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Holy effing plot-holes batman


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At this moment, I think there there is not enough information to form a conclusion regarding the Emperor (which I know is obvious, but still).


I mean, even when we knew him as Vitiate, the guy was still very much enigmatic. We had no empirical evidence as to the limits of his power, or pretty much any other aspect of him. For instance, on Ziost I FULLY believed our actions made a difference in some way... then yeah, stuff happened and I was proved woefully incorrect.


It really doesn't matter is Valkorion is his 'real' body or not, to the Emperor its almost semantics. What matters is the why of it which I think somewhat determined by examining when things happened.

The following isn't necessarily 100% accurate but whatever... its close enough:


1) Sith Empire is rebuilt

2) Empire of Zakuul is being built (Emperors real focus now)

3) Sith Empire Returns (Revan does his mind game stuff with the Emperor)

4) Class story stuff (Sith Emperor really stops caring about the Empire and resumes his empire building in Zakuul)

5) Emperor is disappointed in pretty much everything he's created (Including his sons ala KOTFE Trailer)

6) SOR happens

7) Emperor says !@#% it I'm eating this stupid galaxy and living elsewhere

8) Ziost happens, and -we- peek the Emperors interest

9) Emperor has a new project and orchestrates events to lead us into Zakuul space (Trailers)



I really don't think the Emperor cares to much about ruling the Galaxy anymore. He seems beyond 'petty' goals like that now, instead it seems like he is more interested in how people interact with one another (but especially the outlander). This is evident in pretty much every conversation you have with him in the expansion... from our interactions with Senya, to how we handle his offers of power. He keeps saying how we are not bound to destiny etc, and I think he views us as a kindred spirit or such thing.


Or I'm completely wrong. This is all conjecture anyhow...


Don't be fooled by the flattery, it is merely deception. See Palpatine and Anakin, it all started by being "sympathetic" and telling him how much better than anyone else he is. :)



In chapter 2 near the end dialogs with Valkorion choose option 1 which is to something along the lines "help you gain back the etarnal throne" and see Valkroion's expression to this. :)


Edited by MusicRider
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4) Class story stuff (Sith Emperor really stops caring about the Empire and resumes his empire building in Zakuul)

Not so fast. In sith warrior class story, Emperor is stuck in the body of then-current Voice (a Voss male) because of the dark side entity Sel-Makor. Sel-Makor and Emperor fight for the control of the body, and have reached a stalemate.


Wrath frees the emperor by slaying the body of the voice. To our knowledge emperor then moves to the body that is eventually slain by jedi knight.


What I'm saying that you cant dismiss the events happening in the empire quite so quickly. :p At least in my opinion. I have a hard time imagining events in empire and Zakuul could have happened simultaneously unless the emperor was really in two places at once.

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Not so fast. In sith warrior class story, Emperor is stuck in the body of then-current Voice (a Voss male) because of the dark side entity Sel-Makor. Sel-Makor and Emperor fight for the control of the body, and have reached a stalemate.


Wrath frees the emperor by slaying the body of the voice. To our knowledge emperor then moves to the body that is eventually slain by jedi knight.


What I'm saying that you cant dismiss the events happening in the empire quite so quickly. :p At least in my opinion. I have a hard time imagining events in empire and Zakuul could have happened simultaneously unless the emperor was really in two places at once.


Well, I don't want to downplay any class stories impact on the game. However, the scope of the Emperor's power is almost a hypothetical limit at this point. With that in mind...

do we know that he was fully trapped on Voss? It could have technically just been that portion of his spirit/soul/will or what have you (similar to the emperor's children). That's not to say that it killing the Voice on Voss wasn't important,

perhaps the Emperor was able to gain a substantial amount of power back and continue his plans with more alacrity.


Also, do we know the duration? There are no real timelines, so the time he spent trapped on Voss could have been of little consequence, or it could have been long enough to explain both his 'distant nature' to both the Sith Empire and Zakuul.


