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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[BUG] Torian Cadera vanished ...


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I was honestly hoping the fix for the IA would inadvertently fix it for the other classes having the problem. Sad. =/ Honestly, instead of all the generic responses to bug tickets and the like, a simple "We know and are working on it" would actually make me feel a bit better about the whole debacle. Or even a stealth update to the "known issues" sticky.


One day, one day, I will be able to play my BH again.


Some day...

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a recurring bug affecting all bounty hunters made ​​it impossible for us to use the partner Torian Cadera.


After I sent you several messages, you still did not clearly acknowledge receipt of this bug affecting the core of the game.


Instead, I have only received automatic messages.


I demand, as a suscriber, that you confirm me that this bug is being known and treated by your teams for a fix as quickly as possible, otherwise I'll stop both of my subscriptions to your game, probably permanently.


Having to solve a bug can take time. That I can understand. But clearly and simply tell your clients / players that the problem is known and being processed is - it seems to me - , the very least you could do.


(translated from french)


Sent today, november 4th. Last chance.

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It's interesting that he doesn't appear on the ship or on the Companions & Contacts list and the Crew Skills list that he does appear in the BH storyline quests when you use the ships intercom. Edited by britehawk
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Well, now I feel silly. Cancelled my subscription stating that I would not be back until they fixed it or aknowleged it. But, that aknowlegement is so basic and after waiting so many days and submitting so many tickets, it falls a little short.

I was going to cancel anyways so I can play Fallout 4 when it comes out and the possibly resub once I get bored of that.

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Well, now I feel silly. Cancelled my subscription stating that I would not be back until they fixed it or aknowleged it. But, that aknowlegement is so basic and after waiting so many days and submitting so many tickets, it falls a little short.

I was going to cancel anyways so I can play Fallout 4 when it comes out and the possibly resub once I get bored of that.


Even if it is basic, they acknowledged it at least, which is better than before. Plus in the list of bug reports, they specifically mention Torian.


Numerous issues with Companions being granted properly are being investigated. Ex: Torian, Xalek, Scorpio.
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Even if it is basic, they acknowledged it at least, which is better than before. Plus in the list of bug reports, they specifically mention Torian.


I mean more along the lines of sorry we ignored you. The orginal patch happened on the 22nd, and they finally get around to an aknowlegement on the 4th. Thats two weeks of customers calling customer service, and submitting tickets, and emailing them. Also, two weeks where I couldn't play my character (that again I was paying to play). In that time they fixed the Imperial Agent having basically the same issue, and a bunch of minor non game breaking bugs. I am a very calm person, but it was downright infuriating to take time to craft a bug report/CS ticket/email etc. and get a generic response that didn't actually address my issue. But, as long as 4.0.2 comes soonish, everything will be alright.

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I just ran into this today. Its interesting that its been going on so long.


Does Torian play a specific part in finishing the bh class mission storyline? If not then his absence, while annoying, is not going to be an issue for me. Between Mako and Nico, my bh has enough running buddies.


Still, id like him when the bug is fixed.

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My story is similar. Before KotFE uploaded, I had finished tracking the target down and captured him, but had not yet finished the mission. After KotFE, imagine my surprise to see I had to repeat the entire final stages of the mission again. So I went to all the places again, found the clues again, tracked him to his hideout again and captured him..again. Then I met up with the Mandos on the space station turned him over and formally took on Torian as a member of the crew. Then... no trace of him at all.


And yeah, I'm a female hunter with whom Mako is trying to start a romantic conversation option.


Can't wait till these bugs are ironed out. My BH is on hold for now. Quesh can wait.

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I just ran into this today. Its interesting that its been going on so long.


Does Torian play a specific part in finishing the bh class mission storyline? If not then his absence, while annoying, is not going to be an issue for me. Between Mako and Nico, my bh has enough running buddies.


Still, id like him when the bug is fixed.


I believe the main issue is that not everyone has finished Torian's companion questline, and maxed out his influence. From what I have heard, without any spoilers, it is important to have all companion quests finished before starting KoTFE, if you intend to do them.


If you don't care about that aspect of the game, then yeah, play on :D

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I lost him today as soon as he was on my ship, I talked to him and then talked to mako, got the bugged quest that shows no info. went to Illium to get him a new look and it said I wasn't able to purchase it. So I checked my log, he isn't listed there anymore, not even in the bottom of the list where they usually put companions that are unavailable, due to injury or whatnot. Apparently Mako has a crush on him even though he isn't there, and he shows up to some intercom meetings.. LOL.
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I just ran into this today. Its interesting that its been going on so long.


Does Torian play a specific part in finishing the bh class mission storyline? If not then his absence, while annoying, is not going to be an issue for me. Between Mako and Nico, my bh has enough running buddies.


Still, id like him when the bug is fixed.


Yes, he is the only romanceable option for female Bounty Hunters in the original content. Then, there are also the legacy achievements/bonuses tied to the original companions.

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Right after Belsavis i had to save Torian.


it was then, the first time, i was even able to summon him.

Right after that and afew conversations with him, Torian was gone completly.

He snot on the ship and does not apear anywhere else.

Now i , off course, have googled for a soulution. But i found only this... https://www.reddit.com/r/swtor/comments/3q3tlq/torian_went_missing_not_due_to_kotfe/.

Did you actualy test that update before unleashing it on us???:rak_01::mad::mad:

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Yes same issue. It's pretty game breaking if you intended to romance him as a female BH, as perusing conversations with Mako suggests that you either weren't interested or it didn't work out. I'm especially peeved about this as I just was able to continue playing the character I subscribed to play. I had the bug that meant your story mission was wiped... took two weeks for the developers to reply to my ticket and fix. How long do I have to wait now? Such a waste of money, and they thought throwing a couple of exp. boosts at me would be compensation. Been subscribed for 4 weeks or something now, played 1 before launch and about 2 hours since on this character. It's so expensive with the AUS dollar rate as well, I don't subscribe continuously because of it and now this.... AGGGHH
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I also lost Torian. After the first conversation mission completed I left my ship for Quesh and he disappeared completely.


I was able to re-acquire him during a later class mission where he was captured during "No Strings Attached," only to disappear again after updating his conversation missions.


On a side note the same thing happened on my Jedi Consular with Zenith. After finishing Balmora he was just not there at all.


Still waiting on ticket responses on both cases. :(

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