: who do you like more, Ashara or Jaesa? . again, there will be idiots shouting out loud SPOILERS because they are not yet at the level when you get Ashara or Jaesa. not my problem.


Now, let me tell you what should be considered spoiler:

(Not actual spoilers,just examples)


1. " in chapter 10 of KoTFE is revealed that Darth Malgus has a twin brother" - YES, this is a SPOILER and YES, i am an a-hole for spoiling the surprise


And one more thing, if you have no idea who are Ashara,Jaesa,Khem Val, maybe you shouldn't even read the topic if you don't want to find what companions will you get and so on. If you are new to the game, it doesn't mean that every bit of information you are not aware of must be automatically labeled as spoiler.

Edited by CommunityDroidEU
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