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No pants?!


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After the new expansion and then the first patch I decided to log on my agent first, spawning at my Tatooine Homestead. And getting bombarded by 27 mails. .. No problem. I read that new companion gearing protocols and changes to crafting would make this happen. I spent a few minutes tidying and organizing. (That's what agents do, you'd know this if you read Imperial Entanglements) Then I ported to my ship to see where the new mission/storyline starts and realized, all my companions are pantsless. What? How? The last time this kind of thing happened a bunch of guys on Galaxies were punking some noobs by taking them into space and then stripping down to their skivvies. But I don't think my companions ever heard about that.

Has anyone else had this happen? I have yet to check my other characters' companions to see if this is across all classes, factions, etc. and I haven't seen anyone else mention having this particular problem. So please let me know if you've experienced this? I am editing to clarify that the pants were in the inventory; not lost to stardust or spaceballs.

Edited by msanthrope
pants are in the inventory...
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Working as working.

Their pants are either in your inventory or your mail so just re-equip them all and you're good to go.


Or, as the Brits would say: Get pants and carry on.


Not that easy when you spent 1M+ on a single pant just to pimp your favourite comp, however, i didn't know about the pants being in my inventory,i'll check it.

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We write it off as a bug now. When Chapter 10 hits, and opens with a cutscene of

Satele and Ghost Marr

sitting at their campfire giggling to each other, and the camera pans out to reveal the entire field full of stolen pants they liberated from starships across the galaxy before running away to lurk, then, the truth will be revealed... along with understanding of just why Arcann and Thexan

felt it necessary to go torch Empire and Republic for revenge in the first place.

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You want to know the best part about this? They're never going to fix it. Why bother? Almost everyone who's been affected by it have redressed their companions so there's no need to code everyone's pants back on. There hasn't been any gear loss. New players are never going to know about it. But every so often, someone who left the game before 4.0 is going to come back. They are going to load up there characters and have absolutely know clue why all of his companions are missing their pants.


A year from now we are going to see people asking why all their companions are missing their pants. :D The best ones are going to be like: "I just came after a long break and somebody hacked my characters while I was away. I haven't figured out what they took yet but they took off all my companions pants for some reason."

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I think we did lose gear. The pants that were on the companion were lost. The pants you got mailed to you were the original ones they had at creation. Not a problem for me as all my companions were in collection pieces as far as I know. And let's face it, if I can't remember then it can't have been that important. But quite a few did indeed lose their pants permanently. Twice. The same thing happened after the mini patch.


What I'm finding more freaky though is Vector is talking with Kaliyo's voice in combat on one of my Ops... didn't check the others. But that combined with the no pants is just creeping me out.

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