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KotFE Bug: Missing Ship Droids in Alliance


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Okay, I've come across an interesting bug that I think can be replicated. I have a tendency to break things.


So I got my Nico Okarr companion through in-game mail. After summoning him, I noticed that I could "Travel to Companion" using the Companions page.

This brought me to Odessen before I even started chapter I of Knights of the Fallen Empire.

I noticed that there were two quests available, belonging to C2N2 and 2VR8. I talked to them, and they reacted to me as if I finished the KotFE storyline up to Chapter IX already(referencing 5 years etc). I proceeded to recruit them and this worked.


However, when I started KotFE, I lost both droids(same as my other companions. I have since played through it, and now, it seems that I can no longer recruit either droid, so I'm stuck without them.


This is most likely something that can be recreated. So hopefully this bug is fixed! Don't allow players to teleport to Odessen before starting KotFE!

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I have the exact same issue! I wrote out a ticket and the ticket failed for some reason! Hopefully this will get resolved, I don't like that I am receiving affection for c2 and not having him available :(. I did the events in the order you described as well, but I was also unable to get nico okaar at that time. Edited by Lavaar
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