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Romance in 4.0 Problem -SPOILER ALERT-


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So I get to the cantina (RIP HK-55) and I choose to have a same sex romance with Theron. (which was my intention)


The companion won't accept courting gifts? Is anyone experiencing this issue?

(I realize this may not be the correct place to put this, but the new customer service "forums" are ... less than optimal. ) :(

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The popup dialogue specifically states "This is the trigger for a romance, are you sure you want to continue?" It does not say "you and [NPC name] are now in a relationship." What the dialogue box is saying is that by taking that flirt option, your character and that NPC are on the road to a romance.




But otherwise, it does seem a bit weird that you cannot give courting gifts. It could be a bug, it could be the devs trying to be clever with Theron's personality. It could also be a bug for a completely different reason: If you start the Star Fortress quest chain, you lose Theron as a companion until you complete it.



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