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Character stuck every time i start the game.


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Hi. After the last patch my character is stuck every time i load the game. All i can do is jump and turn around in circles, but i am unable to move in any directions. Luckily the fast travel works and i can walk after i transport to a different place. Is this a known problem?
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it's astonishingly insulting that this problem bears no mentioning in the "known issues" sticky. i was sure i couldn't be the only account experiencing it - the odds would be ridiculous.

however, it's even worse for me. so far only two of my (>30 across 3 servers) characters will finish loading; the rest time out after the load progress sits at ~92% for however long it takes to time out. five days of this now.


and you say you can jump and use quick travel? lucky bastard :p all i can do (with either mouse or keyboard) is turn back and forth, adjust the camera, and call up the map and menus. can't jump; ALL quickbar buttons are shadowed and any attempt to use abilities gets a "Not ready yet". tried resetting keybindings, doesn't make any difference. the UI is behaving perfectly normally, the pointer icon changes when it hovers over objects, other characters etc. but my characters cannot do anything (outside of the chatbox).

and of course 'stuck' solves absolutely none of this, though i'm sure it's the first thing a csr checks if someone with this issue waits long enough to get a response ...


so i think "okay, maybe they still have bugs to iron out with all of the conversion of equipment, crafting mats, companions, blah blah blah ... i'll just make a brand new character." and 24 hours after attempting this for the first time since patch 4, Character Creation continues to be NON-FUNCTIONAL. can't even pick a freaking faction.


i wish this were a joke. how the hell does something this gamebreaking slip past alpha testing?

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