I personally believe the Emperor to be powerful enough to be in more than one location at a time.

I mean the guy was able to kill a planet, as a ghost. Which is insane. He was also able to possess a metaphoric tonne of unwilling people, some of them 'powerful' Jedi...

If Jedi could ever be called that =)

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Well, I don't want to downplay any class stories impact on the game. However, the scope of the Emperor's power is almost a hypothetical limit at this point. With that in mind...

do we know that he was fully trapped on Voss? It could have technically just been that portion of his spirit/soul/will or what have you (similar to the emperor's children). That's not to say that it killing the Voice on Voss wasn't important,

perhaps the Emperor was able to gain a substantial amount of power back and continue his plans with more alacrity.


Also, do we know the duration? There are no real timelines, so the time he spent trapped on Voss could have been of little consequence, or it could have been long enough to explain both his 'distant nature' to both the Sith Empire and Zakuul.


I personally believe the Emperor to be powerful enough to be in more than one location at a time.

I mean the guy was able to kill a planet, as a ghost. Which is insane. He was also able to possess a metaphoric tonne of unwilling people, some of them 'powerful' Jedi...

If Jedi could ever be called that =)


It is said by another representation of the Emperor directly, by his Hand, that Emperor's focus point can't leave Voss untill his trapped Voice is slain. That he can't create another Voice. Yea, there are chances Hand was bull******* Wrath. But it's pretty convincing.


Otherwise, what was even the point of recruiting Wrath to get rid of Baras? He could have simply created new Voice and wipe him out himself. Why did he even bother with Baras, if he was giving up on Sith Empire?


Damn, those holes keep coming

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The Consular story also is related as the Children of the Emperor also contain a tiny part of the Emperor (yes Voldermort is the Emperor). Exposing the First Son and the other Children has weakened the Emperor significantly. One of the key reasons that the Knight was able to defeat the Voice as his final battle story happens after the end of the Consular's story.
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Otherwise, what was even the point of recruiting Wrath to get rid of Baras? He could have simply created new Voice and wipe him out himself. Why did he even bother with Baras, if he was giving up on Sith Empire?


Baras was never a voice. Baras was just bull****ting the dark council by claiming to be one. Emperors hands want you to get rid of Baras while the emperor recuperates from the events on Voss.


do we know that he was fully trapped on Voss? It could have technically just been that portion of his spirit/soul/will or what have you (similar to the emperor's children). That's not to say that it killing the Voice on Voss wasn't important,

perhaps the Emperor was able to gain a substantial amount of power back and continue his plans with more alacrity.


Inasmuch as we can believe anything any of the game NPCs tell us. Sure maybe he wasn't but then we can't trust anything at all.

It is emperor HIMSELF that Wrath talks to on Voss. The voice is just a conduit.


"These petty conflicts mean nothing. The concerns of this galaxy are meaningless. Once I ascend, all will be tranquil in this galaxy. It is my promise to you. Now, strike!" - The emperor



ps. Lets not forget that there has been a third voice (Baras never was one), that was depicted in the "blood of the empire" comic that was released shortly before SWTOR launched. The events in that comic take place few decades(?) before events of SWTOR.

Edited by Karkais
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It is said by another representation of the Emperor directly, by his Hand, that Emperor's focus point can't leave Voss untill his trapped Voice is slain. That he can't create another Voice. Yea, there are chances Hand was bull******* Wrath. But it's pretty convincing.


Otherwise, what was even the point of recruiting Wrath to get rid of Baras? He could have simply created new Voice and wipe him out himself. Why did he even bother with Baras, if he was giving up on Sith Empire?


Damn, those holes keep coming


The Consular story also is related as the Children of the Emperor also contain a tiny part of the Emperor (yes Voldermort is the Emperor). Exposing the First Son and the other Children has weakened the Emperor significantly. One of the key reasons that the Knight was able to defeat the Voice as his final battle story happens after the end of the Consular's story.


I'm positive the Hand was lying the entire time, or at least withholding significant truths from the Wrath. While I believe that the Voice being trapped on Voss was detrimental to the Emperor's plans due to a significant portion of his power being invested there(focus), that did not prevent him from furthering his agenda via his dozens of other meat puppets. These meat puppets though, might not have had the sufficient strength to dispose of Baras themselves hence the need for the Wrath to clean house (and save the Dark Side cookies).


However, after the defeat of the Voice by the Wrath, the Children, and the Voice(?) yet again by the JK, his ability to influence what was occurring in the Sith Empire was reduced, either due to him being weakened (maybe not physically), or simply running out of pawns to play the game.


At this point, I believe he focused on Zakuul entirely, until the events in SOR take place (wherein he is just over this galaxy and wants to consume it all, until we come along and pique his curiosity). The Rise of the Dreadmasters also ties into this, when they talk about the 'Emperor's absence' almost immediately after the main story line (Explosive Conflict).


In essence, the class story quests still influence the grand scheme of the galaxy (with the Imperial Agent still stealing the show :cool: ).

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*possible spoilers*


The emperor... who the hell did you defeat as the knight at the end of the class quest if he's been at Zakuul?? Why does he need Yavin 4 if he's already corporeal? I mean, I could go on and on... *** BIOWARE.



so much funny in this post, I have to reply.



Vitiate before you scream plot hole, learn his history.


A good start, for people not paying attention to ingame dialog.


To put it in a simple terms.


5000 BBY ~ 1300 years ago: A Sith lord became emperor, lost a war with the republic, murdered a world to become immortal, and moved the remains of the Sith Empire out of view of the Republic.


3954 BBY ~ 254 years ago: Revan sought to confront the hidden Sith Empire, he was captured by the Emperor.


Sometime in the past, at least a couple of hundred years ago, He split his soul in two, one part of him became the 'Voice' which ruled the Empire, the physical part of him created the Zakuul Empire.


~5 years ago, you confront his 'Voice' on Ziost, he then kills that world and vanishes into wild space, a mixed fleet of Imperial and Republic forces then pursues him deep into uncharted Wild space.


Basically, no plot holes, you just missed the big subtext, You only previously dealt with 'The Voice of the Emperor'.

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I'm suprised no has mentioned kira meeting with a child of the emperor, they where confused when the emperor died, they are linked to him, they where getting commands from him but they were confusing

Emperor's essence

The position of Voice of the Emperor is a major plot point in Act III of the Sith Warrior class in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic, released by BioWare and LucasArts in 2011,[8] where the Emperor is voiced by Doug Bradley.[17] The player's master, Darth Baras, betrays his apprentice at the beginning of Act III as he attempts to proclaim himself Voice, and the Emperor's Hand appoints the player as the new Emperor's Wrath.[1] After eliminating Baras' sister Darth Ekkage on Belsavis,[18] the player searches for and finally locates the true Voice on Voss, which they must battle when Sel-Makor takes control of the body. After defeating Sel-Makor, the Wrath kills the Voice at the Emperor's command, freeing his essence and allowing him to take on a new Voice—the Human male that Jedi Knight players encounters in "Doomsday," their Act III finale.[9]


The Emperor's Voice is ultimately killed by the Jedi Knight during their battle,[9] though it is only revealed later in a message to the Emperor's Wrath that the Emperor's essence did in fact survive. Servant One of the Emperor's Hand explains to Sith Warrior players that the Emperor returned to his true body and entered into a deep slumber in order to heal from the damage inflicted by the Knight during their fight, thereby eliminating the need for a Voice at that time.


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So, can somebody explain to me, how he went from "I want to devour galaxy, become immortal and forever travel universe" (which was pretty awesome goal for your tipical bad guy) to "I have 2 sons and doughter, and want to build perfect society". It's safe to assume that it's Valkoiron we confront as Knight, and everything he says to us doesn't fall in line with his KotFE behavior.


He met GEMINI. GEMNI is important

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